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Need help with Equinox



I just got Equinox Prime the other day and I have been leveling her up (I have never played Equinox before) and while her abilities are nice she eats energy like crazy and its putting me off from wanting to play her after I max her out. I play her Night form and I try to keep up her 3 and 4 but it doesn't last very long. Are those abilities not meant to be on all the time? How exactly are you supposed to play Equinox and not run out of energy and become screwed? Any builds?  If anyone could help me out here that would be great because I spent time farming the relics and farming for her parts and would like to use her more after I max her out.  Thanks

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175% Efficiency, 265-280% Range, 100+% Duration, Strength doesnt matter, the rest is survivability. Vitality+Arcane Guardians, or replace Efficiency mods with Quick Thinking+Primed Flow+Rage. Good nuke build, and a good healer that can put an entire room to sleep. An example of Quick Thinking build on the picture, i'm still thinking if it's better than Vitality+Efficiency in terms of survivability at higher levels. You drain your energy faster, sure, but you are getting damaged a lot anyways, and Quick Thinking adds an extra layer of survivability for you.W8JjKOR3hd8.jpg

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Her 4 in night doesn't need to be on all the time, it's more for a quick heal as no frame or anything I'm the game needs like 150k heal. Damage reduction on her 3 is really good tho in night form. 

I find the duality augment is really fun and she is a tremendous dps frame in day form with a kohm or other heavy hitting weapon.

Personally I end up playing mostly day form.

Corrosive projection, handspring (exilus), vitality, redirection, (primed) flow, (primed) continuity, adaptation, overextended, fleeting expertise, and duality augment. 

95% Dur, 160% Eff, 190% Range, 40% Str.

The neg strength doesn't affect her 4 in day really so she can stack damage like crazy and just unleash it and kill everything. The duality augment even gives you like a 5th player as it does so much extra damage.

Should give it a try. 

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