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Thermia Fractures are painful to do.

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I'm bent out of shape and frustrated.  So bear with me if it bleeds over into this post.

Thermia Fractures are PAINFUL to do.  There are so many issues when not doing this with a premade.

First, the lobbies for them are shared with freeroam on Orb Vallis, so you're screwed and have to redeploy if some paragon of humanity decides that they want to go fishing in a public lobby to leech, or if there's another group farming Toroids.

Second, actually finding a fracture then getting 4 canisters to max it out is a difficult concept for most pubs.  Most of the time they sort of bumble around the fracture despite me asking them to follow me to help me haul canisters to it.  When I inevitably have to haul canisters 1 by 1 to the fracture some dingleberry will dump that into it and boom, at most I can fit one more in in time and we have to do 2-3 extra stages as opposed to the 1.  Doesn't matter much if I ask them to wait till we have 4 since most of them don't pay attention to text chat or don't know english.

When this happens, it's absurdly boring.  Enemies drip feed in, and I might as well open a youtube video.

On that rare occasion that I do get 4 cans in a fracture before a rando can self-sabotage, most pubs can't handle it.  I go Frost Every time and that tends to help, but why on earth are there frequent Magnetic Procs on the fracture itself? 

I just want my Opticor Vandal.

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Fracture runs should be enabled by Eudico as a bounty so you can match with other people doing the same thing.

Seeing as it's a similar event to Plague Star, the extra coolant part of the fractures should have an infinite amount of time to add, so players who run these solo can actually fit them in. Of course this means relying heavily on specters to defend, but at least you're getting affected less by incompetent teammates.

Regarding people joining to leech and do anything but run fractures, may I suggest opening the exit menu and selecting "leave group"? If you're a client, you migrate and host your own instance that others can join. If you're the host, you essentially boot the entire team from your instance by migrating them into their own. It's one of the best features introduced in Orb Vallis, which I wish would be added to the rest of the game.

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  1. Fractures should be a bounty to grab, and repeatable from on the open world area. This would eliminate a whole ton of problems.
  2. You can poke 4 containers in at once, and get the full gambit done on 1 fracture, which is great, just expect much stronger enemies and attacks, also dont stand on the fracture since it randomly disables warframe abilities and explodes
  3. Some day, the whole host migration thing should be fixed; it breaks whatever bounty everyone has currently, and makes it so if the host leaves, you can't grab a new bounty. This happens both in plains and orb valis. Sure wish it would be fixed. As it stands now, if the host leaves, everyone has to go through the elevator, negating the whole point of having bounties being accessible on the open world area.
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