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Minor: Railjack collision issues, worker animation and tardis issues


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Lots of pedantic bugs:

The in progress Railjack has a number of issues with collision not being there:

After part 1:

And the wing stubs:


The moving platform with the boxes doesn't have any collision any time:


Collision issues when the railjack is complete:
There is an issue where the bits are the bottom back end of the craft have a large gap you can walk over:


The helm guns have no collision:


The extreme rear of the engine has some funny collision:


External workers misplaced:

The workers like to work on parts that are not there:

This guy on the mobile platform can weld in motion.

The workers disappear when the railjack is complete. So not sure why they are in incorrect positions ever.


The tardis issues are some inconsistencies with the interior of the railjack vs the exterior.

Very minor: Observation window is much smaller on the outside:
Inside: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1icyJR-q0MT2DuOpvdbomtaBozby367t0
Outside: https://drive.google.com/open?id=18lZwaIJvbaYTYABmRd-56mYQVkYzC482

Gunnery windows missing from exterior. Seems like the entire room doesn't have any position on the external ship:
Inside: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Rw7JqgXhIkCuLW1J39hYDE0TalH3sWm8
Outside (no space between the engine and wing for that room): https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Y2tmWMttLRI2iruYy3U5rYvtRoIfH04W
The end of the wing is a different shape: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1-p6hPZPwWEHETYXmvPhPGg-pM-OPs8oW


Ship Colour:

Also, the external colour of the ship when looking from the inside is white, but the ship from the outside is red.


How do normal people get out of the cargo area? There aren't any ladders or lifts. There are boxes down there, can only tenno move them?
Can you add a ladder on or in a surface for the humans that work on the ship to escape if they fall.


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