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Do you all hate Ember


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Ember has always been my favorite frame. I have used her when her World on Fire could actually kill mobs. I played her after they nerfed World on Fire into nothing. Now....I am convinced that inspite of what DE_Megan claims there is no love for Ember. Either that or they do not play her like the actual players do. 

Fireball is a useless skill, When are you going to be able to stand and charge up a fireball for max damage in the middle of a fight?!
Immolation, well i was hoping for something similar to her Accelerant. What we got was another energy pit. There is no way to function without micromanaging your energy useage. Constantly spamming her Flameblast to kind of control that. And no it isnt based on you using flame abilities, I have stood and done nothing and watched the meter creep up rather quickly. So if its based on burnt/burning enemies why would it continue to increase with no enemies present and no abilities used?! 
Flameblast, explain again why it uses energy when it is just a discharge of built up heat from immolation?!
Inferno, I call absolute bullS#&$ on it being line of sight. It misses mobs standing inches from you. Hits mobs standing behind doors. Misses mobs hiding behind breakables. OH and best of all, you can be standing on a grineer and use it only to have to stab them to death because Inferno never touched them. Inferno is a real hit or miss on what it targets. The range on it is no better than the range on a whip. How is this better in any way to World on Fire?! At least with that you killed or damaged EVERYTHING. Now with inferno you get to watch mobs escape the flames! And they do it with easy and regularity. This max arbitrary number that it can hit needs to be increased or removed completely. Just bring back the original WoF. oh we know it is because of afk players, so fix that and stop breaking frames. Not every ember player was an AFK player. You ruined ember to correct that problem, and the problem is still there.

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The new ember is great, she's a proper caster nowadays.

Her 1 is a simple spell, nothing amazing, it not actually bad. Even quick cast fireballs (don't know if I'd bother charging it, unless I tossed in cast speed, though that's same for Hydroid)

Her 2 is damage mit as is, with 100% strength at lvl 30, its 50% mit, it is literally better than nothing. The heat management is an integral part of her gameplay now, if you don't like it, then that's unfortunate, you will probably not like the frame. She has a resource now, that resource affects her abilities and her damage output, like Gauss (great frame as well)

Her 3 is her deheat tool, this is very important to her new kit, AND 100% armor strip at max heat. Armor doesn't matter  in starchart content, and it never will, lvl 30 enemies are still weak S#&$ters. Since it's not starchart this probably won't matter for most of the Warframe playerbase, because they'll never see an armor value that'll effect damage mit except when they use Valkyr or Chroma.

Her 4 is a Nuke, and is a proper spell. She's supposed to be a caster. The ability is pretty solid against grinner, pop 3 strip armor, and start stacking heat procs/ heat DoTs. Now that Heat status can stack damage over time, similar to other DoTs she has proper scaling, Heat damage against unarmored Grineer flesh or on raw Corpus flesh has a 50% bonus. (Infested Flesh has a 50% bonus, but only 2 units in the infested Faction actually have infested flesh, the 2 joke stock mobs. Chargers (infested doggos) and whatever the infested crawlers are (the midget corpus(?)

Ember's new introduction of a resource to enable "skill" (albeit very little skill, still enough to turn off potatoes) is a far better implementation of a warframe rework, rather than having such a brain dead and uninteractive or uninteresting ability such as World on Fire and her previous 3 abilities. Old Ember has the same 1, the 1 doesn't need to be truly insane in overall gameplay, a simple nuke is fine. Will a simple nuke see play in high level content? probably not, that's not the point. A simple nuke on 1, allows a warframe to spam a basic ability while leveling and increase Affinty gain in regular gameplay (Kills with warframe abilities grant 100% of affinity to the Warframe, not split between gear) The 2 buffed her heat damage, which previously was a terrible damage type, ineffective against all 4 factions.  And it is unreasonable to assume groups will run Corrosive Projection against grineer mobs in both public gameplay or in any warframe multiplayer gameplay. People just don't, the community doesn't value armor, and they are probably right to, they will never see content where armor matters, because the highest lvl content they will engage in is Sorties, but to them Sorties are some magic fairy missions with arbitrary bullS#&$ mechanics (even though it's really quite simple). Her 3 debuffed enemies and increased the heat damage they take (ooh another multiplier, these 2 heat mechanics almost makes heat a neutral modifier against factions, how truly incredible). And then her 4, a passively channeled aoe DoT that doesn't stack, but just hits, again, and again, and again. The damage after her nerf was abysmal, and became quickly irrelevant even in starchart, further hurting her mechanical flaws of heat damage being a terrible damage type. When she was OP there was no need to use her other 3 abilities, everything dies in her ult, whether defense or exterminate. When she was S#&$, her 4 abilities didn't matter, you can't buff 0. No utility, no damage, no defense, no utility.

A warframe who has such a flawed mechanic... a Warframe who is supposed to be a "DPS" its fine to be a glass cannon. You're just expected to have the damage output to justify being a glass cannon. But when Ember was OP, she was OP. When she was bad, she was BAD. There's nothing in her kit besides the damage. There's nothing for her to fall back on, be able to use, besides her damage value. And, her damage was mechanically awful, unless you could pull off 4 corrosive projections and even then, its finally a warframe ability, but it had to compete against all the other warframe abilities in the game, which some scale infinitely as time passes, some scale with riven mods, some scale off the health of the enemies. Her flat base value hit damage that doesn't stack, just fell off so hard and so fast.

This new Ember is a infinitely better warframe than old. She has damage mit (that was a genuine surprise, I wasn't expecting anything as remotely useful, probably a increased shield recharge buff or something, but the mitigation buff is quite useful) and she has 100% armor strip in herself. This allows her heat damage to be able to benefit from multiplier. The DoT stacking allows her to actually reward spamming or repeatedly casting. She is finally a caster warframe. And she has a "skill" based resource, so there is now more flexibility in her development and balance.

Edited by B2-Banger
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