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Basic d-pad functionality still hasn't been fixed since the virtual cursor changes.


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  • D-pad doesn't scroll menus, You have to use one stick to scroll the mod list, for example, then use the d-pad (or the other analog stick, if you're a masochist) to select the mod. If the d-pad could scroll menus it'd be a million times easier.


  • Whenever you open a menu (like the pause menu for example) the cursor doesn't start at the first item on the list.  


  • There's no easy way to tell what a gear item does. You have to equip the item then go back into the menu to read the item's description. D-padding over an item should highlight it allowing you to read what it does (or add a "preview" button like with skins, if you want to half-ass it).  


  • Same thing with relic refinement. Refining relics is literally worse in every way possible than it used to be. Hovering/d-padding over a relic doesn't highlight it, telling you what inside of it. You have to click the relic, then you have to move the cursor over to the refinement sub menu to select exception/radiant/whatever and click that. If you want to refine multiples of the same relic it's even worse, because in the old system you would d-pad to your relic, click it, your cursor would automatically go over to the refinement sub-menu, then when you refined the relic, your cursor would automatically go back to the stack of unrefined relics.  What's bizarre is that when selecting a relic for a mission, d-padding over the relic highlights it, but for some reason it doesn't do that in the refinement menu.


Edited by (PS4)grevenilvec75
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