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I Give Up, Some Does More Ap Dps Than Even Flux


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Again, even if Soma's base damage is reduced to ZERO from huge armor, it's still going to do assloads of AP damage from Pericing Hit.

oh really? well explain we this - level 50 ancient is dying to 5 shots. level 102 ancient is dying to 17. yeah sure Soma is 5 times better than Braton. OK.


also, new system is not about armor reduction, it is something different. and how elemental mods will play out you don't know neither do i. what i do know that damage output will be affected directly by crit chance and crit damage. So instead of crying of the forums about things to come, you could just consider that other weapons will be changed according to new system.

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oh really? well explain we this - level 50 ancient is dying to 5 shots. level 102 ancient is dying to 17. yeah sure Soma is 5 times better than Braton. OK.


also, new system is not about armor reduction, it is something different. and how elemental mods will play out you don't know neither do i. what i do know that damage output will be affected directly by crit chance and crit damage. So instead of crying of the forums about things to come, you could just consider that other weapons will be changed according to new system.


Simple; the Ancient simply has a higher armor and HP value, translating into higher "effective HP" and damage resistance.


Even with Armor 2.0, the Soma will outstrip just about every single primary focused on DPS in the game.

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Hey, well, flux still staggers like a melee attack, and still rips infested to shreds with a 3x multiplier. I keep mine around when I really want to give them space zombies a bad day. Sort of falls in the same vein as synapse against corpus. Of course, Soma is a great general purpose rifle that looks, feels, sounds, and works amazingly well.

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oh really? well explain we this - level 50 ancient is dying to 5 shots. level 102 ancient is dying to 17.


Yes, really.


The rank 102 Ancient has dramatically more health than the rank 50. Even if they take the same damage, the higher rank takes longer to die.


also, new system is not about armor reduction, it is something different. and how elemental mods will play out you don't know neither do i. what i do know that damage output will be affected directly by crit chance and crit damage. So instead of crying of the forums about things to come, you could just consider that other weapons will be changed according to new system.


Not relevant to this discussion, which is about the here and now.


Future changes could total turn everything on it's head, so it's nearly pointless to bring them up.

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The main problem with any weapon feedback at the moment?


New damage system is coming. 


This means that unless you didn't know that piece of information, this kind of complaining basically IS whining. The new weapons were probably made with the new system in mind, and all of this DPS is going to probably change. 


The Soma is also supposed to have a higher Mastery Level requirement, and Scott said that was coming. 


Not only that, but I think it is good for people who don't want to be part of a clan to be able to get a good weapon.


Finally, like before, anything you calculate damage-wise is going to probably change, so getting mad and complaining about it at the moment is useless and basically whiny. Reserve all the complaining until after the new damage system is in place. If the Soma is still that much better, then you should think about complaining, but not before. There is no point in complaining right now about damage. 

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Hey, well, flux still staggers like a melee attack, and still rips infested to shreds with a 3x multiplier. I keep mine around when I really want to give them space zombies a bad day. Sort of falls in the same vein as synapse against corpus. Of course, Soma is a great general purpose rifle that looks, feels, sounds, and works amazingly well.


Light infested only but yeah, thats true, flux does more AP dps vs light infested because of serrated blade base damage type.

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Not relevant to this discussion, which is about the here and now.


Future changes could total turn everything on it's head, so it's nearly pointless to bring them up.

hahahahahaahahaha. kid.


is it so hard to grasp that what is now is already not important and this discussion as well. changes are coming. and Soma is an example how weapons will looks like.

Is ts wrong about dps of Soma? no. however i wonder what took him so long to calculate this. It was obvious from day one.


another thing is damage system will be remade from scratch, this will affect each and single weapon in this game. because new damage system is crit chance and crit damage dependant. So do you really think that DE will throw away 99% of arsenal just because it's base crit chance is 2.5%?

Just imagine all the S#&$storm because of... let say i have braton with catalyst and 5 formas. So if in new system it will have same 2.5% i will cry a fkn ocean on this forum.


Again for slowpokes, what we have now in the game is not important. It was obvious from last livestream. period. no reason to cry about it now. if DE will fk things up as they like to do, this will be a reason to cry and complain, not now- then. when this mini update hit WF.

Edited by Althix
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is it so hard to grasp that what is now is already not important and this discussion as well. changes are coming.


Again for slowpokes, what we have now in the game is not important.


You can't play the Warframe of the future today.


What we have now in the game is all that is important, right now.

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You can't play the Warframe of the future today.


What we have now in the game is all that is important, right now.


But it isn't. Otherwise, it would be even more pointless for you to complain, because it means you don't care if it gets fixed in the future. 


That kind of logic is stupid. Besides, you are not getting hurt by having the Soma be more powerful than the Flux. Thus, it is not as priority as a lot of other things. 

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You can't play the Warframe of the future today.

What we have now in the game is all that is important, right now.

O m g. You should buy a master package at least. You will find a lot of supportes of DC with that kind of logic you have.

1) If it's op now - use it. things can change.

2) What is now is not important, that game IS broken in many aspects, are you blind to that? What do you want to get fixed entire game or single gun damage output? It is very simple and obvious question. I have this feeling that you don't care about overall improvement of the game in future, you want a nerf of one single aspect of it now. And what will be tomorrow is not your concern or problem.

Think first before you do please.

p.s. Dracosaber have this insight btw. He even managed to use less words that i did.

Edited by Althix
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But it isn't. Otherwise, it would be even more pointless for you to complain, because it means you don't care if it gets fixed in the future. 


That kind of logic is stupid. Besides, you are not getting hurt by having the Soma be more powerful than the Flux. Thus, it is not as priority as a lot of other things. 


Your logic is bit circular there. Someone cares how game is now thus said person doesn't care how game will be thus said person doesn't care at all?




O m g. You should buy a master package at least. You will find a lot of supportes of DC with that kind of logic you have.

1) If it's op now - use it. things can change.

2) What is now is not important, because game IS broken in many aspects, are you blind to that? What do you want to get fixed entire game or single gun damage output? It is very simple and obvious question. I have this feeling that you don't care overall improvement of the game in future, you want a nerf of one single aspect of it now. And what will be tomorrow is not your concern or problem.

Think first before you do please.

p.s. Dracosaber have this insight btw. He even managed to use less words that i did.


It's not just one gun. All dojo weapons (and non dojo weapons also) are pretty much arbitrary rollercoaster performance/cost wise.

Edited by Patzer
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no. because this person is aware that current system is already irrelevant.


@Patzer i am aware of that, i calculated damage of Soma when i saw its stats. But i don't care about that because i can not know how CT weapons will looks like in the future. I will reserve my judgement to that day.


So if i understand correctly all this fuss is about one simple fact that a weapon that can be build without dojo and much time is better than specialized arsenal from dojo research? Is that it? Tell me that i am wrong please.

Edited by Althix
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IMHO, Soma was firstly released for business (nothing wrong with it, any income will benefit to the game) not for balance, in order to sell a maximum "update 10 mega bundles" to newcomers and beginners that cannot craft the stuff.

Anyway, i trust in DE not to forget advanced players (rank 10 very soon) that spent a lot of time/credits and platinum for advanced weps like the supra, acrid, and flux rifle.

Edited by From_Orion
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no. because this person is aware that current system is already irrelevant.


@Patzer i am aware of that, i calculated damage of Soma when i saw its stats. But i don't care about that because it can not know how CT weapons will looks like in the future. I will reserve my judgement to that day.


So if i understand correctly all this fuss is about one simple fact that a weapon that can be build without dojo and much time is better than specialized arsenal from dojo research? Is that it? Tell me that i am wrong please.


Tbh only thing I would like to know if this was intentional or not and are they going to do something about it. If cheaper and easier to get weapon is supposed to be better than all dojo weps then so be it, it's their game.


I would like to emphasize that all I would like to know is, if this was intentional or not.

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But it isn't. Otherwise, it would be even more pointless for you to complain, because it means you don't care if it gets fixed in the future.

That kind of logic is stupid. Besides, you are not getting hurt by having the Soma be more powerful than the Flux. Thus, it is not as priority as a lot of other things.

I haven't complained about anything at all in this thread. I've pointed how how things are now. I have helped to illustrate what the current state of the game is.

My complaints are in the complaints thread and the conclusion I came to was that we'd have to wait and see how the upcomming changes affect game balance before committing to any specific nerfs on Soma.

Fact of the matter still remains that when I play Warframe today, my Soma is a better weapon than anyone's Flux Rifle in 9 out 10 cases.

things can change.

I've never disputed this. I expect them to change.

2) What is now is not important, that game IS broken in many aspects, are you blind to that?

How is the game I am playing now not at least as important as the one I might be playing later?

What do you want to get fixed entire game or single gun damage output? It is very simple and obvious question.

I have suggested no changes in this thread.

I have this feeling that you don't care about overall improvement of the game in future, you want a nerf of one single aspect of it now. And what will be tomorrow is not your concern or problem.

I have sunk a fair amount of money into this game. Don't let the lack of decorative badge fool you, I simply prefer to purchase Platinum.

So yes, I have a vested interest in getting the most out of this game as I can for the money I have already expended and may continue to spend in the future.

However, this is all beside the point, and not particularly relevant to the primary topic of this thread, which has been about clearing up misconceptions (some of your own included) about the current Soma. Edited by Saenol
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Tbh only thing I would like to know if this was intentional or not and are they going to do something about it. If cheaper and easier to get weapon is supposed to be better than all dojo weps then so be it, it's their game.


I would like to emphasize that all I would like to know is, if this was intentional or not.

They are going to make soma a much higher rank, I hope DE gives it a 6-8 rank with a significant resource requirement. Synapse is stronger so it not like Soma beats clan weapons in general.

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They are going to make soma a much higher rank, I hope DE gives it a 6-8 rank with a significant resource requirement. Synapse is stronger so it not like Soma beats clan weapons in general.


Where did you get this information Synapse being better than Soma unless there is some hidden mechanic?


Raw DPS: Soma > Synapse > Flux

AP DPS: Soma > Flux > Synapse



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Where did you get this information Synapse being better than Soma unless there is some hidden mechanic?


"Perfect" Synapse Build

  • Cryo Rounds
  • Hammer Shot
  • Hellfire
  • Piercing Hit
  • Point Strike
  • Serration
  • Split Chamber
  • Vital Sense



Name :: Synapse

Magazine Size :: 100

Total Ammo :: 640

Crit Chance :: 125%

Crit Damage Multiplier :: 560%

Fire Rate :: 10 rounds per second

Reload Time :: 1.5 seconds

Damage :: 213.987

Damage Shields :: 270.631

Damage Corpus :: 427.975

Damage Grineer :: 213.987

Damage Infested :: 270.631

Crit Damage :: 1198.33

Crit Damage to Shields :: 1515.535

Crit Damage to Corpus :: 2396.66

Crit Damage to Grineer :: 1198.33

Crit Damage to Infested :: 1515.535

Average Damage :: 1444.416

Average Damage to Shields :: 1826.761

Average Damage to Corpus :: 2888.831

Average Damage to Grineer :: 1444.416

Average Damage to Infested :: 1826.761

Damage per Mag :: 144441.562

Damage per Mag to Shields :: 182676.094

Damage per Mag to Corpus :: 288883.125

Damage per Mag to Grineer :: 144441.562

Damage per Mag to Infested :: 182676.094

DPS :: 12560.136

DPS to Shields :: 15884.878

DPS to Corpus :: 25120.272

DPS to Grineer :: 12560.136

DPS to Infested :: 15884.878

Burst DPS :: 14444.156

Burst DPS to Shields :: 18267.609

Burst DPS to Corpus :: 28888.312

Burst DPS to Grineer :: 14444.156

Burst DPS to Infested :: 18267.609

Now some interesting facts:

  • The Synapse can "red crit" with a maxed Point Strike.  The number simply doesn't show as red.  Test it yourself: go fight an infested ancient with just Point Strike equipped and shoot at his lower torso from behind so as to avoid head shots.  You'll see a whole bunch of 3s and 4s with some odd 30s and 40s mixed in. Those are the 25% "red crits". Make sure you do this as the host (solo guarantees this) as all numbers are screwy when you're a client.
  • Corrosive Projection dropping 30% of an enemy's armor doesn't increase the damage by 30%.  It drops the armor's numerical value by 30% which can often result in a massive damage increase against armored opponents at higher levels. This basically means it's a very good idea to bring at-least one when doing high level play until Armor/Damage 2.0 goes live.


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Tbh only thing I would like to know if this was intentional or not and are they going to do something about it. If cheaper and easier to get weapon is supposed to be better than all dojo weps then so be it, it's their game.


I would like to emphasize that all I would like to know is, if this was intentional or not.


001300-001700. it is very obvious. You see take a look at synapse AR from biolab. even if it's a very specific weapon, it is already gives you a hint how it's gonna be in the future. Clan and Dojo are huge sink hole for players money. DE can't afford to dump such thing in the toilet. Clan emblem alone is 150 plat worth.


And it's not only about clantech alone, it is about entire game. Damage system will change and with it weapons will change. And chances are that even if now Soma is a "best" primary, after update it can be nice looking mediocre gun like braton.


So. What we have on our hands now is not important at all. Because you can't pass any judgement on any gun now. You can't and you shouldn't if you have some brain.


As a member of moon clan i know what it takes to build a dojo real money wise. And DE are aware of that as well. So your concerns about CT as it now baseless.


Also if your main point of thread is about one question: why as it now Soma is better than time and money consuming CT weapons just ask this.


I am sure as it now you are aware that post like this is like a red rag to a bull's nose, short-sighted players will jump in. and mess will start.

Edited by Althix
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I'll have to get my hands on a Synapse and throw some Forma at it before they change things too much.


Synapse definitely looks better than Soma damage wise, but that ~25m range hurts. I've done some measurements, and by the time I'm missing more than half of my aimed shots with Soma, targets are 140-150m away. Granted, this range is very rarely necessary, but it's there.

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