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[Us] Potential Government Shutdowns


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Well, this should be interesting. I don't know how many Tenno out of the 3 million are in the US military or work for the government like myself, but we wont be buying plat anytime soon. Since we may not get paid after 15 Oct indefinitely. Even a 75% coupon like I've been waiting for may not motivate me to buy some...which pretty much sucks.

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Not sure if sarcasm, troll, or serious...


The best jokes and sarcasm have grains of truth and wisdom.


Also, I saw a magazine title page saying Obama had a crying session after he got showed up by Putin's peaceful solution about Syria. Pretty sure the caption was something similar to "They really don't like me anymore, do they...?"

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Not sure if sarcasm, troll, or serious...


Obama is embarrassment no-one except french wanted to support Obama in Syria - not even poland agreed (poland is like usa's stupid pet that goes where usa says - it didn't this time.) You can even hear that from congressmen libertarians/republicans and some democrats.

+ a very important thing for american ppl

He didn't keep his promises. He tries to push obama-care for 8 years~ he promised a lot he didn't deliver anything he added one nail to usa constitution by improving to patriot act which he was supposed to abolish instead he reinforced it...

Edited by CyklonDX
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The best jokes and sarcasm have grains of truth and wisdom.


Also, I saw a magazine title page saying Obama had a crying session after he got showed up by Putin's peaceful solution about Syria. Pretty sure the caption was something similar to "They really don't like me anymore, do they...?"



Obama is embarrassment no-one except french wanted to support Obama in Syria - not even poland agreed (poland is like usa's stupid pet that goes where usa says - it didn't this time.) You can even hear that from congressmen libertarians/republicans and some democrats.

+ a very important thing for american ppl

He didn't keep his promises. He tries to push obama-care for 8 years~ he promised a lot he didn't deliver anything he added one nail to usa constitution by improving to patriot act which he was supposed to abolish instead he reinforced it...

Eh, make no mistake, Obama isn't the best prez ever (better than McCain/Palin would have been though), but really,I have nothing against healthcare for all (U.S. is the only 1st world country that doesn't have it....), I mean, we have police, roads, firefighters, etc all funded by the government to take care of us, why not keep us healthy too?

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because You will pay more tax for it, and You will pay it so that some Mexican be able to have his rectum checked for your tax money... choose wisely its not cheaper than private sector health care. All of those countries that have health care have high tax (look at france i think they have 70% now) they have big financial problems + ppl are in queues for a year or so. How is that good? I see only -'s for it. Any kind of service that government provides is bad because there's no competition and they are not driven by it to be better.


Its more economic issue than about politics. Screw 'em as they screw us.

Edited by CyklonDX
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because You will pay more tax for it,

And? I'm willing to pay more for healthcare for everyone.


and You will pay it so that some Mexican be able to have his rectum checked for your tax money...

Pretty sure there are ways to implement a system so only citizens could get it... Not an expert, but I think there could be a way.


choose wisely its not cheaper than private sector health care.

Heh, no. Healthcare is insanely expensive in the U.S., with tons of reasons that your insurance can jack up the price, etc etc.


 All of those countries that have health care have high tax (look at france i think they have 70% now)

Proof, or you're making up the tax rate, the U.S. has high tax rates like that (on the rich due to how the system works), and higher taxes isn't always bad. Taxes pay for public services, i.e. roads, cops, fire fighters, military, etc.


 they have big financial problems + ppl are in queues for a year or so.

Heh, because the U.S. hasn't ever had financial problems... Oh wait, we're several trillion dollars in debt... People queueing for a year? Again, proof, and for what? The U.S. has MASSIVE wait lists for stuff too, i.e. livers, hearts, etc.



How is that good? I see only -'s for it. Any kind of service that government provides is bad because there's no competition and they are not driven by it to be better.

Ah. I see. You're a "Hand of the Market" guy. Some things SHOULDN'T be privatized. Would you want your roads built by companies? Your police force funded by companies? Of course not. Companies work for the best profits possible, not the best service possible (big ones atleast). They'll do the shoddiest job possible, because they'll go "Well, we'll save $10 million by not doing X, but be required to pay out $5 million in damages, so we come out ahead!"


As for it being good or not, well, gee, I dunno about you, but not having to pay a S#&$ ton of money for a checkup would be nice. Being able to go in when I'm sick, or getting a free flu shot, etc, basic preventive stuff. (Also, fun fact, Obamacare passed like 4 years ago or something, now it's just a matter of it being funded, which it will be. They'll play chicken for awhile, then if the republicans want to maintain the idea that they can win 2016 they won't shut down the government, and find a way to fund everything.)



The amount of politics in this thread. It's...



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Because the republicans dislike (lul understatement like saying WWII was a small squable) obamacare (having tried over 40 times to stop obamacare and now trying to get it defunded)

Its not just the republicans its democrats as well. Personal I don't feel like having the government telling me what doctor I can go and see and how much I pay for said help. I rather pay a doctor a extra $50 to make sure my fatass stays alive longer then some doctor that every joe goes to just to tell me your good when really I'm not.

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Its not just the republicans its democrats as well. Personal I don't feel like having the government telling me what doctor I can go and see and how much I pay for said help. I rather pay a doctor a extra $50 to make sure my fatass stays alive longer then some doctor that every joe goes to just to tell me your good when really I'm not.

Eh, both are bad. Republicans are Evil, Democrats are stupid. I'd still rather have universal healthcare. You ASSUME doctor's quality will go off the deep end, and yet, Taiwan, Japan, Britain, Sweden all seem to get by just fine.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Eh, both are bad. Republicans are Evil, Democrats are stupid. I'd still rather have universal healthcare. You ASSUME doctor's quality will go off the deep end, and yet, Taiwan, Japan, Britain, Sweden all seem to get by just fine.

Really Republicans are Evil ? Please you're just being silly everyone person in congress is dumb. Most of the time if something wants to get passed it will. Not cause of the supposedly "Evil Republicans". Doctors quality and loyalty have help my family threw the rough years universal health care won't bring that.


Someone delete this thread before it gets way out of control. Too much of "This side is Evil and This side is Eviler"

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Really Republicans are Evil ? Please you're just being silly everyone person in congress is dumb. Most of the time if something wants to get passed it will. Not cause of the supposedly "Evil Republicans". Doctors quality and loyalty have help my family threw the rough years universal health care won't bring that.


Someone delete this thread before it gets way out of control. Too much of "This side is Evil and This side is Eviler"

Yeah, I agree, I'm probably gonna stop after this but Republicans are "evil" A lot of their big names are against a lot of free speech, don't know a lot about the Constitution, and are just dumb (i.e. Bachman, Louey Gomert, Palin, Santorum, Gingrich, Limbaugh, O'Reilly, Glenn Beck, etc)


As quality care: Doctors are still being payed, hospitals are still getting funded, the only difference is who does it. Just because the government steps in to pay the bill doesn't mean the quality takes a nose dive (and you have no proof it will (and the burden of proof is on you, the one claiming that the quality will go downhill.)


Feel free to PM me if you want to continue debating this, instead of maybe starting a flamewar or something here.

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And? I'm willing to pay more for healthcare for everyone.


Pretty sure there are ways to implement a system so only citizens could get it... Not an expert, but I think there could be a way.


Heh, no. Healthcare is insanely expensive in the U.S., with tons of reasons that your insurance can jack up the price, etc etc.


Proof, or you're making up the tax rate, the U.S. has high tax rates like that (on the rich due to how the system works), and higher taxes isn't always bad. Taxes pay for public services, i.e. roads, cops, fire fighters, military, etc.


Heh, because the U.S. hasn't ever had financial problems... Oh wait, we're several trillion dollars in debt... People queueing for a year? Again, proof, and for what? The U.S. has MASSIVE wait lists for stuff too, i.e. livers, hearts, etc.



Ah. I see. You're a "Hand of the Market" guy. Some things SHOULDN'T be privatized. Would you want your roads built by companies? Your police force funded by companies? Of course not. Companies work for the best profits possible, not the best service possible (big ones atleast). They'll do the shoddiest job possible, because they'll go "Well, we'll save $10 million by not doing X, but be required to pay out $5 million in damages, so we come out ahead!"


As for it being good or not, well, gee, I dunno about you, but not having to pay a S#&$ ton of money for a checkup would be nice. Being able to go in when I'm sick, or getting a free flu shot, etc, basic preventive stuff. (Also, fun fact, Obamacare passed like 4 years ago or something, now it's just a matter of it being funded, which it will be. They'll play chicken for awhile, then if the republicans want to maintain the idea that they can win 2016 they won't shut down the government, and find a way to fund everything.)




Ok i'm going to sum it all up.

1) Thats great that You are willing, but do you expect others to be forced to do it because You want it?

2) I am permanent resident and if this goes I will have to pay more tax and I will also gain those privileges - trust me illegal immigrants will find a way its not even question of time - just look at immigration law that they are trying to normalize quite a few mln's of people with it. (cheap labor force yes... but tax for health oh snap!)

3) Its not that expensive I myself have 2 dental, eye, and normal health and I'm just in US for 2years; hard working people of America would have much more money than some poor &#! kid from europe.

4) Google tax rates research it yourself. Some fancy actors are leaving those countries and emigrating to countries with lower tax. ex French actor Depardieu

5) Look at Your police, finest I must say sometimes it reminds me of nazi mafia movies when I see those; Those firefighters (police is not needed just give everyone a gun it will clear up streets quickly - 5 years of wild west and then we'll have peace) Those should be not funded by government/federal budget but state budget so it'll promote healthy states. People should be able to choose if they want to support war by paying tax for it. This would help end war/s.

6)USA owns all money/gold. Its a fact. Even with its military it can f... the brains out of whole world. Its reality.

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Yeah, I agree, I'm probably gonna stop after this but Republicans are "evil" A lot of their big names are against a lot of free speech, don't know a lot about the Constitution, here.

Should really look up what the President and Congress passed last year about protesting during a president visit to "areas" SS now has the right to detain you and provoke your ALL Freedoms.

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6)USA owns all money/gold. Its a fact. Even with its military it can f... the brains out of whole world. Its reality.

USA doesn't own all actually. China owns a huge wealth of gold. This "Play Money" we use now a days its just for all the gold we have.

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USA doesn't own all actually. China owns a huge wealth of gold. This "Play Money" we use now a days its just for all the gold we have.

You have take a read who is Fed again :) ; I myself had great hopes for china but I've noticed about 4years ago something troubling. The way they are dev country is bad. Their whole economy is centered on US. USA cuts something and they pretty much starve to death... They are only developing port cities/areas leaving huge chunks of land undeveloped. Building ghost towns/cities... They have a lot of US dollars but it doesn't matter because those are US dollars not Chinese.

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Yeah, locking because this has gone way off topic into the very flamewar that makes me DESPISE politics. And no one has a real argument so...case closed. Or rather just deleting because there isn't a "lock" option....

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