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So I Just Got The Synapse...


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This gun is probably one of the coolest guns in the game! It's all infested and alive lookin' (when you're aiming it it moves around a bit) and it goes ZAP! and shoots lightining (highly exagerated nerve impulses to be specific) about 7 feet infront of you!

From a gameplay standpoint although (i've only gotten it to level 10) it's not too terribly great. I was somekind of lightning god that obliterated everything on kilken, but then I went to kappa and its limited effectiveness was really shown there. I'm sure it gets better once i slam my good mods in it (only have maxed point strike and rifle mutator in it at the moment) but right now it's just an electric ignis. Still really cool though :3

Anyone else have any feedback on the synapse?

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At its core its a Crit Lux rifle, its not needed but you can get it to 125% crit chance,since its base is 50%, and its base Crit Dmg is 2x so modding it up to 180% gets it close to 6x

And yes it does not do true dmg. just like all non true dmg guns it falls off the higher the level and higher the armor values.

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