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Boltor Needs Buff?


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My favorite weapon is boltor, but mostly of how cool it looks. But in dps department I find it kinda lacking, Soma and some others outperform it by large margin. I personally feel it needs some damage buff because slow projectile speed is enough disadvantage in itself that it doesn't need low damage too. What do you guys think?

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My favorite weapon is boltor, but mostly of how cool it looks. But in dps department I find it kinda lacking, Soma and some others outperform it by large margin. I personally feel it needs some damage buff because slow projectile speed is enough disadvantage in itself that it doesn't need low damage too. What do you guys think?


i hear ya brother, but tbh De is too lazy to bother with it, i already made threads about it and of course people were with me on the idea but DE never took a look in so it seems like its not going to happen.

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i hear ya brother, but tbh De is too lazy to bother with it, i already made threads about it and of course people were with me on the idea but DE never took a look in so it seems like its not going to happen.

Did you try puncture with it? Is it good? 

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Did you try puncture with it? Is it good? 


dont use puncture stick to using all elemental mods, armor piercing mods, multishot, damage mods and all that, if you want put a 40% speed trigger on or added bonus, all of my mods in the boltor are maxed and it does a decent job, imo puncture is useless.

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i hear ya brother, but tbh De is too lazy to bother with it, i already made threads about it and of course people were with me on the idea but DE never took a look in so it seems like its not going to happen.

Then it's not in their priority list.

Quit assuming DE's lazy because they seemingly ignore your feed-back. >.>

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You do realize that there is a large change coming to the game in the way enemy armor/damage to enemies is being handled.


I seem to notice people complaining a lot, and I mean a lot, and a large margin of them are either uniformed or just plain dont know.


With that said, I'd expect weapon changes/balances to come after that update, rather than before, becuase that would make sense.


i hear ya brother, but tbh De is too lazy to bother with it, i already made threads about it and of course people were with me on the idea but DE never took a look in so it seems like its not going to happen.


Good example of what I mean right here.

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dont use puncture stick to using all elemental mods, armor piercing mods, multishot, damage mods and all that, if you want put a 40% speed trigger on or added bonus, all of my mods in the boltor are maxed and it does a decent job, imo puncture is useless.

Am using multishot, serration, speed trigger, all 4 elemental dmg and I dont know what to put in last slot currently am using eagle eye but am annoyed by death annimations when my bolts dont go trough, and I know that puncture has been reworked with the last patch to work with bolt weapons. What you use in your last slot?

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You do realize that there is a large change coming to the game in the way enemy armor/damage to enemies is being handled.


I seem to notice people complaining a lot, and I mean a lot, and a large margin of them are either uniformed or just plain dont know.


With that said, I'd expect weapon changes/balances to come after that update, rather than before, becuase that would make sense.



Good example of what I mean right here.

Any info on how the armor change will effect bolt weapons?

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Did you try puncture with it? Is it good? 

Puncture with boltor is a top tier setup.


But really, the boltor does need some love.  They nerfed the fire rate from 11.7 to 8.8 and the damage from 24 to 18.  With the power creep in this game, it could stand to get a buff.

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Am using multishot, serration, speed trigger, all 4 elemental dmg and I dont know what to put in last slot currently am using eagle eye but am annoyed by death annimations when my bolts dont go trough, and I know that puncture has been reworked with the last patch to work with bolt weapons. What you use in your last slot?

Shred, brother. Forma it in. Worth the effort.

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i hear ya brother, but tbh De is too lazy to bother with it, i already made threads about it and of course people were with me on the idea but DE never took a look in so it seems like its not going to happen.

Yeah, because creating and maintaining such a big game is so easy that devs got time for every complain. I can bet that DE got far more on their plate then you do. Just wait patiently until armor 2.0 comes and check how will it perform then. Any changes to wepons prior to that would be just pointless.

Edited by xGryphus
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Here's the trend:  New great weapons that are gonna be replaced by newer better weapons (supra -> soma -> something). Old weapons? Forget about em, they'll join the likes of the Burston and Lato as mastery rank weapons. Because DE isn't gonna go back to fix stuff. Too busy adding new stuff, remember?

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18 dmg is not enough to take on level 500-600 + enemies i have been there.

 It has innate armor pierce/ignore, there has to be SOME incentive to use other weapons, buffing it would make the Boltor the ultimate weapon to use.

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A Boltor buff would be nice, but isn't really necessary. It's still good, but just isn't as "convenient" as newer weapons and clan tech. I've heard that DE will be giving every weapon a once-over for the damage and armor rework though, so who knows? Might get your wish.

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My favorite weapon is boltor, but mostly of how cool it looks. But in dps department I find it kinda lacking, Soma and some others outperform it by large margin. I personally feel it needs some damage buff because slow projectile speed is enough disadvantage in itself that it doesn't need low damage too. What do you guys think?

It's not like is armor ignoring.


Not at all.

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