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DE Fix your host migrations. More Arbitration problems.

(XBOX)Tucker D Dawg

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Not the first time this has happened - host migration during arbitration survival.  Upon rejoining with remaining squad, the timer is stuck and so is life support.

Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway) revives don't fix host migrations.  In this case, the host bailed after the first 10min - guess he really wanted that sculpture.  The other player and I had to extract after the host migration because the mission was fubar'd and of course now are locked out for the next hour. Or would have been if I kept playing warframe instead of just turning it off in frustration and posting this hundred thousandth bug report on failed host migrations.


Edited by (XB1)Tucker D Dawg
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U r lucky i went for 3hr in total 36 sculptures 24000 endo 2 adaptations i took videos so evidence clearly and also a host migration kicks me out of my game i am done reccomending this game to other friends and i wont purchase anymore items until i have all of my previous items returned i have been streaming all day i video recorded everything i want my stuff

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Why exactly do host migrations even happen? Is it a software issue or a hardware issue. And if it is a hardware issue, is it due to DE's own hardware or the capabilities of the PS4? Like obviously DE could probably make it so if the host migration failed you would still get your rewards and collected components while fixing all the glitches you get even when the host migration succeeds, but I've never really understood why host migrations have to exist in the first place. Is it even possible to make it so people don't have to bear host migrations? 

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1 minute ago, (XB1)BeastAceKll said:

Ik all yall on ps4 got it lit on warframe free packs and stuff

What are you talking about? We don't get anything for free besides holiday stuff. Like there are some things that are free when we have other services that we pay for, but nothing is really free. 

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5 hours ago, (PS4)Kaneki9597 said:

Why exactly do host migrations even happen?

It's likely due to the P2P connection system used.  The host is holding all the mission information.  When the host leaves, the system has to try and extract all that information and move it to the new host.  When the connection is lost to the host, it is likely not possible to retrieve that information.  There are potential ways to address this problem, but I don't know how complicated they are to implement or anything else.

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We are always directed to this section of the forum to report the problem whenever issues such as this arise, but judging from the sheer amount of posts and threads similar to this one and the lack of action regarding said issues on DE's part, pretty safe to say our complaints have fallen on deaf ears.  How long have these problems persisted across all platforms with no word from them that they even know they exist, and are looking into issues?

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