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Crowd Control needs more attention


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First I want to say I love CC and I use CC for my most enjoyable playstyles. I entirely understand that some missions and game modes are just most ideal for a certain type of frame and playstyle. I get that, but the last 3 big content drops have greatly discouraged CC. These content drops being sanctuary onslaught, arbitrations, and Fortuna. Each of these were disappointing, because I love new content, but when I can't feasibly use my favorite playstyle in them, it just doesn't feel right.

In sanctuary onslaught, the goal is to get as many kills as fast as possible, but that is hard for a cc frame or anything that is not a straight dps like saryn or octavia. You just can't keep up with the drain and you lose. I didn't really expect a cc frame to be of much use anyway but it contributes to the favoring of DPS over CC friendly content. 

Arbitration mode both has arbitration drones and no revives. Most frames that lean on the CC side are squishy and die easily if their CC is not affecting enemies. Arbitration drones remove or prevent CC from crowds of enemies, which can open a cc frame like nova or limbo to taking fatal damage in under a second. You might say that is the elite part of the elite alerts, but I disagree. Arbitrations do not increase the difficulty for all frames. Arbitrations are easy for a tanky frame or a DPS with decent damage mitigation. Add an aoe weapon and you're golden. Arbitrations disproportionately make things difficult for CC frames and pidgeon holes players into playing tanky frames instead of bringing challenge in the form of skillful play. Arbitrations are not a bad game mode, but they fail to be the endgame content we were hoping for. 

Fortuna definitely discourages CC, from the Hyenas to the jackals to the scyto raknoids to the kyta raknoids to the nullifiers to the terra nullifier drones to the large open area. Try doing a bounty with limbo on Fortuna, you'll see what I mean. All these are a check to some form of cc in one way or another. Some are immune to limbo's rift entirely, some deal damage to limbo even when he's in the rift, some are just unaffected by stasis and still attack limbo while in the rift, and some remove cataclysm entirely or remove banish from enemies, and some just make it difficult to use CC effectively. As stated previously, most CC frames are easily killed without their CC, so this combination makes many CC frames useless for fortuna. The nullifier drones can even add a shield onto other nullifier drones, which is extremely overpowered.

An honorable mention to nullifiers: nullifiers can take out some CC frame's abilities completely just by touching them, even ones with huge ranges. Nullifiers make using some frames completely unviable depending on the mission and CC frames are not even that useful until late game, because DPS frames are overpowered. Nullifiers barely faze most DPS frames, because those DPS frames are only affected by the nullifier if it manages to get them in its shield. DPS frames can see nullifiers coming and take preemptive measures long before they get close. CC frames do not get that chance and are disproportionately affected by nullifiers. 

Endgame has always been the place CC frames shine, but DE has begun adding in new and good endgame content that excludes CC frames. This is really disappointing. It just is. I feel like DE is trying to abandon CC completely. Fortuna, Arbitrations, and nullifiers at least need their checks on CC nerfed or CC frames in general have to be buffed.  

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Heh, getting attention was kinda what played a major role in destroying CC.

One of the few good CC frames left in the game got a rework that destroyed her and yet with all the ability / CC counters or immunity I don't see anything that poses a problem against my 2 million eHP Trinity or Nidus... Weird. It's almost like balance and play styles were set aside to straight up murder CC in a dark alley.

I really don't consider anything DE has added in the past 2 years to be end-game type content. In fact ESO and Arbitrations show exactly how far out of touch DE is with the community and what players want out of a late game play style. ESO is just the worst parts of Survival in one mission and you'll die of old age before enemies become difficult in Arbitrations. That's of course long as you're playing the mandated play style forced upon us by these various counter measures and mission types.

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9 hours ago, Xzorn said:

Heh, getting attention was kinda what played a major role in destroying CC.

One of the few good CC frames left in the game got a rework that destroyed her and yet with all the ability / CC counters or immunity I don't see anything that poses a problem against my 2 million eHP Trinity or Nidus... Weird. It's almost like balance and play styles were set aside to straight up murder CC in a dark alley.

I really don't consider anything DE has added in the past 2 years to be end-game type content. In fact ESO and Arbitrations show exactly how far out of touch DE is with the community and what players want out of a late game play style. ESO is just the worst parts of Survival in one mission and you'll die of old age before enemies become difficult in Arbitrations. That's of course long as you're playing the mandated play style forced upon us by these various counter measures and mission types.

What we really need is an overarching game mode that encourages teamplay using CC, DPS, Tank, and Support, while having both fast enemy scaling and a high starting level somewhere around lvl 150 or so. I can understand why some CC can be a bit overpowered without any checks, but there should always be some kind of effect for cc regardless of the enemy. maybe with a reduced duration, maybe slowing enemies rather than completely stopping them, whatever. with nullifiers maybe make the duration decrease at 2x the speed for large abilities like cataclysm instead of completely trivializing CC in general. I've made other threads about the failures of ESO, Arbitrations, and Fortuna before, but they all received little attention or  were full of people being dismissive about the fact that CC is getting more and more difficult to use as a playstyle. They just say some frames are better for certain things than others without acknowledging that most missions and game modes are set up in the favor of DPS frames. Personally, I wish defense missions ran on a timer so CC would be a bit more useful for it. Seriously the only endless mission that CC can really be good in is excavations, and depending on the faction or frame, it still isn't viable. Maybe I wanna do a short defense mission using a slow nova without having to hear my squad complaining about my slowing down the enemies away from the defense target. 

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