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The "Music Instruments" in the Dojo, and new music instruments


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Having different Bells and Drums is all nice (even if im not exactly yet liking the drums yet) just why not taking this step a little bit further?

Why not adding such things as new music instruments for your Dojos that you can really use and interact with? Something like pressing the use key on them ("X" by default) and then its like with hacking, a new little menu appears and you can start making sounds with this instrument everyone can hear.

Imagine all the possibilitys of new Instruments inside of your Dojo, Music Instruments of all kind, maybe even something like a "band" inside your Dojo playing at your "nightclubs" in your Dojo.

Adding an entirely new aspect to the game other then just killing around, a relaxing aspect, some good reason other then getting blueprints in your Dojo and gather with your Clan.

Could be we just use Soma Chords for this and place a bunch and edit them, and they all make different sounds. Or creating entirely new instruments instead


Wouldnt that be something nice to have? I dont know about everyone here in the forums, but i would even be willing to pay Platin for such things.

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