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New Player Experience 2019: Valkyr Specter @ Jupiter junction



Something is very wrong with this challenge. This specter is extremely tanky and and can one shot you. And yes I'm aware about corrosive damage, puncture etc. But the whole encounter is painfully long and worse it has a timer. You either run out of energy/ run out of ammo/ run out of time, or you run out of patience and get yourself one shotted?

(Only has Loki and Rhino frames)



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7 answers to this question

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Use Rhino . Put health n shield mods. With strength mods n some eff mods.

When in the fight, keep 2nd ability always active so u can never die. Keep running n shooting from away.
Loki can work to. Just have a lot of duration mods with some health mods . And maybe some eff mods so u can use 2nd ability alot of times n have less energy cost.
It can depend on the weapon also. So lvl up ur mods to best u can. And have a good enough build. Don't mess up with mods tho lol.
But if u need help on build. Then u can ask or have a look at WF wiki n see how to have better damage n how it work . Or either search n watch a vid.
 Better than text.
Edited by (PS4)salem9080
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Use Excalibur. Land sorta nearby, press 2, then 4, then use melee finisher. Boom, specter is dead. Every junction, every specter, it is the same scenario.


For Loki or Rhino - use Rhino, energy is refilled automatically in every junction, so when Valkyr uses her invincibility, start jumping around like mad and try to hit her with bullets while doing so. Try to stay in the ring and when invincibility ends (and you are in the ring), she will receive all the damage you pumped into her while she was invincible. And she is dead now, end of story.

Edited by Thrundarr
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Just started playing the game a week ago. Free to play. And I'm about to rage-quit the Jupiter Junction. Valkyr is just simply impossible.

Rifle - Boltor, Level 30

- Serration level 4 or 5

- Point Strike level 2 or 3

- Mods to do Corrosive damage

- Vital Sense (can't recall what level)

- I have yet to use an Orokin Catalyst

Warframe - Volt, Level 30

- Vitality (level 4 or 5)

- Redirection (level 4 or 5)

- Have yet to use streamline

- I have yet to use an Orokin Reactor

Melee - Level 30 sword with mods, but I don't use it - I get one-shotted the second I get anywhere close to Valkyr.


I see lots of "advice" on how to complete this junction...

1. "Use Excalibur".

Well, I can't. I have Volt. Yes...I can farm Excalibur Frame parts blueprints now, but I ultimately need a Neural Sensor to build the Neuroptics. You can only get those on Jupiter...but I can't GET to Jupiter because of the junction.

2. "Rely on passive energy regen in the junction, spam your shields, shoot from behind the shield, run around during hysteria"

This seems like the most viable strategy. But every single video I've seen of this strategy on Youtube is months old, and in those videos, the rate of energy regen is FAR, FAR faster than what actually happens in the game today. As in, I'm seriously wondering if energy regen at Jupiter Junction got nerfed because it does NOT fill up that fast for me as it does for people in the videos.

3. "Git Gud"

Thanks, tips...

4. Orokin to double mod capacity on Frame and/or Rifle

Should one REALLY need a level 60 mod slot frame / rifle this early in the game?!?! In any event, these are HARD for new players to obtain. I'm trying to grind on Nightwave Quests, to get Wolf Credits, in to buy them, but I can't do all the missions yet.

5. Rhino???

Help me, Rhino-wan Kenobi, you're our only hope. (Seriously, it might be. My rhino is level 13 now and grinding it to 30 as quick as I can)


I really don't want to come across as being "that guy" who complains, but holy hannah this junction is insanely impossible. I really am looking for some help here.

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15 minutes ago, (NSW)bobatrons said:


So...the fight will suck for a new player regardless, but here's some tips / answers etc.

Go for armor over shield. In general Redirection isn't worth the mod slot.

1. If you ask in recruiting chat, someone can take you to a mission on Jupiter (or anywhere else for that matter) to help you get neural sensors.

2. Haven't seen the vids so can't give too much advice on the energy regen, but I did notice you can use gear (like energy restore pads) in junctions. Just so you know.

3. As much as it sucks to hear that, in a way it's still correct...you need more experience with the game to get through this more easily. Of course that just comes with time and the advice of 'git gud' is generally kind of bad, but there is some validity to it.

4. Yes? I would expect a player to have slapped a catalyst on a weapon they like at that stage. Just the one though.

5. Rhino will make a new player's life a lot easier, that's for sure. If you ask in Recruiting chat someone may be willing to help you level him, so you can get to your goal of lvl 30 and beating the Valkyr a little faster.

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I feel your frustration. There was absolutely nothing my Loki (my starter frame) or Rhino frame (second frame) could do for that particular Jupiter junction encounter. My last bet then was Excalibur (got lucky and got a few Neural Sensors from daily login reward) and imagine my surprise when I found myself doing so much more damage when Valkyr specter was blinded - taking 30%-40% off her HP on first hit! Though Loki had invisibility, I don't think the amount of bonus damage from Loki's stealth is even half of what Excalibur's blind bonus granted (I thought both are considered stealth bonus?) From that point onward I knew I had a chance. Problem was I had to run around trying to regain enough energy to cast another radial blind. This is also why now I believe Energy Siphon should be made more readily available for new players - having it rotate as random Nightwave Cred Wolf offering is a mistake.

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