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Modular Warframe Concept: Totius


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Before you flame and say "It's Unoriginal!" "It would be so broken!" "There would only be one Meta!" etc. etc.

  • Yes it's unoriginal
  • It only uses it's own Ability sets and does not cherry pick from other frames currently existing Abilities
    • each Ability is tied to a certain part so some of them are exclusive with each other (Can't have two 3s)
  • As for a Meta; there is always a meta. The point is customization and giving people the option to play how they want

Each variation of a part (Utility, Tank, Damage, Support) is meant to be built around a specific specialization as indicated by their names.

  • Each variation has a very one dimensional kit. The idea is to mix and match to get depth and different types of Abilities.

Each type of part (Chassis, Systems, Neuroptics) is associated with one visual item for the Warframe.

  • I associated them with body, skin / design and head so that DE doesn't have to recreate how to build their Warframes as this customization method is already in place.

None of these Abilities are meant to be the best option available compared to other Warframes.

All of these Abilities are meant to be fairly generic and I don't think any of them are truly original, but are based off of other Warframes and their Abilities.

All numbers would need to be adjusted for balancing, both with themselves and the game. It is more of a proof of concept and to demonstrate how I think the calculations could work

As for fitting it into lore; I think there are remnants of teh Orokin in the Plains of Duviri, so they may have retained the ability / knowledge to create Warframes.

4 Chassis: Base States (Rank 0)

Changes 4th Ability; Determines Main Body Type / Shape



Armor: 130

Energy: 115

Health: 130

Shields: 130

Sprint Speed: 1.00



Armor: 100

Energy: 125

Health: 125

Shields: 150

Sprint Speed: 1.10



Armor: 200

Energy: 100

Health: 200

Shields: 100

Sprint Speed: 0.95



Armor: 100

Energy: 150

Health: 100

Shields: 125

Sprint Speed: 1.05


These are the Stats the Modular Warframe is started on.



-        The Utility Chassis is average in every respect

-        The Damage Chassis is reliant on Abilities but still has decent survivability and is the fastest

-        The Tank is, well a Tank, high survivability but lower movement speed and the lowest energy capacity

-        The Support is the most fragile but makes up for it with the highest possible energy pool. Relying on Abilities the most, as well as a team to do most of the damage


4 Systems: Modify Chassis Base Stats

Changes 3rd Ability; Determines Main Body “Skin”/ Design



Armor: + 10

Energy: + 10

Health: + 10

Shields: + 10

Sprint Speed: + 0.00



Armor: - 25

Energy: + 25

Health: - 25

Shields: + 25

Sprint Speed: + 0.05



Armor: + 50

Energy: - 15

Health: + 50

Shields: - 50

Sprint Speed: - 0.05



Armor: - 25

Energy: + 50

Health: + 25

Shields: - 25

Sprint Speed: + 0.00


These Modify the Stats of the Chassis to create the true Base Stats your Warframe will start with and consider for mods leveling etc.


-        The Systems are essentially a further specialization of the Chassis

-        Applying the Support Systems to the Utility Chassis give you a total of

o   Armor: 130 – 25                      = 105 Armor

o   Energy: 115 + 50                     = 165 Energy

o   Health: 130 + 25                      = 155 Health

o   Shields: 130 – 25                     = 105 Shields

o   Sprint Speed: 1.00 + 0.00         = 1.00 Sprint Speed


-        At Rank 30 the Warframe would have these Stats

o   Armor: 105

o   Energy: 247

o   Health: 465

o   Shields: 315

o   Sprint Speed: 1.00


4 Neuroptics: Modifies Ability Base Stats

Changes 2nd Ability; Determines Head



Ability Duration: + 5%

Ability Efficiency: + 0%

Ability Range: + 5%

Ability Strength: + 5%



Ability Duration: + 25%

Ability Efficiency: + 0%

Ability Range: - 10%

Ability Strength: - 10%



Ability Duration: - 10%

Ability Efficiency: + 0%

Ability Range: - 10%

Ability Strength: + 25%



Ability Duration: - 10%

Ability Efficiency: + 0%

Ability Range: + 25%

Ability Strength: - 10%


These Modify the Base Stats of your Abilities which will then be considered the Baseline used for modding.


-        If you apply the Support Neuroptics to an Ability that has a base Duration of 10 seconds, Range of 10 meters, and Damage affected by Strength of 100

o   Duration goes from 10 to 9 seconds

o   Range goes from 10 to 12.5 meters

o   Damage goes from 100 to 90

-        The 9 seconds, 12.5 meters and 90 damage are now considered the 100% values when the Warframe is built.

o   If you have an Ability Duration of 150% the Duration goes from 9 seconds to 13.5 seconds

o   If you have an Ability Range of 150% the Range goes from 12.5 meters to 18.75 meters

o   If you have an Ability Strength of 150% the Damage goes from 90 to 135

-        The idea is that your Utility is an all-rounder average at everything build

o   The DPS requires Duration to get the most out of it’s Abilities

o   The Tank requires Strength to maximize Damage Reduction

o   The Support requires Range to be able to affect as many Allies as possible at a time

-        Interestingly given that the Neuroptics determines the 2nd Ability, that ability will always be modified according to its Neuroptics and no other variation can exist

o   All other Abilities will have 4 variations possible


Passive Adaptive

30% of all damage dealt is changed to the most effective type against that enemy. Ability Damage is always the most effective type used against an enemy.

30% of all damage taken is changed to the least effective type against you.


First Ability

Tap the Ability Key to knockdown Enemies and send them Flying away from you. Hold the Ability Key to knockdown Enemies and Pull them towards you. Range of 3.75 / 7.5 / 11.25 / 15 meters. Duration of Knockdown is 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 seconds.


-        This Ability is shared between all variations of the Warframe

-        Tap is flat Energy Cost. Hold is Channeled.

-        More Ability Strength = Stronger Knock Back (they fly further) and Faster Pull Speed

-        Range is affected by Ability Range

-        Duration of Knockdown is affected by Ability Duration.


Utility Ability Set


2nd Ability


Teleport 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 meters and gain an 12.5% / 25% / 37.5% / 50% Movement and Parkour Speed Boost for 3.75 / 7.5 / 11.25 / 15 seconds.


-        Range is affected by Ability Range

-        Speed Boost is affected by Ability Strength

-        Duration is affected by Ability Duration


3rd Ability


Create a Bubble 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 10 meters wide that lasts for 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 seconds, any Ally that enters gains Invisibility. Upon leaving the bubble Allies retain 12.5% / 25% / 37.5% / 50% of the remaining duration for Invisibility.


-        Bubble is created at casters current location and does not move.

-        Range is affected by Ability Range

-        Duration is Affected by Ability Duration

-        Percent of remaining duration is affected by Ability Strength

o   Caps at 100%

o   ( [Total Duration] / 2 ) * [Ability Strength] = Remaining duration upon exiting the bubble

o   Eg. Duration of 20 seconds and Ability Strength of 150%

§  ( [20] / 2 ) * [1.5] = 15 seconds


4th Ability

Enemies within a 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 10 meter radius lose 0.5% / 1% / 1.5% / 2% of their total armor and shields per 1 second.


-        Channeled Ability.

-        Permanent Armor and Shield strip

-        Radius is affected by Ability Range

-        Percent of armor and shield strip is affected by Ability Strength

-        Rate of loss is affected by Ability Duration

o   1 / [Ability Duration] = Rate of loss

o   Eg. Ability Duration of 150%

o   1 / [1.5] = 0.66 seconds or 2% lost every 0.66 seconds

§  Which equates to 3% lost every 1 second


Damage Ability Set


2nd Ability

Shoot a projectile that has an 0.5 / 1 / 1.5 / 2 meter explosion radius. Explosion deals 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 damage and all enemies caught in the explosion are dealt 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 damage per second over 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 seconds. Enemies gain a 1.25 / 2.5 / 3.75 / 5 meter aura that spreads the damage effect to any enemies within range for 50% of the remaining duration. This effect can chain up to 3 times.


-        Base Damage and Damage per Second is affected by Ability Strength

-        Duration is affected by Ability Duration

-        Explosion Range and Enemy Aura Range are affected by Ability Range

-        Percent of Remaining Duration is affected by Ability Strength

o   Caps at 100%

o   ( [Remaining Duration] / 2 ) * [Ability Strength] = Chain Duration

o   Eg. Remaining Duration of 20 seconds and Ability Strength of 150%

o   ( [20] / 2 ) * [1.5] = 15 seconds on next enemy chained

-        Number of Times it can Chain is not affected by mods

3rd Ability

Gives the Caster a initial 7.5% / 15% / 22.5% / 30% Damage Buff which increases by 50% of it’s initial value every second. It also has an increasing energy cost the longer it’s in use.


-        Initial Buff Boost affected by Ability Strength

-        Channeled

o   Cost affected by Ability Duration and Efficiency

o   Cost increases by 50% of it’s initial amount every second

§  Not affected by mods

-        Buff increases by 50% every 1 second

o   Buff Increase amount is not affected by mods

§  30% * ( 1 + ( 0.5 * [Time Multiplier] ) ) * [Ability Strength] = Total Percent Increase

§  Time Multiplier starts at 0 between 0-1 second, 1 between 1-2 seconds, 2 between 2-3 seconds etc.

§  Eg. After 2 seconds with Ability Strength of 150%

§  30% * ( 1 + ( 0.5 * [2] ) ) * [1.5] = 90% Increase

o   Time it takes to Increase is affected by Ability Duration

§  1 / [Ability Duration] = Time to Increase

§  Eg. Ability Duration of 150% and Buff Strength of 30%

§  1 / [1.50] = 0.66 ; Buff Increases by 50% every 0.66 seconds

§  After the first 0.66 seconds Buff is now 45% then 60% after 1.33 seconds etc.

  •        Buff does NOT affect other Abilities


4th Ability

Enemies within 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 10 meters are dealt 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 damage per second. Damage increases by 30% every second and energy cost increases by 30% per second.


Enemies within 2.5 / 5 / 7.5 / 10 meters are dealt 25 / 50 / 75 / 100 damage per second. Damage increases by 30% every second and energy cost increases by 30% per second.


-        Channeled Ability

o   Energy Cost affected by Ability Efficiency and Ability Duration

o   Cost increases by 30% of the initial value every second

§  Not affected by mods

-        Range affected by Ability Range

-        Damage per Second amount affected by Ability Strength and enemy level

-        Deals 5 ticks of damage every second

o   ( ( 100 * ( 1 + ( 0.3 * [Damage Multiplier] ) ) ) / 5 ) * [Ability Strength] * ( [Enemy Level] / 10 ) = Damage dealt per tick

§  Damage Multiplier starts at 0 between 0-1 second, 1 between 1-2 seconds, 2 between 2-3 seconds etc.

o   Eg. The damage dealt for each tick of damage between 2-3 seconds with an Ability Strength of 150% and an enemy level of 50

o   ( ( 100 * ( 1 + ( 0.3 * [2] ) ) ) / 5 ) * [1.5] * ( [50] / 10 ) = 240 Damage per tick

§  At five ticks in the second means a total of 1200 Damage over that second.

-        Percent Damage Increase not affected by mods

-        Rate of Percent Damage Increase affected by Ability Duration

o   1 / [Ability Duration] = Time to Increase

o   Eg. Ability Duration of 150%

o   1 / [1.50] = 0.66 ; Damage increases by 30% every 0.66 seconds

§  After the first 0.66 seconds Damage rate increased to 130 per second, then 160 per second after 1.33 seconds etc.


Tank Ability Set


2nd Ability

Deploy a Shield 0.75 / 1.5 / 2.25 / 3 meters wide with 500 / 1000 / 1500 / 2000 hit points and equal your armor amount that stops enemies and attacks.


-        Allies can walk through the Shield but cannot attack through it.

-        Shield stays at location it is cast

-        Amount of Shield Health is affected by Ability Strength, Moded Armor and Moded Health.

o   2000 * [Ability Strength] * ( ( [Moded amount of Armor] + ( [Moded amount of Health] / 3 ) ) / 100 ) = Shield Health

o   Eg. Ability Strength of 150% and 250 Armor and 750 Health

§  2000 * [1.5] * ( ( [250] + ( [750] / 3 ) ) / 100 ) = 15,000 Shield Health

3rd Ability

Reflect 18.75% / 37.5% / 56.25% / 75% of Damage taken back to the source for the next 7.5 / 15 / 22.5 / 30 seconds


-        Percent of Damage reflected affected by Ability Strength

-        Refreshable.

-        Duration affected by Ability Duration

-        Does not reduce damage taken


4th Ability

Damage Reduction of 12.5% / 25% / 37.5% / 50% and Status Immunity for 250 / 500 / 750 / 1000 points of damage


-        Refresh-able.

-        Damage Reduction is affected by Ability Strength

o   Caps at 95%

-        Amount of damage absorbed is calculated based on Damage taken before any modifiers are calculated.

o   Amount of damage absorbed is affected by Ability Strength and Moded Armor and Moded Health.

o   1000 * [Ability Strength] * ( ( [Moded amount of Armor] + ( [Moded amount of Health] / 3 ) ) / 100 ) = Amount of Damage Absorbed

o   Eg. Ability Strength of 150% and 250 Armor and 750 Health

§  1000 * [1.5] * ( ( [250] + ( [750] / 3 ) ) / 100 ) = 7,500 Points of Damage Absorbed


Support Ability Set


2nd Ability

All Allies within 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 meters are healed for 50 / 100 / 150 / 200 initial health and an additional 3.75 / 7.5 / 11.25 / 15 health per second for 7.5 / 15 / 22.5 / 30 seconds. All Allies within range are cleansed of all Status Effects and granted Status Immunity while in range.


-        Single cast, NOT Channeled.

-        Affects Caster.

-        Range affected by Ability Range

-        Initial heal is affected by Ability Strength

-        Health per second is affected by Ability Strength

-        Duration affected by Ability Duration


3rd Ability

Energy Share; Every Ally within 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 meters drains 3 / 2.33 / 1.66 / 1 energy per second from you and grants them 1 / 1.33 / 1.66 / 2 energy per second. For every Enemy in range gain 0.1 energy per second.


-        Channeled Ability. No Allies in range = no energy drain.

-        Caps at 20 enemies.

-        Can’t gain energy from energy pads, Zenurik, other Warframe abilities etc. while active.

-        Hunter Adrenaline, Rage, Arcane Energize, Energy Orbs still work.

-        Ends if the caster either runs out of energy or the energy pool is filled.

-        Range is affected by Ability Range

-        Energy Drain affected by Ability Efficiency and Duration

-        Energy granted to Allies is affected by Power Strength

-        Energy gained per enemy is affected by Power Strength


4th Ability

Increase Ally Ability Strength, Range and Duration by 7.5% / 15% / 22.5% / 30% within 5 / 10 / 15 / 20 meters. Caster gains 3.75% / 7.5% / 11.25% / 15% increased Ability Strength, Range and Duration. For each Ally Affected gain an additional 1.875% / 3.75% / 5.625% / 7.5% increased Ability Strength, Range and Duration.


-        Channeled Ability.

-        Increase in Ability Strength, Range and Duration affected by Ability Strength

-        Range affected by Ability Range

-        This Ability cannot affect itself or the same Ability on another Warframe

-        This Ability is not affected by, and does not affect, other Abilities that increase Warframe Ability Strength, Range or Duration

o   It can stack with those abilities though


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