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I Really Think Golem In Jupiter Should Have Been Replaced Like First Intended


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I really think his (Former) replacement boss (Lephantis), would have done far more being the actual boss of Jupiter. The fight is fun and interesting with a great set up. And if this was something a newbie saw, it would be a fight in which would really hook them in and make them feel engaged in the fight.


Instead it's a fight you have to work to and farm to get to, people would often ask questions of what they're getting the items that lead to him are for and the answer would obviously be Lephantis, the boss. Which kind of dehypes what the fight could have been since people will often know they're atleast in for something special. And it's not that the fight isn't good, but it's not exactly hard for people that can easily farm it. We have weapons and skills that can easily shred him. And while it's a really cool fight and all, I think it would have been drastically more interesting to have him replace the Golem while future harder bosses were worked on.


I really feel it's a step in the right direction to make bosses this interesting, but I feel the current bosses that are really sub par (SUCH AS GOLEM) should be replaced before entirely new full on bosses are added. That way you guys can improve from all the bosses you make and really make some really good end game bosses--- something Lephantis really isn't. He's a boss fit for Jupiter and would make for an engaging and epic battle for that I'm sure. But not for over geared people who are all farmed up, which is who you're appealing to with the key and crafting system.

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Normally I hate such QQ-Threads about "New Golem should replace Old Golem", but I have to agree. If you have to work so hard to get to a boss, the boss should be EXTREMLY hard to defeat, a 30min battle for people with full modded/potatoed/formaed gear for example.


But I think Lephantis is the right step in the right direction and I'm looking forward to more bosses like him.

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I was originally mad at DE about going back on their promise of reworking Golem and instead making two Golems, but then DE explained that they plan on completely changing the faction of Jupiter and turning it into the Corpus Gas Planet set to be released in Update 11 (since Jupiter is the largest gas planet afterall), and thus i was significantly less mad.

Seriously DE, better communication goes a LONG way.

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They also explained if they had replace J-3 with Lephantis as intended the Volt warframe would have no place to get bps from. J-3 should be replaced eventually though.


There's things they could do with it. Hell it would make more since to be a drop from any corpus or Grineer. Also, the quote below mentions that they're going to replace that area, and they'll probably be a new frame released when they do so... same issue.




I was originally mad at DE about going back on their promise of reworking Golem and instead making two Golems, but then DE explained that they plan on completely changing the faction of Jupiter and turning it into the Corpus Gas Planet set to be released in Update 11 (since Jupiter is the largest gas planet afterall), and thus i was significantly less mad.

Seriously DE, better communication goes a LONG way.

I suppose that makes sense, but I still think that the new boss should be a regular boss, not one we have to get keys for. I think it's best they spend time learning to make better bosses by replacing the bad ones with more interesting ones in the main areas, and then make special ones once they have the experience at seeing the things they can do and how players react.


This one could have replaced the other infested boss if not Golem IMO.






some players prefer to spam bullets on boss for the kills.

other prefer hitting certain spots to do damage (me)


new nekros replace volt bp drop??


How many players do you know that go "I want my game to be shallow, easy, and not difficult, and I can't stand developers who make it interesting for me!"?

Edited by WhiteCopain
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