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Problem: Game Doesn't Balance For Number Of Players.


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Basically, the topic. It doesn't matter how many players you have, the difficulty remains the same. This means that playing with four people makes the game extremely easy, and playing it solo is essentially impossible. As someone who prefers to play solo, this game is simply not fun.

Please put in some sort of balancing.

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was playing one of the first infestation levels together with another player today. by the half of it we were out of ammo and revives. we BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARELY made it, cursing at everything, wouldn't call it a fun experience

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was playing one of the first infestation levels together with another player today. by the half of it we were out of ammo and revives. we BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARELY made it, cursing at everything, wouldn't call it a fun experience

It's because the game isn't fun in general.

I'm still going to play it a little more, because one of my friends paid $50 so he could get me and a few other people invites, so I'd feel bad if I quit after only playing for like 3 hours. But really, the prospects aren't looking good.

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If you look at the difficulty level and enemy level of each mission, you should be able to find some that fit your team size and experience. There is a wide range of missions of varying difficulty, alerts typically being the most difficult for a given planetary system.

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If you look at the difficulty level and enemy level of each mission, you should be able to find some that fit your team size and experience. There is a wide range of missions of varying difficulty, alerts typically being the most difficult for a given planetary system.

The lowest difficulty is obviously designed for groups of 2+. I am having a hard time beating the first mission solo. I just get rushed by 20+ enemies.

It also saddens me that this game appears to be heavily "pay-to-win" - all the good upgrades are accessible only with the currency you get by spending real money.

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It also saddens me that this game appears to be heavily "pay-to-win" - all the good upgrades are accessible only with the currency you get by spending real money.

That's completely inaccurate, you need to pay more attention.

Also you should do more missions in the same system to level up your warframe and weapon, only then proceeding to other ares. Your experience with the game is just ineptitude. I would be the first one to open a topic if there was a difficulty issue while playing solo.

Edited by Cyten
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Pay2win? I Picked excalibur at the beginning, didn't pay anything yet, got almost every weapon out of the shop, there is, got some blueprints from alert missions, and did almost every mission alone, because i can't play with 4 players (bad computer, frame issues)

Wouldn't call the solo part too hard, or pay2win... are you sure you shoot the enemies ?

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That's completely inaccurate, you need to pay more attention.

Also you should do more missions in the same system to level up your warframe and weapon, only then proceeding to other ares. Your experience with the game is just ineptitude. I would be the first one to open a topic if there was a difficulty issue while playing solo.

Yes, because a boost that ups the rate of your weapons and frame increasing in power being pay to win is totally inaccurate?

Maybe you should pay attention.

I'll give you an example of the last time I died. I took an elevator up. As soon as the doors opened, there were 20 enemies, and I instantly died. Fair? I want to say this is the only time this has happened, but it wasn't.

Edited by fatfree
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Yes, because a boost that ups the rate of your weapons and frame increasing in power being pay to win is totally inaccurate?

Maybe you should pay attention.

I'll give you an example of the last time I died. I took an elevator up. As soon as the doors opened, there were 20 enemies, and I instantly died. Fair? I want to say this is the only time this has happened, but it wasn't.

Pretty sure they didn't oneshot you, if they did, you were too low for that mission anyway. Press the elevator button again, door closes, come back prepared, use your skills, pretty sure you have one that clears half the room / gets their attention. Knockdown some of them with your melee if you have to. There are more possibilities, but if you only stand there, wait for your beating.. well.

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Pretty sure they didn't oneshot you, if they did, you were too low for that mission anyway. Press the elevator button again, door closes, come back prepared, use your skills, pretty sure you have one that clears half the room / gets their attention. Knockdown some of them with your melee if you have to. There are more possibilities, but if you only stand there, wait for your beating.. well.

What part of first mission did you not understand?

I was full health, full shields. As soon as the elevator door opened, they all started shooting, and I died. There was no time to close the door or run past them.

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Yes, because a boost that ups the rate of your weapons and frame increasing in power being pay to win is totally inaccurate?

Maybe you should pay attention.

If you buy a afinity boost, you level up faster, you don't level up further. The powercap is the same for everyone. You could argue that there is no reliable way to aquire reactors and catalysts yet, making that part partly p2w, but xp boosts are certainly not. All my lvl 30 gear has been leveld without affinity boosts any mostly playing solo (unless some of my friends are online and can be bothered to play a round of warframe), it's sometimes rather hard but i like a challenge.

There are certainly aspects that you could mark as pay2win, like the slot limit for weapons and warframes, limiting free players in what they can hold on at once and therefore limiting the tactical choices they have when taking on missions. Also the way to aquire reactors and catalysts for free is very luck dependent at the moment, so that could also be critizised. Affinity boosters are fine though, i don't use them, but i don't feel cheated by ppl who do... if some people have less time to play and therefore want to get more out of the limited time they can invest, plus have the extra cash... what's bad about that?

Edited by Feindfeuer
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was playing one of the first infestation levels together with another player today. by the half of it we were out of ammo and revives. we BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARELY made it, cursing at everything, wouldn't call it a fun experience

Yeah you shouldn't play Lares without a full party.

That got added recently because folks wanted to experience all the factions early on but ..... it seems that it didnt turn out as expected.

That mission isnt really balanced for such an early level. Unless you get a full party i suggest skipping it till later.

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missions are easy solo, even if you got starter warframe and weapons, its easy if you know how to play and how to upgrade you stuff properly

can do difficult 5 solo with low level warframe and weapons, just aim for the head and stay in cower, when many enemys as the same time

Edited by Bluewolff
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mercury's brutal for new, inexperienced, and poorly equiped players trying to solo. no arguement there.

but it becomes an absolute joke once you get rolling. practice, save up for a better weapon, or chill with friends while shooting all the things; and you'll get over the hump soon enough.

(on the flip side: the non-scaling-ness means you also don't have to worry about getting a full group to maximize spawns if you want to go farming mods or resources)

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Well, his first post, the one that started the topic, is actually a quiet solid one. The game does not balance the enemies and spawns depending on the number of players and this has a negative impact on the difficulty curve, both for full groups (too easy) and solo players (too hard). This of course is not always true, but especially in the beginning when you're stuck with the MK.I Braton and little experience about the mechanics, soloing is extremly hard... while on the other end of the spectrum, you're almost forced to solo or play in tag-teams if you want to get challenged.

Sure, it degraded into unfounded p2w whine rather fast, but i guess he's frustrated, and as he stated, he's not frustrated without reason. So maybe we should all just calm down a bit and start fresh. Cause i also agree that some sort of enemy increase for full groups (and maybe decrease for solos in the noob system) would be a quiet welcome change.

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Sure, it degraded into unfounded p2w whine rather fast, but i guess he's frustrated, and as he stated, he's not frustrated without reason. So maybe we should all just calm down a bit and start fresh. Cause i also agree that some sort of enemy increase for full groups (and maybe decrease for solos in the noob system) would be a quiet welcome change.

True, discussion took a wrong direction. Sorry~

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OP makes a few good points, though I'm sure the dev team will impliment a balance function soon enough.

The game is still firmly in beta, therefore the team will be working along a roadmap of desired functions that they will want tested in an order of priority that will have been set way in advance. Given that the current enemy spawn bugs seem to be exacerbate the issue, I expect it'll be fixed or altered in due time.

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Also I'd like to comment that at least for soloing, the grineer faction seems to have gotten some kind of overal jump in difficulty last patch, some of the "idle spawns" and such can get ridiculous fairly fast in an otherwise easy mission.

In other words, the devs messed with grineer spawn mechanics a bit with the last patch (I believe they actually noted this somewere, that due to people feeling that grineer were too easy and there were too few of them) and it went a bit too far at the moment.

Edited by TinFoilMkIV
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So basically, you're saying that since it's free, it should suck. Gotcha.

So basically, everyone's attempting to explain that your experiences reveal inexperience (and perhaps ineptitude). There's absolutely no need to pay actual money; I bought a founder's package only after I'd leveled to 20, beaten the difficult areas, and crafted a number of weapons/warframes. And I bought it only to support the company.

Here's the thing: you're obviously frustrated, and you're obviously intent on blaming the game for your experiences. However, it's simply not the case that the game is pay to win. It's a fact that you can easily (depending on your skill) progress without paying a dime. And you need to accept that.

As for your initial post, that's a suggestion that's worth investigating. However, realize that few have had difficulty progressing solo, and the ones that have typically don't have the experience or skills required. If it's THAT difficult, perhaps it's best to seek aid from fellow players. Personally, I'd rather the solo missions be made harder, and the coop missions harder still.

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was playing one of the first infestation levels together with another player today. by the half of it we were out of ammo and revives. we BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARELY made it, cursing at everything, wouldn't call it a fun experience

Yes, all most all of us agree on that, infestation is really hard to solo and 2 player team ! Really that Green crap is pain in the *.*

It also saddens me that this game appears to be heavily "pay-to-win" - all the good upgrades are accessible only with the currency you get by spending real money.

Ok, tell me a game where you can get every weapon in it, whether its payed with real cash or ingame cash ! Tell me a game that gives you 50 payed credits in the start, with which you can buy orkin reactor for warframe and orkin reactor for main weapon !

Yes, because a boost that ups the rate of your weapons and frame increasing in power being pay to win is totally inaccurate?

I'll give you an example of the last time I died. I took an elevator up. As soon as the doors opened, there were 20 enemies, and I instantly died. Fair? I want to say this is the only time this has happened, but it wasn't.

Stop complaining, you are given 50P, which means you can get 1 orkin reactor and 1 orkin catalyst + , you can find them, i got 2 orking reactors in last 2 day !

Elevator, its you who should listen, LOTUS clearly says, a group of enemies approching, lock N load weapons ! All you had to do was do a CHARGE ATTACK when the elevator opens ~.~ but instead you says its problem with game !

Edited by Zyfe3rX
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