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A suggestion for Nyx's Survivability


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So far I'm loving the Nyx rework. She used to be my favorite frame in the game until she was kind of made obsolete by a lot of frames who do her job better. However, I think she has a major problem with survivability. She's too power-hungry for how squishy she is. An easy solution to this would be giving her some way to regenerate health and/or energy (preferably one or the other, as doing both has the potential to make things a bit too easy IMO) and maybe giving her a few more i-frames after canceling absorb since being stuck in an animation makes her an easy kill. Like, for example, killing enemies affected by Psychic Bolts could drop health and/or energy orbs like Nezha's Blazing Chakram. I don't think a frame should be required to rely on another for basic survivability, and Nyx almost has to since she's paper thin with no recovery options. Absorb is also not nearly strong enough to deal with the enemies hitting her since most factions do damage types they're resistant to if they even happen to still be in range when the ability ends, which they often aren't. Even with that, my biggest gripe with it is still the lack of recovery options for how squishy she is.

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Let her be able to walk during her 4th ability(no augment)

Let her be able to move freely during her 4th abilty (with augment), without the absorbing and redirecting damage mechanic 

Fix her first ability mind controlled target to be less retarded and follow nyx properly 

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