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Braton Vandal Buff


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Now, I know Scott said the Vandal was on his list of Bratons to look at. But wouldn't it be logical to simply buff its crit rate and crit damage multiplier? Buff it so it matches the Lato Vandal and Snipetron Vandal crit percentages. Or at least make it the average of the two. As a proud owner of the Braton and Lato vandal, I would very much appreciate a Vandalizing rifle to counterpart my Vandalizing pistol.  

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You remember the whining that got it nerfed in the first place ?


The problem Scott has, if he buffs it, it still won't be worth using compared to things like the soma. Probably best to bury it and move on.

At that point in time the Braton Vandal was an anomaly which was better than every other rifle weapon in the game. Now we have Snipetron Vandal ruining all sniper weapons and Strun Wraith ruining all shotguns. It's kinda funny that the Braton Vandal was ruined, and the Lato Vandal by the time it was put in was a sidegrade, but now it's okay to have weapons greatly outshine everything else in their category.

As for it not being as good as Soma I don't think that really matters a whole ton. The fact that the Braton Vandal is worse than the regular Braton is something that should be a big black mark on DE not to mention the fact that they talked specifically about it, the Ignis and Grakata in a livestream and two of the three have been buffed.

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You remember the whining that got it nerfed in the first place ?


The problem Scott has, if he buffs it, it still won't be worth using compared to things like the soma. Probably best to bury it and move on.

Thing is if it were to be more powerful than something like the Soma, people would start to complain about it being exclusive and how it isn't fair. And they'd be completely right in that.


Even though the Brandal kinda sucks compared to many other weapons I still enjoy using it. If I want something more powerful for a certain mission, I'll just pick something more powerful for that certain mission. But I like having a general weapon that is somewhat my 'go to' weapon, something that gets stuff done and is fairly viable in all situations. This for me is the Brandal.


I'd still like for it to recieve a buff though, since that would only be the right thing to do, for it to fit into the lore of the game. All the other Vandal weapons are at least a little more powerful than their fellow counterpart, so it would only make sense. I'm not thinking of an OP buff, just a resonable one.

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Unfortunately this still hasn't happened, I pm'd Rebecca about it a week and a half or so ago and she said she'd poke Scott. So either he's dragging his feet still, or nothing is going to be done, I'm assuming the latter since we've had multiple hotfixes and a Tenno Reinforcements since.

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Unfortunately this still hasn't happened, I pm'd Rebecca about it a week and a half or so ago and she said she'd poke Scott. So either he's dragging his feet still, or nothing is going to be done, I'm assuming the latter since we've had multiple hotfixes and a Tenno Reinforcements since.


I dunno, it's kinda hard to judge where exactly a weapon should be, balance wise, and how to get it there, especially in the time-frame of ~10 days.


What I mean is, it might happen, it might just take a little while longer.

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I dunno, it's kinda hard to judge where exactly a weapon should be, balance wise, and how to get it there, especially in the time-frame of ~10 days.


What I mean is, it might happen, it might just take a little while longer.

I would agree with you except for the fact that there was a 20+ page thread that went from June-July about it which had been forwarded to developers, they mentioned it in a livestream specifically which was several weeks ago and in the poll for weapon balance the Bratons were #3 behind Ignis and Grakata which have both been fixed. This coupled with other things that simply haven't been changed or acknowledged is the reason why it annoys me and I don't really have any faith in them fixing the situation.

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I would agree with you except for the fact that there was a 20+ page thread that went from June-July about it which had been forwarded to developers, they mentioned it in a livestream specifically which was several weeks ago and in the poll for weapon balance the Bratons were #3 behind Ignis and Grakata which have both been fixed. This coupled with other things that simply haven't been changed or acknowledged is the reason why it annoys me and I don't really have any faith in them fixing the situation.

I am growing impatient in terms of waiting for the buff, (considering we had a brief crit weapon era post U10), but after some thought, the stuff for U11, and prior, may be awesome (IE, the Galatine), but I suppose they'v got a lot on their plate, and once they come out with stuff that'll keep us all busy for a while, then maybe Scott will buff our dear Brandal. But in the mean time, we should revel in our current goodies. 

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