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Trinity Ability Red-Number Cooldown


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Randomly, my Warframes will receive a "Red Number Countdown" locking me out of my last-used ability until the number is finished. The ability cannot be used until the countdown is finished. This behavior is what you would see in Sanctuary Onslaught Elite, but I'm NOT playing in the Sanctuary when it occurs. It can happen everywhere:


(I'm posting Imgur links to two photos, but also inserting into the post below if out-of-site links are not allowed)

Photo 01 - Orb Vallis, Thermia event. Notice Trinity's Blessing in the bottom-right with the red numbers. This is not a visual bug because if you look above you'll see Blessing is not currently active. The cooldown is also longer than anyone's Blessing can even be active for. (It's more than 2x longer than my Blessing can achieve so it's not 2:1)

Photo 01 - Imgur link

Photo 02 - Plains of Eidolon, Eidolon hunt. Notice Trinity's Blessing in the bottom-right with the red numbers.This is not a visual bug because if you look above you'll see Blessing is not currently active.

Photo 02 - Imgur link


I have had this happen with Limbo's Stasis ability during sorties and a regular Infested Interception mission, but I was unable to replicate it for a screenshot. So it's not isolated to only Trinity, nor is it restricted to only ultimate (ie: 4th slot) abilities.




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  • 1 month later...

And to this date it's still happening across multiple warframes. Here's a photo of Limbo, Stasis having a red number cooldown in The Index (happening one time randomly despite spamming the skill through out the match):


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd like more info on this and as to whether they've resolved it as I've encountered this also as Trin; its a crazy long timeout and also my duration on bless when I wasn't timed was halved and if I recasted while it was active, I got the 60s timeout and it would be like this until extraction (so it wasn't a debuff).

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2019-07-24 at 8:51 PM, Lord_Dckrod said:

I'd like more info on this and as to whether they've resolved it as I've encountered this also as Trin; its a crazy long timeout and also my duration on bless when I wasn't timed was halved and if I recasted while it was active, I got the 60s timeout and it would be like this until extraction (so it wasn't a debuff).

Unfortunately I haven't gotten a response from anyone. In fact you're the first person to even support having similar issues. Everyone else acts like I'm crazy or just making it up.

As of August 10 2019 it's still occurring, had it on Limbo again, and I nabbed a screenshot of it happening to Saryn's Spore this time. This occurred in a Lith Fissure mission. Please look in the bottom right at the first ability having a red number cooldown of over 12 seconds, for a ability that is INSTANT CAST and HAS NO RECAST COOLDOWN normally:


Edited by Klepto666
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23 hours ago, GentlePuppet said:

Did you do any Elite Onslaught before it started happening? Maybe Simaris is stalking you and punishing you out side of Sanctuary.

Haven't touched Sanctuary Onslaught, both normal and elite, since last week's Nightwave. And definitely had not played it on the days the bugs have happened. It's an interesting idea, but then this would mean the trigger is sticking with me even after logging out. However the bug is not a guaranteed thing either. I can sit on energy pads and spam Blessing a hundred times in a row and nothing will happen, but then completely at random during a random mission it will trigger despite having used blessing a dozen or so times prior to that moment.

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I wonder what your ping was in that mission; I feel like its somehow related to ping, but then again I've had tons of high ping games and didn't encounter it.  It's pretty rare, but can have a big impact on an eidolon fight and I'm sure other missions as well.

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I cannot reproduce this on my end. If you are still encountering this bug, please provide additional details, such as reproduction steps, what was happening before the issue started, possibly your build and settings. What kind of squad you were in (solo, host, client) In addition, videos and/or pictures would be greatly appreciated. 

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I am unable to reproduce this bug on command. It will happen randomly during game play in seemingly any type of mission. I can be playing for 4 or 5 hours without logging out, and then suddenly in a Tridelon group it'll occur (which just so happened with the Trinity screenshot I posted above), and then never occur afterwards for the rest of the day.

I am the CLIENT (not the HOST) in a PUBLIC game when these have occurred, but I will keep a watch out to see if it ever happens as Host.

This seems to happen when I am using an ability in quick succession:

Examples: Using Trinity's Blessing shortly after having used it, trying to turn Limbo's stasis off-and-on quickly to refresh it, trying to use Rhino's Roar immediately after it has worn off, hitting Saryn's Spore ability rapidly to try and activate it the moment the enemy is within range.

I have not noticed any irregularities, oddities, anomalies, or glitches prior to it happening. All gameplay appears normal, I will not have had an issue casting abilities during the mission, and then suddenly I'll notice that it's locked out for a duration.

I don't know if it's worth mentioning, but I've been using a Catchmoon Kitgun in all instances of this bug.

If there is a particular section of my settings that you want to see, I will take screenshots of it. I am including screenshots of my builds for Saryn, Rhino, and Trinity sinceI have screenshotted having the bug happening to them so far (except Limbo, as I have sold that when I got Limbo Prime):




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