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The Golem: Why 3 Max Level Players Can't Take It Down (Nerfing Needed)


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While every frame is viable in the game, they all have their strength and weakness.

Certain frames are better with infested, some grineer, some Corpus.  Some are great at CC, some are great at damage, and some are great for support. They are not all equally efficient against certain enemies.

“Every frame should be viable.” Yes, every frame should be unique and has their usefulness in their own way in the grand scheme of the game. Each frame should have their unique playing style and uses, how ever, they should never, EVER has similar utilities and ended up becoming clones of each other.

Due to the difference of utility, there will always better frames suited for different task and some does not  designed, or suited for the specific encountered. If you are going to bring something into a fight that is ill suited for the task, prepare to make up the difference with your skill, weapon, or face the possibility of defeat.

Sorry, Volt did not kick into the curb in normal usage, I used him to farm different Corpus bosses, but bringing him into a infested map it's his own fault, not the designer.

Edited by Innosin
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Max Level: Level 30 Volt Warframe. My character is also equipped with 2, 30 level weapons, (Latron) and (Lex). They have higher level mods on them without getting too specific. Also I don't see how having the right frame is viable at all. Why does somebody need this exact thing to make a boss easier. I did pay attention to strategy, the strategy is simple. Move constantly, dodge enemy attacks. However, when acid clouds spawn on top of a player you cannot avoid them and therefore when I'm moving constantly and these acid clouds drop, you die...constantly. 

Hi Wilsky,


Most of the people who are being rude to you here are probably long-time (200hr+) players who find Lephants (and everything else) mind-numbingly easy, and are taking their frustration with lack of challenge in the game out on you. In all fairness, you also called for a nerf on the "last boss" when you are barely powerful enough to even fight the first boss.


They have power because in WF, power is gained by successfully finding all of the mods you need, by random chance; which means playing for a long time. Something they, and I have done.


You are attempting to defeat the most powerful enemy in the Warframe universe, but your character is very, very far from maximum power. Yes, it is possible for you to defeat him with your current character, but it will take forever and one slip up will mean death - due to the low damage you're putting out and the (probably) low shields/health you have.


What's probably confusing here is that your Frame's and weapons's rank (30) is a horrible indicator of your overall power. In a normal RPG, you'd think a level 30 is a level 30; they should be around the same strength. However this is not so in WF.


Max power in Warframe is not something which can be easily observed via one metric - the closest would be Mastery Rank, or Conclave score, but even those two do poor jobs.


The only thing that determines your character's strength in WF is the equipment you use, and the level and types of mods on that equipment. Gaining better equipment used to be a challenge, requiring farming prime weapons from the void. However, now it's easily done by buying powerful credit marketplace-buyable weapons such as the Soma, Twin Gremlins and Galantine. Those are among the most powerful weapons in the game, and you'll need a little bit of mastery rank to wield them.


Once you get those weapons (or comparable) you're only 10% of the way there. You'll need to FARM and equip the key mods on each piece of gear, and frame. Consult the Wiki to find out which mobs these mods drop from. Farming them will NOT be a trivial task. The essentials are:


Frame: Redirection - Vitality - Flow

Primary: Serration - Piercing Hit - fire rate - as much elemental dmg as you can find (if its a Soma, you need a crit build, look it up on wiki)

Secondary: Hornet Strike - Armor piercing Mod (forgot name) - fire rate - as much elemental dmg as you can find

Melee: Killing Blow - Fury - Sundering Strike - Elementalssss


This is a starting point....far from the "best" builds, but they will instantly increase your damage per second from about...100 to about 2000. Literally over 20x. It will also make your frame able to take a few direct hits and not die. To really get powerful, you'd need to


1) find the multishot mods that literally multiply your pri/sec damage

2) farm the parts for a higher tier frame (nova, vauban, ash, nyx, saryn, trinity)

3) catalyze all of your weapons and frames, it increases your mod pointsby 2x = 2x more power.

4) then Forma your Frame and weapons, which allows you to customize polarities on your gear so you can equip even more points of mods.


Go do all of that, and once you're done spending the 100+h, see if you'd like Lephantis nerfed. Hint - you wont!


The players on this thread attacking you have likely done all of these things. I have as well. The system is pretty confusing and it's a challenge to see how powerful you really are, but I assure you, you'll know it when you're at max power. Join a clan or find a good group to play with, you'll get there - it's just a matter of time and a little luck. Hopefully by then the game will have more than 1 creature to test your newfound power against...and won't require a damage cap.





Define (Good enough Weapons) and also I don't think bringing specific warframes should matter. Why does someone have to get something specific just to move forward in a game. It limits selection, just like the problem with armor-ignoring weapons right now. What's the point of having warframes if only a few are viable. Btw, I do have lots of player skill. In that battle I understood that movement was key. In normal games I always revive teammates as well but there's no down time to revive teammates in that battle.Apparently I'm "rigging" the game wrong though. I suppose if I just went with what worked instead of what I want to play I'd win more, but games are made for fun. 


Skill isn't the only factor in this game, but it is important. A team of 200h players could down lephantis with your loadout bc they understand both his mechanics and the nuances of the parkour etc. You will get there. Good luck.

Edited by notionphil
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<p>Never had problem with him, but was on rhino to be honest. Was using Strun Wraith if you are interested. Gremlins are good as well. Do not use High damage weapons like Ogris and lanka and similar. Only burst and continious damage with cap below 700.</p>

<p>Also antitoxin mod might help</p>

Edited by Zarlockk
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Dispair is a pretty good choice as well.... if you can get the stalker to drop the bp for dispair anyway.... Well, if you have 800 plat to spare (which you probably don't unless you're of founder rank which you're not probably) you could just buy them in the "what stalker?" bundle.  But yeah, if you can't get your hands on them, use the suggestions listed above for alternatives.


Paris is another armor ignore weapon you may try. Though I stress you'll need to mod it up quite a bit and will probably need a catalyst to get anything good out of it. Also, firerate mods are a must for Paris because you'll need a fullycharged arrow to do the most damage. (speed trigger and Shred Both are pretty easy to obtain. shred being found in nightmare mode.)


I remember fighting him the first time. My entire team kind of went in to the fight blind so we got our butts kicked. I was the only one of them stubborn enough to revive and continue fighting a little longer. Wasn't pretty though because I forfeit as well because I knew it was a lost cause. My second run was much better and with a different team.


As for Volt, yes his shield is probably the best ability you can use against infested. You might be able to clear the lesser infested with overload since they're only in the 40's, provided your Volt has a Max Focus on but I wouldn't use it to kill lephantis because of his armor.

Edited by Glisp
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I disapprove I can solo run it at not even fully lvl'ed frost prime... You just need to take the right wep and shoot at right times... its so easy once you know what are u supposed to do.

Dread, akbolto, dual ether

IF possible get health regen mod for warframe...

Now let me explain why dread (You can sometimes make more dmg by explosion and arrows are pretty fast and good against one of the heads You'll do a lot dmg on start then you have to stop when other 2 heads come out, just use bolto type wep to shoot at them at correct time and places. Always be on move... don't pick a spot or you'll die.

Edited by CyklonDX
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Seriously? A single party wipe-out and you call for a nerf? Come on, man. I have great mods n whatever but if I (and, apparently, others) can solo this bugger, then your party is just not up to scratch.


Also, end game level content should involve having some specific planning involving ideal equipment + Frames to take on the mission. Hopefully as the game progresses and more high tier bosses come out, Frames such as Volt or Mag will be more effective choices. I realize that the other bosses are nowhere near the Lephantis type challenge, but as an example,


- Volt rips the crap out of Hyena when a decent energy weapon and Electric Shield combo are used. No one in my retinue of 15 Frames farms Hyena so quickly and safely.


- Taking Frost along with Snow Globe and Freeze makes the Raptor fight a lot easier on the nerves.


- Loki or Ash with invis and a good melee weapon make Phorid have nightmares about ghosts critically attacking his butt while he is frozen and unable to retaliate.



I love the EPICness of a one-on-one with Lephantis! All my hours of grind and practice have rewarded me with the ability to beat this big sonuva*@##&#036; into the dirt with my Rhino Frame. It's a long haul, sure, but the feeling  after conquering it is just great. It's supposed to be the toughest boss challenge there is in the ENTIRE game at this point - if everyone can just come in not knowing a thing about this boss and immediately trounce it using whatever equpiment they feel like, then that boss is going to be a footnote in the WarFrame farmer's guidebook (GIMME ALL YOUR NEURODES, VAY HEK!).


tldnr - You need to take the right tools for the job on your mission if you want to win. Also end game should be rough.

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I found the biggest problem to be that Lephantis doesn't take enough damage from attacks: without at least one twinked-out Soma, the fight just drags on and on >.<'


It's the damage cap regrettably. Regardless of what gear you bring, Lephantis can only take 700 DPS.

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It's the damage cap regrettably. Regardless of what gear you bring, Lephantis can only take 700 DPS.

Maybe i'm wrong but i have feeling dread can do more with thunderbolt when it explodes - i had feeling that it got hit by 120-300 + critic if thunderbolt another 300-400 not sure if thats case but it felt like it. I have to check how other wep as torid and ogris do against it.

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<p>Never had problem with him, but was on rhino to be honest. Was using Strun Wraith if you are interested. Gremlins are good as well. Do not use High damage weapons like Ogris and lanka and similar. Only burst and continious damage with cap below 700.</p>

<p>Also antitoxin mod might help</p>


Well with 4 players with good aim, any setup will have you hitting the DPS cap pretty dang quickly....

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Dear OP: you are not a max level player. your frame might be max RANK. your gun may be max RANK. but i'm pretty damn sure your mods arent, your skills definitely arent, and your weapons/frames probably lack potatoes/ forma (neither of which are required but will help greatly especially with your skill level). That said, Im pretty sure people can solo with less than you AND your friends combined. Lephantis is a new boss. like raptor which requires you to DONT STAND AROUND TO BE SHOT AT. Hope that helps.


Oh another piece of advice. use both your hands. one on the mouse to aim/shoot, one on the keyboard to move. AT THE SAME TIME.  you and your friends might not find it so "difficult" to turn a 10-15 minute fight into a 2 hour long slogfest. I can practically assume you spent an hour and a half reviving each other and 30 minutes spraying at armored parts.

Edited by xenapan
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Nice not help at all, guy. I'm surprised at the amount of douchebags in this community. There were only like 5 people out of this whole post who actually posted helpful S#&$. Calling me a noob does nothing.

You need to give us accurate info like what weps you are using just because you have a decent weapon for mid-game doesn't mean you're maxed out. And please stop being so prideful

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If your group's having trouble with J2k, bring a Trinity.


In fact, if you have problems with any boss in a party, Trinity is always the best way to go. With that much invulnerability at your disposal, even the worst team will eventually figure the boss out.

Edited by TintedLenz
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What is a "max level player"


From my experience all you have to do is 1: Keep moving 2: Be aware of your surroundings 3: Use the high ground to your advantage.


Using those pretty common sense tactics, the Golem is both enjoyable and do-able. This again makes me ask what is a max level player? Clearly, there are many beyond this "max level" you have obtained.

I actually found Lephantis too easy to face as a group. Solo he is very well balanced however he is lacking for tactics for facing a Group of Tenno. All bosses should have special attacks they use versus squads.


I beat Lephantis in Private Mode using a Rank 21 Trinity, 8 Soma, 30 Seer and a 20 Glaive.


None of those items were Forma'd and none had max rank mods. I beat him in 25-30 minutes.


1. Remove the constant acid clouds that spawn randomly in the 2nd stage of the boss fight with the Golem chimera. Players should focus down the spawning head because it spawns acid clouds, and their reward is the lack of acid clouds after it's dead.

It's not random. The Corpus Head spits them out. After a head dies the "spurting" blood/flesh globs explode into a Toxic Cloud. Removing the Corpus Head is to remove the smaller infested spawners, not the toxic gas. In fact there should be a "flood the room" gas attack forcing Tenno up onto the higher platforms for a duration and perhaps giving the Dodge-Roll invlunerability frames so you can Roll through the bosses attacks ala Dark Souls.


2. There is an issue with the layout of the 2nd stage map. The main issue is item drops will get stuck under the stairways and become unobtainable. There were at least 5 health drops in one section of the map I could not grab.

That may be a valid point. Items shouldn't be able to tumble under the platforms where players cannot reach.

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So I think most people have said what already needs to be said here, but can we take just a quick step back?


I've seen multiple people, including OP, claim that if you have a more difficult time beating a boss with a certain frame, then it is the boss that is broken, not you.  This is like playing a football game where you are wearing basketball gear.  Sure you might still technically be able to succeed, but you're an idiot if you think things won't be much harder for you, and you're going full retard if you think its not your fault.  


Volt it a electric warframe.  He excels at nothing against corpus, who are weak to electricity, and his abilities are severely limited by their awfulness the infested, who are resistant, or more resistant to it.  Lephantis, who is an infested boss, should naturally be very resistant to electricity, making volt a poor choice in fighting him.  


As for the DPS cap, at face value its bullsh*t, but there is some reasoning behind it.  DE clearly does not want people able to just kill every single head as soon as it pops it, because they clearly want this to feel like a boss fight, rather than a speedbump for the level.  In my opinion, the best way to do this is simply to make lephantis have a LOT more hp, but then you would have people screaming nerf because suddenly it takes more than 30 seconds to kill him.


Anyways, as much as I hate to say it OP, the fault is really with you.

Edited by Boomstick720
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my clan squad wasted no time is dispatching the 3 heads at stage 1. That is with a level 5 Loki (forma-ed) in the squad.

yesterday. At stage 2, it took longer but we still beat it.... with all the enemies spawning left right and center.....


So, the most epic boss fight in the whole of Warframe doesn't need nerfing or anything. It is epic!

Edited by kljs
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The fight is actually really easy. Especially with a frost. None of lephantis' attacks can even get through snow globe. Not even the melee attacks. A maxed frost with redirection and vitality just keeps popping snow globes and makes a run to get energy every so often. The other frames just stay in the globe and occassionally run to pick up ammo. its one of the easiest fights in the game, it just takes a long time because lephantis has so much health and takes so little damage

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The fight is actually really easy. Especially with a frost.

So is almost every fight in the game. Frost needs redone and Snowglobe sadly needs adjusted. Frost is a Tanky-Caster but currently he is only used as a blasted dispenser of mobile invulnerability zones. Before anyone says that "but enemies can walk into the globe" I say that most enemies who get that close are instantly destroyed. Only when your swarmed by Grineer is it an issue and Grineer should be using Squad Tactics not "zerg rush" which is more the Infested modus operandi.


Even the DPS cap is not annoying with Lephantis. Each head with a coordinated team is still easy to chunk off 33% of their life during one attack. So that is 9-12 head pops to kill all 3 heads.

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I almost Solo'd the Golem my first time around with an Ember and a Soma or Strun Wraith.  It's difficult but definitely not impossible.  The only thing I dislike is the DPS cap which is utterly stupid since all that does is lengthen the time it takes to kill the sunnavagun.  

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