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3 Things You Would Love To See Added To Warframe!


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1.- Achievements

2.- Void token system

3.- Titles (unlock all missions-> Lord or something like that and unlocks a new "tier" where all missions are increased on level, but you can still play the previous one. Once you unlock all missions in this new level, you get a new title and so on.

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1. Better Mod UI

2. Starmap Filter / Global Matchmaking (search for "X" gamemode "Y" faction "M-N" level range and "A" Ressource drops)

3. Costum Games / Fun mode / No Grind mode / Challenge mode with leaderboards (I create my own conditions for a game (level 300 Golem with vampire? np!) and the system rewards me depending on the conditions I set) -> Test your ultimate setup and see how far you can go!

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1. Lore

2. A katana type weapon

3. A torn apart scarf/facemask leading into a scarf. A lot like the shinobi scarf/facemask. (See Below)


If I could choose more than 3 then what a lot of others have said also (Armor 2.0, better UI, overhauled melee combat, possibly the ability to see under our Warframe's helmets, etc.)



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1. Bigger, more complicated missions that aren't as repetitive, also some lore tied with them would make things even better

2. Few new weapons. And by "few" I mean really just a few. We need  something different. More sniper rifles, proper submachinegun, grenade launcher. I would love to see something like Kishock Harpoon Gun from ME3.

3. More animations. Including : improved movement, melee, even small things like idle stances adn weapon reloads.


Of course that's aside from less grinding, fixing bugs and small thing like improving UI.

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1. Bona fide co-op mechanics, supported by improved AI, map design, mission objectives and stealth. Think Army of Two meets Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory meets Warframe.

2. Player determined Transmutation system. I want to Transmutate XYZ for A, at the cost of N amount. Applicable to all mods, blueprints, etc.

3. Scripted story missions. Yes please.

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1. Bona fide co-op mechanics, supported by improved AI, map design, mission objectives and stealth. Think Army of Two meets Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory meets Warframe.

2. Player determined Transmutation system. I want to Transmutate XYZ for A, at the cost of N amount. Applicable to all mods, blueprints, etc.

3. Scripted story missions. Yes please.

I love you

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1. Less speed more tactics and stealth.

2. Better AI.

3. Guns that aren't fully automatic with laser pointer precision and actually require some skill to use.

1. MORE speed and MORE parkour moves because this is what WF is all about.

2. Better UI

3. More guns like the flux and synapse which have 0 recoil and pinpoint accuracy because they are the best and most fun guns I have ever played with.

Edited by Tr1ples1xer
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