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HAYHA - Exalted Sniper Specialist Warfame


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#I adore sniper class characters in almost any shooter game I play, and Warframe is no exception. We have an exalted sword, fist, talons, claws, staff, dual pistol, archgun, archmelee, and bow exalted weapons already. Can snipers get some love too? I was also thinking to gear it towards PvE since that appears to be the route that the devs are taking. I got to thinking about the idea and came up with Hayha the Sniper Specialist (The name is a nod to legendary Finnish sniper Simo "White Death" Häyhä, who had 505 confirmed kills during the Winter War. The highest ever recorded number of sniper kills in any major war).

1 - Patience is Key - While active, Hayha will accumulate a charge (max 2/4/6) per projectile that strikes him. Holding 1 releases stored charges, creating a projectile that always aims for the head. Can be fired while scoping, and contributes to Sniper Scope bonus.

    - Duration affects the amount of charges that can be stored
    - Strength affects damage
    - Efficiency affects casting cost.
    - Range affects distance projectile can travel

    #This ability is replacing Tactical Slip which just felt completely out of place. Creates further synergy within the other abilities, and stays true to trying to do the counter-intuitive thing of staying still in this game, to get that shot off on the heavy target in combat. Synergizes well with Ghillie and Crackshot, as well as not interrupting your headshot streak while utilizing White Death. Special thank you to discord user Mama 'Thulhu for coming up with this idea.

2 - Ghillie - Press to activate, remains active but drains energy while active. While active, if Hayha remains stationary he will blend into his surroundings becoming invisible to enemies, enemies begin to emit heat signatures making them easier to see and are visible through walls when looking through a scope. Grants extra 1/2/3m punch-through for Patience is Key and White Death if active.

    - Duration affects energy cost per second
    - Strength affects extra punch-through to White Death
    - Efficiency affects casting cost.
    - Range affects the distance that enemies emit heat signatures visible to you

    #What would a sniper be if they couldn't blend in, allowing them to take their time picking their target carefully. Hayha's Thermal Optics are the best in the galaxy. The way i see this working is that it drains <1 energy per second while active and you are moving. the drain increases when you become invisible to something akin to 3-5 energy. The moment you stop running/sliding/gliding you go invisible (think Ivara without a hushed weapon). This also allows you to activate Hayha's Optical Implants allowing you to see, and potentially shoot, through walls using Patience is Key and White Death. 

3 - Crackshot - Base duration on cast 15/25/35 seconds, headshots deal +45/60/75% crit chance (Max 500%) that continues to stack with consecutive headshots, non-headshots reset the bonus. Lethal headshots also cause enemies to explode dealing 30% blast damage with guaranteed status proc in a radius.

    - Duration affects the time the ability is active
    - Strength affects blast damage
    - Efficiency affects casting cost.
    - Range affects blast radius

    #One Shot, One Kill is the creed of the sniper. This ability rewards those who truly honor the way of the sniper. Leave the soft targets to your teammates. The enemy commander, and his   lieutenants are in your cross-hairs. With guaranteed headshots from Patience is Key, and White Death's alt-fire, you can really start to ramp up a crit chance bonus, just to deposit your final accumulated shot into the Assassination/Eximus/other assorted tanky targets, along side a decent AOE blast proc.

4 - White Death - Exalted Sniper Weapon
Primary Fire - Semi-Auto Sniper - Successful shots create "exalted" shrapnel ricochets, that burst outward filling tight spaces with lethal projectiles. (Ricochet shrapnel addition also thought of by discord user Mama 'Thulhu)
         Accuracy - 95
         Magazine - (Energy Pool. See other Exalted Weapons)
         Fire Rate - 1 round per second
        100 Puncture
        14  Impact
        11  Slash
        Crit Chance - 42%
        Crit Multiplier - 3.5x
        Status Chance - 4%
        Punch Through - 1m
        Zoom - 2.5x (+35% Crit Multiplier)
                    5.0x (+60% Crit Multiplier)
                    10.0x (75% Crit Multiplier)
    Full Damage - up to 500m
    Min Damage - up to 750m
    Combo Decay - 2.0 (3.0 because of passive)
    Min. Combo - 1

    Alt Fire - Charge Attack - Auto Targeting mechanism - Charge time 1.5 seconds, headshots nearest visible enemy within Full Damage range. 60% Damage of Primary Fire.
    - Duration affects the time the ability is active
    - Strength affects blast damage
    - Efficiency affects casting cost.
    - Range affects blast radius

    #Honestly these stats are just arbitrary numbers I threw together, I used the Rubico (Prime), and Lanka for a baseline, if you can do this part better, or understand the numbers better, by all means please correct this. I do love the synergy between the White Death, Crackshot, and Ghillie abilities, it truly brings the whole concept together.

Passive Ability - Combo Decay with sniper primary weapons degrades 50% slower.
Alternative Passive - Triple Affinity Range (This allows Hayha to be more viable in PvE where he would likely find a mountaintop near the objective and pick off targets, while still giving xp to his teammates)

Honest critiques, opinions, someone who knows the math better and can balance things? Thanks for taking the time to check out my random thoughts on the idea.

EDIT 1: Replaced Tactical Slip 1 with Patience is Key. Added exalted shrapnel to the primary fire of White Death, Removed decast on miss from Crackshot. Added that Ghillie gives punch-through to new Patience is Key ability as well as White Death. Increased Crit chance buff from Crackshot

Edited by 4warddigression
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5 minutes ago, kgabor said:

I like the concept.

1. would work similar to Atlas's 1. and 4. would have a per shot drain, right?

1. It would be similar, but not just a direct dash, it would be more maneuverable similar to a short term volt buff. You also wouldn't be able to combo/spam it as it requires the speed buff to de'proc before recast.
4. Yes, per shot/attack drain just like every other exalted weapon I can think of.


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28 minutes ago, 4warddigression said:

#I adore sniper class characters in almost any shooter game I play, and Warframe is no exception. We have an exalted sword, fist, talons, claws, staff, dual pistol, archgun, archmelee, and bow exalted weapons already. Can snipers get some love too? I got to thinking about the idea and came up with Hayha the Sniper Specialist (The name is a nod to legendary Finnish sniper Simo "White Death" Häyhä, who had 505 confirmed kills during the Winter War. The highest ever recorded number of sniper kills in any major war).

1 - Tactical Slip - Hayha performs a melee finisher counter on an enemy attacking him within 5m, 30/60/90% evade during the finisher animation, and grants  1/2/3 second 15/25/50% temporary speed boost. Cannot recast until speed boost has finished.

    - Duration affects speed of finisher animation
    - Strength affects finisher damage, and speed boost percentage
    - Efficiency affects casting cost.
    - Range does nothing

    #Even the best snipers know that escaping to fight another day, is more important than getting another shot off. This has 2 affects, gank a single target that got too close for comfort, and escape a group of enemies that have you surrounded. The speed boost is meant to be temporary, thus its duration is not augmentable.

2 - Ghillie - Press to activate, remains active but drains energy while active. While active, if Hayha remains stationary he will blend into his surroundings becoming invisible to enemies, enemies begin to emit heat signatures     make them easier to see and are visible through walls when looking through a scope. Grants extra 1/2/3m punch-through for White Death if active.

    - Duration affects energy cost per second
    - Strength affects extra punch-through to White Death
    - Efficiency affects casting cost.
    - Range affects the distance that enemies emit heat signatures visible to you

    #What would a sniper be if they couldn't blend in, allowing them to take their time picking their target carefully. Hayha's Thermal Optics are the best in the galaxy.

3 - Crackshot - Base duration on cast 15/25/35 seconds, head shots deal +10/15/25% crit chance that continues to stack with consecutive head shots, non-head shots reset the bonus, and missing a shot entirely deactivates the ability. Lethal head shots also cause enemies to explode dealing xxx blast damage in a radius.

    - Duration affects energy per second cost of ability
    - Strength affects blast damage
    - Efficiency affects casting cost.
    - Range affects blast radius

    #One Shot, One Kill is the creed of the sniper. This ability rewards those who truly honor the way of the sniper. Leave the soft targets to your teammates. The enemy commander, and his   lieutenants are in your cross-hairs.

4 - White Death - Exalted Sniper Weapon
         Accuracy - 95
        Magazine - (Energy Pool. See other Exalted Weapons)
       Fire Rate - 1 round per second
      100 Puncture
       14  Impact
       11  Slash
       Crit Chance - 42%
       Crit Multiplier - 3.5x
       Status Chance - 4%
       Punch Through - 1m
       Zoom - 2.5x (+35% Crit Multiplier)
           5.0x (+60% Crit Multiplier)
           10.0x (75% Crit Multiplier)
    Full Damage - up to 500m
    Min Damage - up to 750m
    Combo Decay - 2.0 (3.0 because of passive)
    Min. Combo - 1

    Alt Fire - Charge Attack - Auto Targeting mechanism - Charge time 1.5 seconds, headshots nearest visible enemy within Full Damage range. 60% Damage of Primary Fire.
    - Duration affects the time the ability is active
    - Strength affects blast damage
    - Efficiency affects casting cost.
    - Range affects blast radius

    #Honestly these stats are just arbitrary numbers I threw together, I used the Rubico (Prime), and Lanka for a baseline, if you can do this part better, or understand the numbers better, by all means please correct this. I do love the synergy between the White Death, Crackshot, and Ghillie abilities, it truly brings the whole concept together.

Passive Ability - Combo Decay with sniper primary weapons degrades 50% slower.

Honest critiques, opinions, someone who knows the math better and can balance things? Thanks for taking the time to check out my random thoughts on the idea.

One very large issue I see with the frame is a lack of synergy. None of the abilities really build upon each other. Ghille is good for allowing you to spot enemies quicker and see them through walls but the invisibility is useless sense you have to stand still. Tactical Slip feels like a filler ability that is ruined by the cool down timer that changes it from quick easy damage to damage than a speed boost that I dont need sense I'm supposed to stand still. Crackshot is completely unreliable sense it can deactivate itself with a miss and only increases 25% base crit chance on headshots which aren't at all consistent on higher levels. White Death is lack luster as its primarily impact damage and only has 4% status, meaning that at 1 round per second you will not proc anything at all and will leave yourself open for a lot of damage. I would suggest reworking all abilities and finding a way to make them build off one another.

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1 hour ago, (XB1)AxRollxOfxTape said:

One very large issue I see with the frame is a lack of synergy. None of the abilities really build upon each other. Ghille is good for allowing you to spot enemies quicker and see them through walls but the invisibility is useless sense you have to stand still. Tactical Slip feels like a filler ability that is ruined by the cool down timer that changes it from quick easy damage to damage than a speed boost that I dont need sense I'm supposed to stand still. Crackshot is completely unreliable sense it can deactivate itself with a miss and only increases 25% base crit chance on headshots which aren't at all consistent on higher levels. White Death is lack luster as its primarily impact damage and only has 4% status, meaning that at 1 round per second you will not proc anything at all and will leave yourself open for a lot of damage. I would suggest reworking all abilities and finding a way to make them build off one another.

Check out the edits I've made, this may help with your concerns.

The point of this frame is to reward you for playing differently in a counter-intuitive way, and would be more for endless missions that reward you for teamwork and staying close to the objective.

1. Ghille is good for allowing you to spot enemies quicker and see them through walls but the invisibility is useless sense you have to stand still.
 - This is not true since it grants Patience is Key, and White Death additional punchthrough. You can effectively shoot through the walls as well.
2. Tactical Slip feels like a filler ability that is ruined by the cool down timer that changes it from quick easy damage to damage than a speed boost that I dont need sense I'm supposed to stand still.
 - Big Agree, I was thinking of Zero in Borderlands with this one, but have since replaced it with a much more in keeping with the game, and synergistic idea of Patience is Key.

3. Crackshot is completely unreliable sense it can deactivate itself with a miss and only increases 25% base crit chance on headshots which aren't at all consistent on higher levels.
- Valid concerns regarding deproc and lack of stellar buff. I have removed the deactivate, and increased the buff, but it still resets if you don't headshot. I main snipers, and the majority of my shots are headshots. when using them, unless i am shooting vehicles in PVE. They aren't unreliable at all, even in 100+.

4. White Death is lack luster as its primarily impact damage and only has 4% status, meaning that at 1 round per second you will not proc anything at all and will leave yourself open for a lot of damage.
- Primary damage is Puncture, not impact. 42% crit chance base and 3.5x bas multiplier is clearly suggesting you should be utilizing critical builds instead of status. Who cares if the status procs, if the target dies on impact, and creates shrapnel that cuts through adjacent enemies, you are also being given guaranteed headshots via his 1 and his alt fire on White Death?

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9 hours ago, 4warddigression said:


Check out the edits I've made, this may help with your concerns.

The point of this frame is to reward you for playing differently in a counter-intuitive way, and would be more for endless missions that reward you for teamwork and staying close to the objective.

1. Ghille is good for allowing you to spot enemies quicker and see them through walls but the invisibility is useless sense you have to stand still.
 - This is not true since it grants Patience is Key, and White Death additional punchthrough. You can effectively shoot through the walls as well.
2. Tactical Slip feels like a filler ability that is ruined by the cool down timer that changes it from quick easy damage to damage than a speed boost that I dont need sense I'm supposed to stand still.
 - Big Agree, I was thinking of Zero in Borderlands with this one, but have since replaced it with a much more in keeping with the game, and synergistic idea of Patience is Key.

3. Crackshot is completely unreliable sense it can deactivate itself with a miss and only increases 25% base crit chance on headshots which aren't at all consistent on higher levels.
- Valid concerns regarding deproc and lack of stellar buff. I have removed the deactivate, and increased the buff, but it still resets if you don't headshot. I main snipers, and the majority of my shots are headshots. when using them, unless i am shooting vehicles in PVE. They aren't unreliable at all, even in 100+.

4. White Death is lack luster as its primarily impact damage and only has 4% status, meaning that at 1 round per second you will not proc anything at all and will leave yourself open for a lot of damage.
- Primary damage is Puncture, not impact. 42% crit chance base and 3.5x bas multiplier is clearly suggesting you should be utilizing critical builds instead of status. Who cares if the status procs, if the target dies on impact, and creates shrapnel that cuts through adjacent enemies, you are also being given guaranteed headshots via his 1 and his alt fire on White Death?

The changes work a lot better, you can combo abilities to create good damage and utility. You are right, I read impact and not puncture, my mistake. The sniper does need status though, otherwise at higher levels the crit Multiplier will be made useless because of enemy armor. I'd recommend changing crit chance to 40% and status to 16% this would allow you to have consistent crits and also strip armor from bulky enemies. Also buff damage to slash for chances of bleed. Remember you can't have a concept only fit your style of play, it needs to accommodate others as well.

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