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Foundry won't show weapon parts


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On 2019-09-21 at 12:53 AM, (XB1)SeriphLogan said:

Not sure how to do that. 

I have pretty much no clue how stuff works on XB1, but I just put "warframe xb1 how to take screenshots" into Google, does this help?

xbox home button, just press it once, than press Y

8 hours ago, (XB1)SeriphLogan said:

So I take it no one can help figure this out. 

But ignoring screenshots, let's take it back a step and just make sure, what exactly are you doing?

Like, you're not trying to craft the parts in question, right? (Since those come already done.)

You have bought the Cyngas (not Corvas) Blueprint from the Market,
have all the Cyngas (again, not Corvas, heh) parts in your Inventory,
and now are looking at the Blueprint in the Foundry, where it shows that not enough / no parts to craft it are there?

If all this is indeed matching your situation, I guess contacting Support would be your best bet.

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11 hours ago, (XB1)SeriphLogan said:

Yes red the parts are in my inventory but they aren't showing when I go into the foundry.  I have all the parts and the blueprint, but still can't make it because the Blueprint doesn't see the parts. 

So, here's what I would do.  Take screenshots of your foundry showing that you have the BP, but that you can't craft it.  Then, take screenshots of your inventory that show you have the parts.  Ensure they are for the same weapon.  Once you're sure, send those screenshots to Support.

ETA:  To take screenshots on XB1, just press the Home button and then "Y".  Once you've done that, you can use the XB1 app for Windows to download the screenshots to a computer for easy uploads to support.

If you don't have the XB1 app you can try Smartglass for your phone or something, although I'm not sure if Smartglass supports file downloading.  You can also take shots with your phone if you have one and send those to Support.  You can also use an online site that automatically grabs your screenshots from XBL (provided your permissions are set to allow it) like https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/seriphlogan

I hope it gets worked out for you.

Edited by (XB1)R3d P01nt
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