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Suggestion: Towards Void Drops


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Now i know, the community is bashing DE's heads on the wall over the void drops, especially with the Dakra prime blade thingy with its apparent drop rate of 1.05%. Since T3 Exterminate keys are extremely difficult to obtain, people get really upset by getting FP parts at almost every run. Because of this most people want the RNG system to be removed. But perhaps that you guys at DE do not want this system to be removed. Thus, allow me to propose the new drop system for ONLY void missions:


I would like to call it the EVA system:





Allow me to explain:


The way it works is like RNG BUT, in the case of void missions there is a sort of individual award system. When a player earns a reward the void drops change for that individual person, depending on the following: 


A) The player has many duplicates of the part

B) The player has built the weapon that the part derives from.


When criteria A and B are met chances for those already parts to be earn will slightly decrease, and the parts that the player never earned will increase, this will have players play lots of void missions but at least their chances are increasing each time. They Earn the keys, they Value from each reward and the there is a percent Augmentation for each part that has not yet been obtained. At least the player feels like they're getting somewhere but without removing the grind, thus compensation is made.


Now one you guys may wonder " well what if we release new weapons, that means players that have accessed void missions more will instantaneously get the new parts" This is where the second part of the EVA system kicks in. Every update that is released there is a "Seasonal system" meaning that parts will reset percentage rates. 


There are 3 Generations of prime parts (for arguments sake)


A player who has played through all the generations, at the 3rd generation, if he has gotten all the parts from generation 1 then when he does missions in generation 3, he will never get generation 1 rewards ever again. But the generation 2 parts will reset their percentages.


But a player who just jumped in at generation 3 will have access to earn parts from generations 1,2, and 3. And will have to:


1: Earn Keys

2:Value from the drops

3: percent Augmentation of all the other parts that the player did not obtain.


Now i am not going to QQ over RNG, this is my way of doing something. To the community stop QQ'ing and actually suggest things to DE, give them ideas. Help them grow and make their game better.


To DE i would like for you to give as much criticism Positive or Negative as you wish on this very proposition. Because as a part of of this community I would like to at least help out.  You guys are doing a great job, listening to the community, but there is always room for improvement in all areas. If you read this thanks a lot for listening and I hope that we can find and share ideas on how the void rewards (and many other parts) work to improve the system in the near future.

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