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A silly idea for endgame....


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So I have this game-mode of sorts that I feel would be good endgame content but could turn out to be stupid. The idea is this:

setting: Unique levels that have different layouts for different mission types and replay-ability. Here, you and three other frames either start together or in different locations. The starting point could be your team outside an enemy base and having to sneak in or one person is in the front ready to cause a distraction while another player is in the vents navigating and working on shutting down the security systems. On the channel, different characters will either give your team one task like sneak into the base or a different task for each player to do on their own. As you progress through, your team will run into puzzles that require using your abilities or thinking skills to solve. Your team does tasks similar to the missions available in the start chart mixed in with puzzle solving, cooperation with each-other, mini bosses and unexpected surprises. An example could be being split up and each player would need to fight a stalker like enemy to continue the mission. Another one could be clearing out a room filled with stalkers. sometimes, you will even need to use your operator and the skills with it to progress forward. At the end, you would face a final boss that has phases, unique mechanics, and enough health to make it that four players can't mindlessly hack and slash to finish a boss quickly. The bosses would sorta be like dark souls bosses difficulty and mechanic wise to challenge players to think things through a chain attacks rather than spam or rely on high damage output weapons.

Every faction will have their own level design for this endgame with unique mechanics and conditions in each level. The endgame mode would refresh after a week. This was an idea that has been siting in my head for a while. Hopefully it makes sense and if not, ask me to clarify where it seems unclear so I can polish my idea further.

There is also two things that is important to this game mode:

1. the Endgame mode has only 4 selected warframes and specific weapon types (i.e. only sniper rifles or throwing knives) that can be used in this mode which changes after every refresh. So if one week allows you to pick from Garuda, Oberon, Wisp and Ash, the next one would need Trinity, Rhino, Excalibur and Loki. This allows for puzzles or level designs to be made that require the use of a specific warframe ability. Additionally, if you have already played this mode as one of the four warframes available, you will have to choose a different one to play the mode again or wait a week for a new selection. Once you complete the mission as all four, you can go again as any of the four frames. This means that to access this game mode fully, the player would need to have every warframe and know how to use it.

2. Along with a limited selection, a frame and/or weapon must be modded to a frame's build condition (i.e, Excalibur must have 100% efficiency, 150% range, 125% duration, 200% strength, adaptation and chromatic blade). This allows for more encouragement to collect mods, use mods that are not meta and to experiment with different builds. Makes people more flexible and could prevent players from using builds that are overkill (frames like mesa and sayrn come to mind). Problem with this idea is the amount of time and patience having to forma frames just to fit it on (which could be solved by getting rid of mod capacity as it is pointless and limits flexible experimenting, but that is for another thread that I will make eventually).

As for the rewards for completing the game mode, reward pool should have unique strong weapons that have a unique secondary feature, really cool attachments, skins, new interesting stances, creative mods, etc. It will have one guarantee reward for completing the mode: platinum.

Currently, plat is only obtainable through the market or trade chat with no actual way of obtaining it game-play wise. The plat you gain from finishing a mission would vary depending on the end score of the team or yourself. A low score will give you 25 plat, a medium score will give you 50 plat and a high score will give you 75 plat. You can earn these rewards 4 times allowing you to get a good amount of plat for your skill and teamwork. 


In order to access this endgame, players must have completed the star-chart and have access to all warframes available. This makes sure that players will have the opportunity to try out different frames rather than sticking to their mains.

I hope my idea makes sense and is somewhat good. If you have any tips to add or ideas to add, feel free and I will try to take them in to improve my idea. Thank you.

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This sounds like a very end game thing, and sounds very fun! I like the idea of a Metal Gear stealth mission with unique bosses, especially those you have to pay attention to. This level idea seems like a good idea for bringing the focus back to being a ninja!

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