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Idea Of Adding Passive Ability To Each Frame.


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League of Warframe. Yeah I could see it, then again more variation could be gotten if the developers could and would implement powerful passives as abilities but that might be boring, entirely depending on what and how it would be implemented.

What comes to Nyx though, the passive sucks hard. It neglects the ultimate as already the aggro is a problem in that but further decrease of aggro will further harm her ultimate making it completely useless and that is a bad design choice. How about this, when she get's knocked back or some action in game, she will fire a similar kind of confusion field that the Wrym supposedly should fire, this means that the enemies will be briefly confused as to what to do, but it should only last for a second or 1,5 seconds max to not to be too powerful.

Aggro level when she is casting ultimate would not change.

Confusion field makes sense because she controls minds of enemies and  those stuff, like it.


I think its a cool idea and alot of them totally make sense.

For banshee tho..how about she emits a short sonar wave..that shows all enemies on the minimp for 5 seconds, 1 min cooldown.

Very cool idea tho man.

I would personally preffer it to be something sound related, although echo location is in that field though.


I really love the idea. Nice one. However I really wish Frost's passive ability is Ice Resistance - when the area is full of ice, Frost didn't get any single shield reduction. Seriously, he who can harness the power of ice, cannot even defend himself from the ice? That doesn't make any sense.


I agree Frost should have a level of resistance to ice debuffs in game such cold missions and ice traps in void.

Nekros's passive seems like it might be a little.. unbalanced..? Rhino's will barely get used, Vauban's relies on your sentinel staying alive, but then Nekros just plain doesn't die unless (A) it's a boss character that won't die to 5 seconds of Acrid shots or (B) one of your teammates kills the person who killed you, but then they don't revive you for some reason.

Yeah, I agree it is a little bit clunky. But I still like the mechanic of Nekros being able to resurrect. 


OP idk if you know what passive abilities are. If Nova deals damage it would be a Active ability.


Other then that good stuff.

Passive abilities can also do damage, they are called passive's because you can't activate them manually.


make is a craftable upgrade and make normal frames have one slot for upgrades and prime versions have 2 slots. They upgrades should have some physical change to the suit something minor.

Interesting Idea I like it. Like some sort of suit upgrade, Mark II warframe.

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