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Boltor Needs Buff?


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Disagree. I can use Boltor without any anxiousness because despite its utility, Boltor is far from dipute of nerfing. On the other hand, while using Soma, I'm always afraid if it will be nerfed. That is why I prefer Boltor.

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 It has innate armor pierce/ignore, there has to be SOME incentive to use other weapons, buffing it would make the Boltor the ultimate weapon to use.

The issue is that the Soma (and probably some other high damage weapons) simply do more AP damage from their AP mod than the Bolto does in AP damage, in addition to having thier own base damage and other elemental damages.



Why don't you wait for armor 2.0 first and see how it goes.

From what I've heard, 2.0 is meant more as a buff to add to the usabilty of non-AP weapons, which means it will most likely hurt the Boltor more than help.

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Boltor prime. Wait for it, It'll definitely come out.

And then see all the people raging about how they forma'ed their boltor like 5 times

I love how people rage because their beloved gun now has a Super Saiyan version...

F*** those people, they should be glad. (As long as it isn't like Orthos Prime, coming out right after its wannabe version was released.)

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I don't think it should be buffed. De can't make every single weapon viable in end game or higher level content. Some weapons have a place in warframe.


DE should make unique weapons viable though, because they have a gameplay element that makes them different from all the other weapons. This makes for diversity. If you just had buffed automatic weapons like the Soma and left weapons like Boltor, bows, burst weapons, Flux Rifle, Ignis, etc behind, you'd only have automatic weapons be useable, and that would be boring. Boltor and Bolto are the only ones of their kind; they should remain effective. Honestly, they are still pretty good, I just wish they could have a small buff.


A Boltor buff would be nice, but isn't really necessary. It's still good, but just isn't as "convenient" as newer weapons and clan tech. I've heard that DE will be giving every weapon a once-over for the damage and armor rework though, so who knows? Might get your wish.


Yeah, I'm content to wait. Until then, I'll keep formaing my Boltor and rocking out Death Metal style! Stay strong, my Boltor Brothers!

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