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Warframes as their own character


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I still hope for some glimps of personality on Warframes, Umbra of coruse is the most obvious but what about Mirage, Lotus spoke of her like a old friend, Limbo, ripped apart in the rift, all those stories about them, and yes we build them but that is more a gameplay thing, recovering there blueprints etc.

Story wise we are only one tenno i mean, yes there are others like us but in the main Quests, that is only us lifing trough such, the Grineer Queens, etc.

So lore wise it should make sense them having something inside them still, i mean our Warframe reacted also to Hunhow, pulling the sword out and that was way before Umbra was even a thing.

But seeing how they not even bother with Quests anymore and instead we got this mediocre Museum which is antoher thing attached and will be forgotten i bet, why wasn't Simaris in this? He collects he has data, why isn't it his Museum? Same with Nora and Nightwave, new content is nice but THIS is no content, its thigns bandaided at the game.

Please DE give us something meaningful, please let the next Quest be good, expand on what you have and stop attaching things that overflows the game in meaningless manners.

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