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Is There Any Point In Gram Now?


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Alright, Gram is pretty much my favourite weapon in the entire game (melee wise, anyway.).

It's a big &#!, glowing sword that slices enemies into two bloody halves.

But... Is there really any point to it now?


I just made the Galantine and put it through its paces on Terminus, the same place I test every weapon.

I tested my Gram there.

The Galantine seems to outperform it in every aspect. Charge murders enemies and the normal attacks seem on level with the Gram. Hell, it outperforms most of my weapons. One charge and enemies are in pieces.

Not to mention it has the same odd fire rate for a big (And it's big) &#! sword.


I recall a topic talking about Prime weapons.

The person said "Why would I, in any right mind, bother making a normal version of a weapon when a week later a superior version will be released.".

I'm getting this vibe with this new weapon.

Why would I bother making the Gram, the original great sword, when this is a direct upgrade?



Sorry if any of my information is wrong, as I've only played one mission with the weapon.

Sorry if I'm talking crap here.

Edited by FillyRarity
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there is a reason to get the gram. the galantine has the slowest charge attack of all weapons, and they will probably buuf all melee weapons to be on par with the galantine, including the gram


I'd be careful with these statements. DE has a history of not making sense when it comes to buffs.


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We don't know what is coming with the damage change that is promised. I wouldn't throw anything away until we know.

Didn't realise this was a thing that was happening.

I'd never throw Gram away, as again, it's my favourite weapon.

My only concern was that it was being made redundant with the new greatsword.

I do hope it isn't. We shall see, hmm.

*Sits and patiently awaits update.*

Oh, and yea. Armour 2.0. That's a thing isn't it.

That might mix things up and make both swords be valued.

Edited by FillyRarity
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there is a reason to get the gram. the galantine has the slowest charge attack of all weapons, and they will probably buuf all melee weapons to be on par with the galantine, including the gram


they said that about the acrid and despair, old weapons are doomed.

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Gram was my favorite weapon as well. I don't feel like it has been made irrelevant though; Galatine performs uniquely in terms of its role. Super fast/light standard attacks, super slow/heavy charge attacks. It is a weapon of extremes. My biggest issue is that they gave the two weapons the same animation, so now they will be forever compared.

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My 4 star Gram is easily my favourite weapon, its also my 'signature weapon' as i always bring it to an important mission regardless, While my primary and secondary often change to suit the occassion, when it gets serious my Gram is always with me

do i regret 'overclocking' it 4 times? do i regret the Forma?  not a chance

The only thing im gunna regret is that the Galatine is gunna be the 'New Orthos' and every man, his dog and his dogs sentinel are gunna be using one

WAY too low mastery rank for the most powerful melee weapon by far : the thing should be rank 6 or 7 imo

Theres no change or buff that can bring ANY other melee weapon up to Galas level, tbh even if it had a charge attack of 250 i would be swapping my Gram out for it...but 400?  crazy


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My 4 star Gram is easily my favourite weapon, its also my 'signature weapon' as i always bring it to an important mission regardless, While my primary and secondary often change to suit the occassion, when it gets serious my Gram is always with me

do i regret 'overclocking' it 4 times? do i regret the Forma?  not a chance

The only thing im gunna regret is that the Galatine is gunna be the 'New Orthos' and every man, his dog and his dogs sentinel are gunna be using one

WAY too low mastery rank for the most powerful melee weapon by far : the thing should be rank 6 or 7 imo

Theres no change or buff that can bring ANY other melee weapon up to Galas level, tbh even if it had a charge attack of 250 i would be swapping my Gram out for it...but 400?  crazy



Have the Dakra Prime be this strong, I don't think the uproar would be this high.


Void exclusive, 15 cells for 50 normal damage and 80 charge damage plus mastery rank 6. Ha. Ha.

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Gram was always worse than Fragor/Scindo but it was in the same 'tier' because it charged faster.


Galatine just outclasses EVERYTHING so don't feel bad.


I personally would continue to use Gram because the charge speed is much more...manageable, and for 90% of the game, you're one-shotting things anyway.


for the 10% of the time you're not, Orthos Prime > Galatine in practicality.

Edited by Volume
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I've dealt with things like this for far too long.

Every time there's an update every weapon prior to new ones get pushed drastically down and DE haven't done a thing about it.

I only hope that the coming updates will break this trend.

Look, if DE brings out a weapon that is nearly identical... Everyone complains, for example. Ether Reaper =/= Reaper Prime. But if DE brings out a weapon better then all the rest, for example. Supra < Soma... Everyone complains, not tryign to be mean here. But if you are sick of it, then leave.

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Alright, Gram is pretty much my favourite weapon in the entire game (melee wise, anyway.).

It's a big &amp;#&#33;, glowing sword that slices enemies into two bloody halves.

But... Is there really any point to it now?


I just made the Galantine and put it through its paces on Terminus, the same place I test every weapon.

I tested my Gram there.




 I mean... Really?


I test any weapon Vs level 30 enemies, anything kills grineers at Terminus or anyway below level 15 with charge damage.


That said, it's nice for a Rhino where you can put on god mode Iron Skin and avoid interrupts, but on my Excal it's still better the Gram.


Also, I'm NOT going to sell my BIG-NEON-SWORD. Heck when I saw the plasma sword on Alerts (the mini-Gram, same charge build) I was so happy I could have that too.

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 I mean... Really?


I test any weapon Vs level 30 enemies, anything kills grineers at Terminus or anyway below level 15 with charge damage.


Low level enemies where I can stroll around without a care in the world for what enemies are shooting at me and get a feel for a weapon and see how much damage it can inflict bare bones.

The grineer on terminus (Or most mercury missions for that matter) have very little armour I believe. If a weapon is having trouble on them, they're going to be like hitting enemies with sticks at higher levels so I'll know I'll need to address armour pierce.

Plus it gains me a good two levels so I can start strapping mods on the weapon.


There is method in the madness, good sir. Don't think I do it for the hell of it.


As a point, I did catch on instantly to how powerful the weapon is and moved onto... Jupiter I believe. Still two-three normal slices to kill most enemies, charge obliterates them and could OHKO ancients nine times out of ten.

I then took it to Eris (I believe. Syestm phorid is in.) and I'm in the process of experimenting with it there.

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