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Not in PSN store and what shipped the 27th was the complete edition, which was when the GOTY edition was set to ship.


Looks like they renamed it.



It was never released under that name.

you must like being wrong.


every game gets a GOTY edition even if it never won it. It's just an excuse to re-release the game for full price with all the DLC, and possibly add more DLC later.

Ah no, Goty has to be won by vote. E3 Goty is the most widely accepted.

Edited by (PS4)Pharen
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That article was written over a month before its release.

The box art was just a concept at that point.

You just can't admit being wrong can you?




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>Be Gode

>Walking down hall with GF

>GF:  "There are black spots in my vision and my head hurts a little"

>Me:  "Let's get you to the Nurse's office, that doesn't sound good"

>GF:  "Nah I'm sure it'll be fine, probably just tired"


MFW people need to go to the nurse but won't




Freakin' black spots and headaches, you need to get going now, that's almost certainly a migraine

Edited by Dogefighter
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