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Survival Needs More Enemies


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Survival durring the event was fun and somewhat challenging. How it is currently, is more about standing around waiting for the percentage to tic down to press 'X', run to next, repeat. Even pluto survival is borringly trivial with a difficulty ramp that is slower than defense.


What makes Void missions, defense, and mobile defense popular besides the end rewards? Difficulty, constant action, xp, and tons of worthless loot because we all need a 100th copy of 'Pull'.


Of this, survival delivers on end rewards and xp, but feels more like a chore than an action game, pump the enemy counts up and up the percentage of heavy units.

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and up the percentage of heavy units.


No:| Heavy units is what usually makes it un-fun, later on there's less and less 'hordes' of light units and just crapload of heavies that require you to mow half magazines to kill them (talking about those super high levels). I'd rather have 5x the amount of light units over heavies just to add an actual survival feel vs a Legion of mobs.

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Performance, from the times I have ran event type survival, it was to be the hardest strain on my pc except for the old Void raid once the relic had been collected.  So a welcome change to reduce the hosting induced lag or joining hosts straining due to the load it created.

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