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Warframe Idea: Arachne


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I recently had an idea for a Warframe with spider-themed abilities called Arachne. She would be a light harrier/support type with the ability to harry and incapacitate enemies in interesting ways.


Appearance: Tall, slender female Warframe with mostly dark purple coloration. Has four mechanical leg-like appendages protruding from her back that fold up against her torso to resemble "armor fins" when not in use. Each leg has a spiked tip and a nozzle on its underside that fires webbing for its abilities. Would add a picture if I could draw worth a darn.





1- Fang: fires the spike from one of its legs as a projectile attack. Doesn't mediocre damage, but poisons the target. Can be upgraded to fire a barrage of needles from all its legs, up to 4 at max level.


2- Web: Fires a cone of webbing that knocks enemies backwards and immobilizes them. If an enemy affected by this ability hits a wall or other vertical surface, it takes damage and is fastened to that surface, otherwise it is stuck to the ground and immobilized, usually in a prone position. Enemies immobilized in this manner remain as such until they take damage, at which point they are cut free. Upgrades increase range and knockback.


3- Climb: Arachne extends the "legs" on her back and clings to the surface she's standing on, granting her the ability to resist being launched by knockback effects such as Shockwave Moa stomps (bear in mind this cancels being thrown, not necessarily being staggered by such effects) as well as cling to and freely move along walls for the duration of the effect. Wall-crawling while this power is active consumes no stamina and allows you to remain stationary if you so choose. Arachne will fall if the effect ends while she is wall-crawling, upgrade to increase duration.


4- Cocoon: Area-of-effect attack that encases all within its radius in webbing and launches them upward. Enemies launched in this fashion take considerable damage upon impact with any surface, and will be suspended from that surface by a length of webbing should they impact a wall or ceiling. Enemies that survive the impact will be immobile for the remainder of the effect duration, and enemies hanging from walls and ceilings will dangle within range of most melee attacks. Upgrade to increase damage dealt and binding duration.

    Alternate: Same as above, except instead of launching enemies straight up, they are all pulled toward Arachne's position and piled in a single, large cocoon in front of her. Enemies take damage from the impact, survivors are kept immobile for a while. Upgrade to increase damage dealth and binding duration.

   Another Alternate (credit to Lluid): Radial blast creates web that deals damage, immobilizes enemies, and marks them on the map. After a few seconds, they are pulled to the center of the web, leaving them bound in a pile to the floor. Enemies immobilized by Cocoon require a certain amount of damage to free, upgrading increases this amount as well as damage and area of effect.


So that's the gist of it, what do you all think?

Edited by Cobalt313
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Among the posts I read, this Warframe idea is the one I prefer.

It brings a nice variety to the gameplay without breaking it.


What if the enemies caught into a web (2dn or 4th ability) remained there permanently, except if you deal damage to them (since you also damage the web) or if other enemies free them ? It's not very important but "permanent" effects are rare, and this is a good candidate.


I'm not sure the 4th ability is perfect, I see two other options maybe :

- similar to what you proposed, but a huge web appears, every enemy in range is glued to it and appears in the radar, and maybe it can retract after a while (so that they are pulled as you proposed)

- very different idea : thousands of very little arachnids made of energy spawn from Arachne's feet or from the floor all around, then run/jump to enemies and explode when reaching their weak spot, dealing armor ignore damage.


What do you think ?

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Among the posts I read, this Warframe idea is the one I prefer.

It brings a nice variety to the gameplay without breaking it.


What if the enemies caught into a web (2dn or 4th ability) remained there permanently, except if you deal damage to them (since you also damage the web) or if other enemies free them ? It's not very important but "permanent" effects are rare, and this is a good candidate.


I'm not sure the 4th ability is perfect, I see two other options maybe :

- similar to what you proposed, but a huge web appears, every enemy in range is glued to it and appears in the radar, and maybe it can retract after a while (so that they are pulled as you proposed)

- very different idea : thousands of very little arachnids made of energy spawn from Arachne's feet or from the floor all around, then run/jump to enemies and explode when reaching their weak spot, dealing armor ignore damage.


What do you think ?

I like that idea with the webbing; I'm thinking Web should do that while Cocoon either has a fixed duration or can take more punishment before releasing captured prey.


I think I like the idea of marking the targets on the map since spiders in real life can detect prey caught in their webs through vibrations, and I suppose pulling enemies toward her instead of launching them upward would make more sense. I think I might put that in the main article.


As for the Spiderlings one, it sounds pretty cool, but is rather different from the original idea. Fortunately, I also had an idea for alternate Warframe powers that would make that work out a little better that way since you could choose that or Cocoon.

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The climb is a GLITCH WAITING TO HAPPEN. THe warframe needs more power. It needs to be more effective on higher levels. More iniquity also.

Wall climb could possibly only work on surfaces you can already run on, only allow for all-directional movement; you might have a point about the power since its only direct damage power is Fang, but then again, this is more of a tactical frame like Loki or Trinity though I think I have mentioned Web and Cocoon are supposed to deal damage, especially Cocoon; I'm not sure what to do about higher levels since I kinda meant for its binding ability to be effective against most if not all enemies, and I don't know what you mean by iniquity.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I recently had an idea for a Warframe with spider-themed abilities called Arachne.

She would be a light harrier/support type with the ability to harry and incapacitate enemies in interesting ways.


Appearance: Tall, slender female Warframe with mostly dark purple coloration. Has four mechanical leg-like appendages protruding from her back that fold up against her torso to resemble "armor fins" when not in use. Each leg has a spiked tip and a nozzle on its underside that fires webbing for its abilities. Would add a picture if I could draw worth a darn.





1- Fang: fires the spike from one of its legs as a projectile attack. Doesn't mediocre damage, but poisons the target. Can be upgraded to fire a barrage of needles from all its legs, up to 4 at max level.


2- Web: Fires a cone of webbing that knocks enemies backwards and immobilizes them. If an enemy affected by this ability hits a wall or other vertical surface, it takes damage and is fastened to that surface, otherwise it is stuck to the ground and immobilized, usually in a prone position. Enemies immobilized in this manner remain as such until they take damage, at which point they are cut free. Upgrades increase range and knockback.


3- Climb: Must be used while adjacent to a vertical surface; allows Arachne to freely move along walls and ceilings for the duration of the power. During this time she can aim and fire ranged weapons like normal, but she cannot use any of her other powers while wall-crawling. Jumping from a wall or ceiling does not dismiss the ability (which will resume on the next wall you run into), but time spent on the ground still counts against the ability's duration. Upgrade to increase duration and maybe movement speed.


4- Cocoon: Area-of-effect attack that encases all within its radius in webbing and launches them upward. Enemies launched in this fashion take considerable damage upon impact with any surface, and will be suspended from that surface by a length of webbing should they impact a wall or ceiling. Enemies that survive the impact will be immobile for the remainder of the effect duration, and enemies hanging from walls and ceilings will dangle within range of most melee attacks. Upgrade to increase damage dealt and binding duration.

    Alternate: Same as above, except instead of launching enemies straight up, they are all pulled toward Arachne's position and piled in a single, large cocoon in front of her. Enemies take damage from the impact, survivors are kept immobile for a while. Upgrade to increase damage dealth and binding duration.

   Another Alternate (credit to Lluid): Radial blast creates web that deals damage, immobilizes enemies, and marks them on the map. After a few seconds, they are pulled to the center of the web, leaving them bound in a pile to the floor. Enemies immobilized by Cocoon require a certain amount of damage to free, upgrading increases this amount as well as damage and area of effect.


So that's the gist of it, what do you all think?


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I recently had an idea for a Warframe with spider-themed abilities called Arachne.

She would be a light harrier/support type with the ability to harry and incapacitate enemies in interesting ways.


Appearance: Tall, slender female Warframe with mostly dark purple coloration. Has four mechanical leg-like appendages protruding from her back that fold up against her torso to resemble "armor fins" when not in use. Each leg has a spiked tip and a nozzle on its underside that fires webbing for its abilities. Would add a picture if I could draw worth a darn.





1- Fang: fires the spike from one of its legs as a projectile attack. Doesn't mediocre damage, but poisons the target. Can be upgraded to fire a barrage of needles from all its legs, up to 4 at max level.


2- Web: Fires a cone of webbing that knocks enemies backwards and immobilizes them. If an enemy affected by this ability hits a wall or other vertical surface, it takes damage and is fastened to that surface, otherwise it is stuck to the ground and immobilized, usually in a prone position. Enemies immobilized in this manner remain as such until they take damage, at which point they are cut free. Upgrades increase range and knockback.


3- Climb: Must be used while adjacent to a vertical surface; allows Arachne to freely move along walls and ceilings for the duration of the power. During this time she can aim and fire ranged weapons like normal, but she cannot use any of her other powers while wall-crawling. Jumping from a wall or ceiling does not dismiss the ability (which will resume on the next wall you run into), but time spent on the ground still counts against the ability's duration. Upgrade to increase duration and maybe movement speed.


4- Cocoon: Area-of-effect attack that encases all within its radius in webbing and launches them upward. Enemies launched in this fashion take considerable damage upon impact with any surface, and will be suspended from that surface by a length of webbing should they impact a wall or ceiling. Enemies that survive the impact will be immobile for the remainder of the effect duration, and enemies hanging from walls and ceilings will dangle within range of most melee attacks. Upgrade to increase damage dealt and binding duration.

    Alternate: Same as above, except instead of launching enemies straight up, they are all pulled toward Arachne's position and piled in a single, large cocoon in front of her. Enemies take damage from the impact, survivors are kept immobile for a while. Upgrade to increase damage dealth and binding duration.

   Another Alternate (credit to Lluid): Radial blast creates web that deals damage, immobilizes enemies, and marks them on the map. After a few seconds, they are pulled to the center of the web, leaving them bound in a pile to the floor. Enemies immobilized by Cocoon require a certain amount of damage to free, upgrading increases this amount as well as damage and area of effect.


So that's the gist of it, what do you all think?



Oh crap what have I done? lol.

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