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Arcane Pistoleer


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http://prntscr.com/p89hv2   <-- anounched

http://prntscr.com/p89i8g´   <---actually in the game

This feels like a repeat of the Synth Charge debacle, a niesh mod a small fraction of the comunity was exited for, but ended up getting nerfed into abulte usefulless pre release. the changing of this arcane tunred it from something that can help with the insane ammo consuption of some ak weapons to something you can only use on a wepon with insane spead and multishot values or snipertype pistols. Verry disapointing to see a neat idea go utterly wasted once more(see unversal medalions and synth shards) without any decent balanching reason. I dont exept this to be changed or possibly even read buy anyone at DE ever. But I was still compelled to voice my anger about this since it just keeps happening every time you guys add a bunch of stuff to the "modding" part of the game.      Although the 100% part at max rank KINDOF makes up for it, I admit that. it would still have been  nice to get a slightly weaker, more consistent arcane.

Edited by fastgamer2
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the new arby stuff si pretty garbage except maybe 1 or 2 things...if they wanted to add something for ammo economy they could have simply added pax charge for other weapons other than kitguns

but nooooooo better add a S#&amp;&#036; arcane that no one would ever use

Edited by Sharkgoblin
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