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September 12Th: Community Hot Topics!


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Lo primero, buenos dias, ahora al lio. Gracias desarrolladores de warframe por jodeerme un pc que tansolo tenia 1 mes, el pc es la hostia pèro no se xque cada vez que me emto en una mision de orokin derelict de cualquier tipo, se cala el pc, y no soy el unico, hay muchisima mas gente que le pasa lo mismo.


muchas gracias por estafarme con 22€ que puse de manera estupida, en el caso de que no lo arregleis, e echo un foro con el animo de los jugadores con el mismo problema que tenemos, con el fin de tomar medidas legales por estafa, ya que somos muchos los que hemos comprado platinos.


salu2 y gracias por su "atencion" si esque alguien lee esto.

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Lo primero, buenos dias, ahora al lio. Gracias desarrolladores de warframe por jodeerme un pc que tansolo tenia 1 mes, el pc es la hostia pèro no se xque cada vez que me emto en una mision de orokin derelict de cualquier tipo, se cala el pc, y no soy el unico, hay muchisima mas gente que le pasa lo mismo.


muchas gracias por estafarme con 22€ que puse de manera estupida, en el caso de que no lo arregleis, e echo un foro con el animo de los jugadores con el mismo problema que tenemos, con el fin de tomar medidas legales por estafa, ya que somos muchos los que hemos comprado platinos.


salu2 y gracias por su "atencion" si esque alguien lee esto.


Postealo en la parte de support y si es posible en ingles por que sino no te van a dar importancia.

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having recently unlocked Ember, I have 2 suggestions for how to buff her fairly:

1) Buff overheat to stagger enemies within its radius, this will add some CC and suvivability without making her a godlike tank and makes melee focused builds very desirable

2) Buff the duration of WoF. cuurently its a little underpowered for an ultimate and we want to give users a reason for preferring it to fireblast in some situations. (also someone mentioned to me that there might be a target limit, if this is the case, the target limit should be removed, no other ultimate has this weakness) 

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Apart from the usual hicupps, the last update and it's patches brought many nice things altough I still feel it's lacking.


We got a new area that can only be accessed via keys but the rewards from that area are nonexistent - you go there to get keys for the area's boss, who can drop the new frame. That's it. So here I wonder, if the area is practically is the same as any other area only harder to get there. Not even more rewarding or anything - actually the new frame has some problems with balancing (power compared to others, like it's über is practically a weakened Chaos from Nyx...). Oh and the clan-resource, mutagene sample got taken from us and can only be found in the new area while the other clan-resources are normally found as before. This feels forced as a means to make players play the new Derelict area.


I for one think that this makes this area a new Void making it practically void of players after they've gotten all prime/frame/research stuff. The researches can be lengthened and new primes can always be added - though it seriously seems like a rather disappointing way to counter the desertment of the Void/Derelict maps. Apart from the more and more primes suffocate the chance to get formas, they annoy people as the Xth time they find the same trash they already have 12pieces of can be pretty... depressing.

So in short, new primes are nice but they get old pretty fast - a more enduring way might be a better idea...


As for that I shall mention the idea of introducing new consumables (there are many incredibly well thought ideas around, like the turrets I've found lately) and a new interface for their usage - right now the usage of inventory items can be pretty hard during a fight, a circular menu around the crosshair in the middle of the screen could solve this problem.

(For a list of ideas I've gathered: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/79196-concepts-of-mine-consumables-merchant-gambler-and-void-cause-i-like-that/?view=findpost&p=863293 )

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The Conclave


You may have noticed a new area where you can test each other in combat. This has come sooner than expected, but soon there will be method to these grounds, known as “The Conclave”, existence. A home for feedback will be opened when The Conclave is revealed soon.




An exciting teaser video for Update 10 has been released and we are eagerly awaiting your reaction! It’s been in the most talked about tier of discussion for awhile and it's getting close to being deployed! If you haven’t seen the video yet you’re in for a treat!




When Nekros makes his in game debut, you may notice that his third ability will be “Search the Dead”, now called “Desecrate” even after much talk about it needing to change.  Your suggestions have not gone unheard, but we feel playing his abilities first may change some opinions. And if opinions and feedback remain for a desire to change, we’ll be here. We still want your feedback moving forward.




With Update 10 poking its head around the corner, we have progress on the UI front. The Arsenal Screen is the most noticeable area that has been overhauled, with subtle changes throughout the rest of the UI.  The teaser video also offers a sneak peek into what the new Arsenel UI looks like.


Lotus Update


We have two bits of progress to report here: We’ve added subtitles to most of the Lotus lines as well as a slider to independently control the Lotus volume.

This will hopefully help in situations like this: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/97593-i-am-a-deaf-player-why-does-lotus-randomly-appear-onscreen-flicker-and-disappear/page-3?hl=deaf#entry1109290



9.8 Warframe Balance


Many Warframes have been getting visits from the doctor and their balancing progress is not always easy. Warframes are meant to be different and unique from each other, each bringing something unique to battle.  

A few reoccurring comments about the recently reviewed Warframes are:

  • Vauban’s Bastille struggles on higher level areas where you’re surrounded by 40+ tough enemies who can one shot kill you. The feedback is semi-split as people are withholding judgment until the damage system tweaks come.
  • Ember’s damage needs to be buffed to compensate for her low armor and she doesn’t have crowd controlling power anymore.
  • Mag’s Pull, although very powerful, makes enemies fly in absolutely random directions. The old Pull allowed for a better melee experience.
  • Nyx’s absorb needs to go through walls and Shade needs to stop using cloak while Absorb is active.  Psychic Bolts hit walls, disappear and need more damage.
  • Trinity’s Blessing ability to allow for longer invulnerability while casting is much appreciated.


Armor 2.0


The Armor 2.0 / damage system is taking longer than expected and will not be in day 1 of Update 10. Know that we have not stopped working on it, it just simply isn’t ready for Update 10.

Please consider enable armor parts for the respective body parts of the Warframe for example chest armor which can add visual and power difference.It will be the next level after the garments you have recently added yet it should be upgradable

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