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Riven Trade Chat Channel.


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Exactly what the title says. Every time I log onto trade chat, all I see is R I V E N. Rivens everywhere. I propose the creation of a new chat channel, a separate one from Trade Chat, what is a Riven Trade Chat, specifically for the buying, selling and trading of Rivens. The reasoning is that most people who want something other than rivens don't get it, because trade chat is so flooded with rivens. If a riven trade chat channel is created, with the same rules as normal trade chat, it should help people get what they need, and those riven addicts to get what they need.

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with Chat Filtering existing it's probably unlikely that new Chat Channels will ever exist.


another avenue perhaps would be asking for Chat Filtering to offer Categories of sorts, like pre-made Tags to use in addition to creating manual ones that will recognize based on exact spelling.
these 'pre-made' Tags could offer filtering entire Categories at once, which would help with simplifying the Filtering process.

so, 'pre-made' Filters could look like:

  • Riven
  • Look Link
  • Mandachord track
  • Shawzin track
  • Arsenal/Mod Link
  • Clan
  • Gamemode
    (all the standard Gamemodes plus say, Onslaught, Orbs, Eidolons, Arbitration)
  • Prime Part

you get the idea. things that can be quite common but are also a complex Category that keyword Filtering is essentially hopeless at trying to Filter, have 'pre-made' Categories available to include/exclude to help people out.

Edited by taiiat
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