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General Sargas Ruk | What Am I Doing Wrong?



Today, I decided to try Tethys (solo). It took me 20-25 minutes to reach Sargas only to get incredibly frustrated because I couldn't kill him

I cleaned everything in the room, I made sure to not confront him until he was alone (at this point I had 4 revives). I cleared the entire level with my gun (Lato rank 8) so that I could use all of my rifle ammo (MK1-Braton rank 12) on him.

I tried at first to shoot him with the lato, completly useless, he regenerated his shield faster than I brought it down, I fell back, regenerated my shield (he destroyed my shield and 80% of my hp in less than 12 secons), and I started to shoot him with the rifle, I was loosing my shields and hp very fastt, but I was bringing his shields down faster. That didn't helped at all since it took me around 300 bullets to bring him to half of his hp. Needless to say, after losing my rifle ammo and with about 20 lato bullets, I was screwed. I lost all of my 4 revives trying to bring him down with my sword (cronus rank 4) and with my skills, nothing.

The description for Tethys said levels 4-11, my excalibur is rank 15, I thought that I could do it, I was wrong. I don't want to do it with others because I'm greedy (because I'm lacking good weapons mostly). Should I visit Tethys when I'm a higher level? If that is the case, I don't know how I'm ever going to do the higher level bosses....

Tell me, what am I doing wrong, other than not buying platinum?

Stats: 200 hp, 228 shields.

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23 answers to this question

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^^ That ^^

Also, Platinum, at that stage, has little difference.

Platinum doesn't give you anything you can't already get yourself without it. (aside from slot upgrades and shortcuts)

As Excalibur, you start off with one of the most incredibly OP niche skills in the game. (SlashN'Dash)

Why not try a public squad/party/group or something?

Loot is instanced and everyone gets their own loot regardless.

All bosses are easier with help.

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1: Abuse Slash Dash, it can hit multiple times, and I've gotten it to do up to 1200 damage in one go on bosses. I tend to use it after I get their initial shields down.

2: Get a Braton - it's better than the Mk. 1. It's a direct upgrade that is functionally the same, but does more damage and has a higher rate of fire. The weapon is very strong and you can use it into the endgame

3: Buy Rifle Ammo Boxes (At least 2, preferrably up to 6-8, they're like 1K credits a piece and restore your max ammo (500), and they're very important/helpful when soloing bosses.

Consumables help a lot (heals and ammo boxes especially).

Why are you trying to solo Sargas Ruk anyway? Ember parts I guess? I see you mentioned you're "greedy" - I don't understand. Affinty (xp/EXP) is boosted in a group, not divided. Drops are also all shared. Mods, components, and blueprints can be picked up by all players. Credit pickups are automatically shared! You should be fine solo if you follow the above tips, but it's a lot easier in a group.

Edited by Volume
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I hit a brick wall of difficulty where I simply could not proceed, until I ditched my MK1 and got the Strun. Now, everything is pathetic and as a Loki, I can finally deal high damage. I soloed TWO pluto missions with only four revives. That's how pathetic enemies have become.

You definitely should replace your gun.

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Loot is instanced and everyone gets their own loot regardless.

I didn't know that. I'm kind of a newbie at warframe.

3: Buy Rifle Ammo Boxes (At least 2, preferrably up to 6-8, they're like 1K credits a piece and restore your max ammo (500), and they're very important/helpful when soloing bosses.

I see you mentioned you're "greedy" - I don't understand. Affinty (xp/EXP) is boosted in a group, not divided. Drops are also all shared.

I didn't know that or that (ammo boxes) and you can't understand because you aren't a noob like me:).

Thanks for the huge help guys, really thanks. This is definitely going to make the game easier.

I just bought the Braton and it's a big difference, it really makes the game easier (especially the ammo boxes since I hate using Lato).

One last question, any recommendations for what gun should I use instead of Lato?

Edited by Kohira
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The best pistols available right now are Akbolto, Lex, and Bronco. If you want a pistol for lining up long range shots, go with the Lex. If you want something to mutilate targets short range, go with Bronco (although you say you have Strun, so complementing Strun with Bronco wouldn't make much sense). Akbolto is unique in that it is the only pistol that passively ignores armor (sans the single Bolto). The missle speed of Akbolto is also slower, so you need to line up your shots more carefully. Still, the Akboltos is generally very strong, and is probably the most well rounded pistol in the game.

Sicarus, Furis/Afuris, and Lato/Aklato, in my experience, are vastly inferior to the abovementioned options.

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For sidearms, as suggested the Akbolto are extremely good. However, they're a real pain to get if you don't want to pay for any platinum - you have to get the blueprints for 2 normal boltos, which in turn require 2 normal latos and some extra materials, and then you have to buy the blueprints for the Akbolto and craft those two together with an Orokin Cell. This will set you back several thousand credits, and it takes a while to build all the parts too.

If you're willing to put up with that, then by all means go ahead. But for now, Lex, Bronco and maybe even Aklato if you're cheap will take you a long way. Aklato is pretty much a Lato that fires as fast as you can click - much better than the original.

Edited by Azba
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Word of warning.

When we say loot is shared or you get your own loot regardless, you STILL HAVE TO PICK IT UP YOURSELF.

It always drops in the same place for everyone, but you have to pick it up.

Usually, people will mark(G+crosshair aim) objects worth picking up to notify the squad.


What's wrong with Lex.

It's sick.

I can run around 1hitting stuff with multishot from all the way across a room.

Don't even need headshots most of the time.

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What's wrong with Lex.

It's sick.

I can run around 1hitting stuff with multishot from all the way across a room.

Don't even need headshots most of the time.

I wasn't complaining about Lex. I was just saying that both it and Bronco are worth buying and take a lot less effort to obtain than Akbolto. Aklato was what I was referring to as "cheap" because, well, it's inexpensive.

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Hadn't seen anyone else mention this yet in the thread, but about this particular boss:

Sargas uses his own 'bullet attractor' on you. If you see something surrounding you, stop shooting immediately because you are only shooting yourself. This is pretty serious at later levels with powerful weapons, so just be aware!

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The only tip I can give you is try to pair up with other people. Trying to solo a boss when you're new to the game isn't a very smart idea. Your gun probably only does like 7 - 10 damage per hit. Not to mention you don't have enough ammo to keep the boss shield down while getting his hp down at the same time. This can always be solved by buying a lot of ammo pack. However if you don't have enough ammo per clip to do decent damage to his hp then you're pretty much wasting your time. Unless you want to straight up melee him.

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also apart of the suggestions from the others try to get the braton vandal which his dmg, presition and fire rate can compete with the boltor and even the gorgon and just cost 1 ceedit (try to grab that weapon because will be only available during this OB weekend)

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Imagine my surprise when I met him holding a Snipertron and the two shot heavy damage sidearm, with a heat dagger as a weapon... Well the snipetron does nice damage, I can get his shields down and do two shots to his head before reloading, but that only got him to half health before running completely out of ammo. I switched to my sidearm and couldn't even get through his shield with that. I tried using invis followed by disarm to chain stab his buttocks, but that only got me to 1/4. I lost all 4 of my daily revives on him... SO... I guess i'll go farm other areas until I can afford faster weapons to chew through that shield. Too bad it takes so long to switch weapons that his sheild fully regens before I can get off the next shot.

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For one thing, it is always a bad idea to use a long range gun on bosses with shields.

Yeah, well coming from my stance I am in a place where I could afford one long gun and one hand gun, I got the two that fit my playstyle the most. I was unaware that they would be useless against some bosses. I switched back to the base guns and it was even worse, i got nowhere near where I did with my stronger weapons. The only way to resolve this is to have some more lower level guns that can be bought with in game currency instead of real money. As it stands until character level 2 you can't really buy anything except for the base guns. Past that point you get some options, but there is nothing indicating otherwise.

It is stuff like this that will cause new players to quit. In total that is about 20$ worth of gear that doesn't work on bosses. On top of that, it sucks for players that don't like full auto. Of course I compounded my difficulties by choosing Loki as my base frame. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret Loki, I love him 90% of the time, but that other 5% I wish I had a heavier frame.

To really be fair all content should be doable with all loadouts, albeit with easier/greater difficulty. If you were able to solo your way to that point using said gear, that gear should be sufficent to get past that point. Difficult, sure, but not impossible (although I don't think my current load out is impossible, I just need more ammo in my gear slots).

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Yeah, well coming from my stance I am in a place where I could afford one long gun and one hand gun, I got the two that fit my playstyle the most. I was unaware that they would be useless against some bosses. I switched back to the base guns and it was even worse, i got nowhere near where I did with my stronger weapons. The only way to resolve this is to have some more lower level guns that can be bought with in game currency instead of real money. As it stands until character level 2 you can't really buy anything except for the base guns. Past that point you get some options, but there is nothing indicating otherwise.

It is stuff like this that will cause new players to quit. In total that is about 20$ worth of gear that doesn't work on bosses. On top of that, it sucks for players that don't like full auto. Of course I compounded my difficulties by choosing Loki as my base frame. Don't get me wrong, I don't regret Loki, I love him 90% of the time, but that other 5% I wish I had a heavier frame.

To really be fair all content should be doable with all loadouts, albeit with easier/greater difficulty. If you were able to solo your way to that point using said gear, that gear should be sufficent to get past that point. Difficult, sure, but not impossible (although I don't think my current load out is impossible, I just need more ammo in my gear slots).

No you're doing it wrong...

I'd assume that you didnt buy any other primary except the snipetron. But the thing with snipetron, is that its considered very bad due to ammo limitations.

First of all, you need to get rid of your MK1 braton. Get some other gun, even the braton would be better. You can keep your snipetron but if you wanna fight bosses you better do a multiplayer unless you're not sniping.

All guns can be bought with ingame credit. Plus since you are a loki, you would probably be better off with a strun at this point. Loki is by far the one of the fastest frames and a shotgun would fit him quite well. Getting to rank 2 isnt very hard either, you need to play a little more.

Either ways, the game is still not very balanced for solo play and you're always recommended to either out level the content or play in a group.

The boss is actually very easy if you have a teammate or 2.

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I am aware now that I am doing it wrong, but there is no warning that these guns are bad. Now I feel as though I wasted $20 buying weapons to suit my playstyle. I also feel like the game will not be rewarding me for playing the way I want to play, but for playing the way I am told to play. This isn't likely to keep many players around (its beta though so I'm not going to forsake the game over one minor annoyance). This is part of what I see to be wrong with the game.

Thanks for the advice though, I will take it to heart and work on your suggestions. I will try the shotgun, but what do you reccomend as a sidearm? The bolt gun that can root people?

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