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My Feedback For Synapse


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So i've used this weapon for about a week (against all factions) and i decided to write down a feedback about it.


Weapon's level: 30

Catalyst: Yes

Formas: None


Build: (all 60 pts used)


- Serration (12 pts)

- Point Strike (9 pts)

- Vital Sense (9 pts)

- Hammer Shot (9 pts)

- Piercing Hit (9 pts)

- Rifle Ammo Mutation (6 pts)

- Stormbringer // Cryo Rounds (6 pts)


My goal to maximize it:


- add 4*Formas (3*V and 1*-)

- add Split Chamber (15 pts)

- max out Serration (14 pts)

- replace Stormbringer // Cryo Rounds with faction's based mod " Bane of ******* " (9 pts)




I found myself enjoying the Synapse only after lvl 18, right when i've been able to use Serration + Point Strike + Vital Sense + Rifle Ammo Mutation, before those mods were installed i found it lacking against both Infested and Grineer (especially) while doing nice only against Corpus.

The Synapse is really easy to use compared to the Flux thanks to the absence of the staggering effect which allows me to land consistent headshots to my targets but the low range (24m) and the kinda low dmg are annoying at first.

In regard of this i hope the buffs promised by DE will come asap.


It feels powerful and the thunder'ish sound when firing is great, giving a really nice experience, i'm not really enjoying the "fleshy style design" and therefore i painted it all black/blue to look more "tech".


Once at lvl 30, with that loadout, it is an amazing weapon, capable on instakilling enemies of any faction in less than a second (and about 3 seconds hitting weakspots on heavies) up to lvl 70-80 (against Corpus we can move the lvl range to 100), the Rifle Ammo Mutation is godsend with this weapon allowing you to not worry about anything (if you use a Carrier sentinel it's even better) and keep firing at your targets until death.


The pinpoint accuracy, the continous stream and the extremely fast recharge (1.5sec) are excellent and provide all good points to this already nice weapon which only really lacks a bit in dmg and polarities.




A very nice weapon that needs a Catalyst to become useful and at least 4*Formas to become perfect

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I congratulate you for being the first person in a while to actually post a feedback, and not cry out your soul for a buff or a nerf.    

                                                                                      Well done dear sir!!!

Edited by Skial
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I congratulate you for being the first person in a while to actually post a feedback, and not cry out your soul for a buff or a nerf.    

                                                                                      Well done dear sir!!!


The people who cry buff or nerf have a reason at times you know. Those are also feedback. Though at times there are people who have never experienced a weapon before and cry nerf since they are judging on the base stats though at times there is something true about what they are saying.


DE for example are doing very poorly with the tiering system. Giving highly superior (or even overpowered) weapons a very low Mastery restriction thus ofcourse people cry nerf. Acrid is strong but that's because it represents its Mastery restriction so it doesn't matter that much.


Power creep had been an issue before DE decided to implement a tiering system and they kept walking the path of the powercreep for quite a long time before they made the decision to crossover to a tiering system. I highly dislike the current state of the tiering system because like I said, it's been done very poorly. Though I guess we have to wait till Armor 2.0.


Nova for example is overpowered. Mainly her ultimate since it does everything (CC, damage multiplier, massive AoE on cast, good AoE with each explosion that does good damage) in one package. Some people ended up wanting to buff everything to Novas level instead but I completely disagree with that. We already had a universal nerf due to everything becoming stronger, you can see the higher level of enemies. The older weapons are not made for the new level range so they perform really bad at the new cap so I wouldn't mind weapons and gear to be buffed to be more useful for the new levelcap. But I would only expect a stronger weapon or Warframe, overpowered vs the enemy levelcap, to be released and we would end up making a loop: Buffing everything to that level and then we would get yet another universal nerf.


This is a reason why we don't want everything buffed to the same range of overpowered weapons or Warframes. We would end up with another freaking universal nerf thus ending up back to square one and if another overpowered weapon or Warframe is released and everyone wants to buff everything inferior to that level once again it would happen again and again and again making this game even more newbie unfriendly. Nerfing stuff actually is to keep stuff balanced! People who don't want nerfs are being selfish and don't know they will hurt the game in the long run. Especially since it scares newbies more and more away from the game.


Sure weapons like the longsword or single daggers need a buff though like I said, nerfs are also as important as buffs and some weapons need it.

Edited by R3leaZ
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While that is a nice post plz stay on topic (or at least include Spidey if you really have to change argument),

this is one of the few threads not talking about the usual boring stuff


Thanks :)

Yea, I know. xD I'm just getting tired of people bashing on balance subjects (especially nerfs) since they know nothing about keeping the game healthy in the long run. It's a nice thread you made btw, very detailed.

Edited by R3leaZ
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(a little oot) learn from OP, guys. this is what we can call constructive feedback (take note on "constructive" word). this kind of feedback is what the game really need, not just some "feedback" that came from people's angry moments.


(back to topic)

I'm not building synapse yet, and I don't meet anyone using it yet. I just want to ask: is the range really sucks?

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I've just spent the weekend leveling this and forma'ing it (5 formas).


Probably one of my favourite weapons. I have been searching for something cool for a long time now (a rifle that shoots thunder? yes please), and I've always been a fan of crits. I like how it feels like a continious shotgun, because of the range, forcing me to play outside the general comfort zone. The only thing I don't like about this weapon is its default blue tint when coloring it, making any color look different from what it does on your other gear. I honestly don't think it needs even a small buff or a nerf (to anyone who instantly thinks of Volt's shield being a reason to nerf this weapon, why not do something about the shield instead), I think it's perfectly fine the way it is.

Edited by Bitfly
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Sooo....since it needs a potato & 4 formas....does its performance justify the resources & cost to make it?


Well, the price is really high, no doubts, there are other weapon that are better in the price//effectiveness ratio...

but like the guy above me said... a rifle shooting thunders?? *shut up and take my money!* (that was my reaction :D )


The 4 formas are for a "perfect build", they are needed only if you wanna play smoothly at lvl 100+, if you dont need maybe just 1 forma is enough

I've played several T3 voids and a potato is enough to not struggle too much.




(back to topic)

I'm not building synapse yet, and I don't meet anyone using it yet. I just want to ask: is the range really sucks?


Well... it depends a lot on your playstyle... i'm a "close quarters lover" so it is not a problem for me

but yeah, 24m it's not a lot (ping on map and check it by yourself)...

or you can play Volt (which is not my case, i dont like Volt) and abuse of its shield

Edited by Phoenix86
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I congratulate you for being the first person in a while to actually post a feedback, and not cry out your soul for a buff or a nerf.    

                                                                                      Well done dear sir!!!

Hey ! I got some positive feedback going too on the synapse !


Just gonna throw the link in here, there's some video footage with the unranked Synapse and it's synergy wih the Volt shield.




Not sure why a new topic was created though ...

Edited by FunkDoctaSpock
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I've just spent the weekend leveling this and forma'ing it (5 formas).


Probably one of my favourite weapons. I have been searching for something cool for a long time now (a rifle that shoots thunder? yes please), and I've always been a fan of crits. I like how it feels like a continious shotgun, because of the range, forcing me to play outside the general comfort zone. The only thing I don't like about this weapon is its default blue tint when coloring it, making any color look different from what it does on your other gear. I honestly don't think it needs even a small buff or a nerf (to anyone who instantly thinks of Volt's shield being a reason to nerf this weapon, why not do something about the shield instead), I think it's perfectly fine the way it is.

Volt can finally make damage with this thing, don't take that away from him !  Agree with all the rest ;)

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Volt can finally make damage with this thing, don't take that away from him !  Agree with all the rest ;)


Volt's Shield gives its best with Ignis because of its innate AoE capabilities... it's totally devastating, too bad i dislike Volt :p

Well... basically all weapons work wonder with Electric Shield

Edited by Phoenix86
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Yea, I know. xD I'm just getting tired of people bashing on balance subjects (especially nerfs) since they know nothing about keeping the game healthy in the long run. It's a nice thread you made btw, very detailed.

You don't seem to know much about keeping the game healthy either. All those threads like "i think its op/buff this nerf that...etc" are lacking a good amount of reason, on why that weapon/frame need's a nerf/buff/rework. And lets not forget that every one brings up his/her favorite weapon/warframe as comparison, also some of the topics are people trying to customizing the game by their very own liking, not whats best for everyone. So how exactly is 1000+ threads of total nonsense, healthy for the game? This thread is an example of how our Feedback Sections should look like. (well the main post that is, not the comments :} ) Edited by Skial
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The 4 formas are for a "perfect build", they are needed only if you wanna play smoothly at lvl 100+, if you dont need maybe just 1 forma is enough

I've played several T3 voids and a potato is enough to not struggle too much.

I have stuck 4 forma on my Synapse as well and agree with your assessment of the weapon. It becomes and an entirely better weapon after the 3rd and 4th forma are used. It has the same requirements as the Soma for mod usage, but lacked the starting 2 polities to make it shine.


Synapse is a good solid gun that doesn't have any glaring issues that need to be nerfed or buffed. It is Anti-everything and not just corpus after enough forma unlocks room for more element damage types.

Edited by LazyKnight
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