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move seeding step from rotation reward to arbitration offerings


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18 minutes ago, (XB1)razberryX said:

I mean, that's just bad luck. Also, are you just doing the first rotation? Most of the new arcanes and auras come from further rotations.

I've noticed a lot of people do this. They stay for 1-2 rewards, then bail. Come on, folks, that's not how Arbi rotations work! You don't get the good stuff until C, and the rotation doesn't even work the same. Most missions go AABC, but these are AABBCCCCCCCCCCCCCC...... That means you don't even begin to see the good stuff until the 5th reward.

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While I agree with your point, I do think moving Seeding Step to essence rewards would be better since the other cosmetic rewards are there and you really can't do anything with the extras you get from rotation. Any relic would be better. Credits or endo would be better. Amber stars or void traces would be better. ANYTHING would be better, lol. It just doesn't seem appropriate for the mission type.

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