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The New "seekers" Make Me Want To Quit This Game.


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Ok so these new little Grineer balls that latch onto you and stun you...terrible idea.

First it was the chain stunning.

Then it was the fact that they made single player impossible.

Now, even in multiplayer, I am stunned every 5 seconds with some crap electric animation as my teamates do nothing for 5 minutes trying to find the little ball that is attatched to me somewhere.

These things are the worst thing to ever happen to this game and are INCREDIBLY fustrating.

I don't think I can even play Grineer levels until they are nerfed or removed.

I completly disagree they add depth and difficulty at higher levels

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the stun last pretty much as long as you have shields and is kinda going against the point of the gameplay of speedy combat and ninja skills.

^ Yeah, but speedy ninja skills = You dodged it. Also, the facehugger that saps your shields lasts as long as you have shields too. This adds depth and difficulty to the gameplay, this isn't a game where holding hands should be an option.

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^ Yeah, but speedy ninja skills = You dodged it. Also, the facehugger that saps your shields lasts as long as you have shields too. This adds depth and difficulty to the gameplay, this isn't a game where holding hands should be an option.

there is a difference between holding hands and having a broken enemy though. And there are times when you are faced with 3+ of them rolling around in an open room without a good place to hide.
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The stun isn't perm. and it's easy to dodge, stop complaining.

Many of us have stopped complaining. All of my friends quit and I'm the only one playing now. Even then, I play maybe once or twice a week. Just because you don't mind something in the game doesn't mean everyone in the world should 'get over it'.

It forces everyone to play in a way that we do not want to play, who are you to judge? I think I will 'stop complaining' too, and until this is resolved, I am joining my friends on Dota 2 and uninstalling Warframe. You know, Dota 2 with a huge skill curve based on mechanics that legitimately add difficulty to a game. Where the devs don't use cheap tactics to kill me so I'll buy more revives.

Pro move devs. Adios.

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It doesn't kill you. it takes away your shields. if your friends dont come to save you, that's on your communication. It's not that I don't mind them, I find them quite irritating, but at least my friends come and rescue those who need it when they need it. Not sit on the forums and complain about a mechanic that just makes the game harder, and heightens your awareness to what's going on around you. You said it yourself. Who're you to judge.


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It doesn't kill you. it takes away your shields. if your friends dont come to save you, that's on your communication. It's not that I don't mind them, I find them quite irritating, but at least my friends come and rescue those who need it when they need it. Not sit on the forums and complain about a mechanic that just makes the game harder, and heightens your awareness to what's going on around you. You said it yourself. Who're you to judge.


It drains your shields and leaves you sitting there eating damage while everyone unloads on you. Everyone is forced to hold eachothers hands, because it's the same as getting downed. 3/4 of your team can easily get incapacitated at one time. You can no longer dive in and rambo everything like a ninja, you have to stand back with your team and progress through very carefully and slowly, and constantly turn to help your mates instead of actually fighting.

It changes the gameplay from "I am a ninja, and I can rape everything before you can even blink, because that's just how bad-&#! I am" to "HELP ME GUYS! GUYS! HELP! PLEASE! I'M HELPLESS AND EVERYTHING IS KILLING ME!!!!" it completely robs the game of the experience that drew many of us in to begin with.

When a lvl 30 Loki with top-of-the-line gear and max level mods is getting shat on when running E-Prime, Earth, there is clearly a balancing issue.

Edited by FreakyChakra
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You do realize almost all the Ubers can be used to destroy them, specifically, the AoE damage ones. And you shouldn't be able to run in and Rambo 100% of the time, otherwise this game wouldn't be about the Tenno, it'd be about Rambo.

And If I'm partied with a lvl 30 Loki, with top of the line gear that didnt trick those stupid balls with his Decoy, well, I dont think I'd want to anymore.

The Tenno are space ninja's sure. But they arent invincible. Sleeping in cryo, becuase I assume, they have limited life cycles. The current enemies in game are on a roll to destroy Tenno, and apparently they have succeeded here and there. So I dont agree with "Tenno are super space god ninja's RAMBO RAH!"

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Difficulty? Taser balls add to the difficulty alright. FAKE difficulty. As have been said many times before, any enemy that takes away the player's control of their character for long periods of time is a horrible concept. Sure, the game should be challenging. The Tenno are space ninjas, but are by no means invincible demigods. But no matter what an enemy does, no matter how powerful it is, the player should be allowed to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. Traditionally, players getting stunned or immobilized in any way could at least button mash to get out of it, and anything that either does massive damage or have severe debuffs would have fair warning before the attack starts, such as by a longer more noticeable animation or a loud unique sound.

Right now, the taser balls, or "Nervos", are fast, hard to hit with anything less than an AoE, and the moment they touch you you're screwed and have no chance to recover. The only known ways of killing them effectively right now are hiding on a box like a wuss or using your Ult. The first breaks the run-and-gun pace of the game that was what defined it from other shooters to many of us, and the later isn't available to all warframes, not to mention an Ult costs 100 energy per use. Yes, you can deal with them. But a good enemy doesn't just require the player to use some specific way to "deal with" them. A good enemy is challenging, but also fair. It doesn't just remove control from you and not allow you to fight back the moment it hits you even once.

Take the special infected in Left 4 Dead for example. They also take control away from you if you let them pounce you, but they always give very fair warning before they attack. You can hear their prescence from a mile away, they're human-sized, the same speed or even slower than the player, and easy to shoot at once you see them, and before they attack they even make a loud special shriek that's easily recognisable so you have a chance to dodge, and even if you do get pounced your teammates can free you with a simple shove without having to look for a tiny ball attached somewhere that's smaller than a hand! And even then you're playing as a normal human against dumb zombies, not a friggin' space ninja against space marines and robots!

The Nervos are a creative concept to motivate teamwork, but they are way too much overkill at the moment. A solution, would be to give them a "priming delay" before activating, just like the Latchers, which don't immediately detonate even after they latch on to you. This gives players a chance to get them off before they start stunning them. And even if they don't notice it on them in time and it starts stunning them, players should be allowed to either play the hacking mini-game to detonate it, or expend 25 energy to overload and detonate it. They are punished for not being more observative and noticing the ball in time, but not to the point where a single mistake immediately screws them over. That would be fair difficulty.

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Okay, well they can do whatever they want with their game. Their player-base will suffer as a result. There are mechanics that add difficulty through strategy and gameplay, and there are mechanics that just completely ruin a game and aren't fun. You can argue all you want, the fact that everyone is saying they are quitting as a result is evidence enough. A 5 page thread called "I want to quit because _____" created 5 days ago is a red flag.

People complaining is a good thing. It means they want the game to be fun for them again so they will stick around. It's when they stop complaining when you need to worry. And, inevitably, many of the people who quit will move on and never look back. TTYN

Edited by FreakyChakra
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But no matter what an enemy does, no matter how powerful it is, the player should be allowed to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

INB4 "you can do something about it. Stop sucking"

Reading the rest now. Kudos for the well thought out & lengthy response. I will edit and reply as I read along.

would have fair warning before the attack starts, such as by a longer more noticeable animation or a loud unique sound.


I didn't even know what the hell was hitting me for quite a while, I thought maybe a new grineer was added with a taser or something. I also, just today, noticed that when people are stunned there is a tiny ball attached to them. May as well be a termite.

A solution, would be to give them a "priming delay" before activating, just like the Latchers, which don't immediately detonate even after they latch on to you.

I would like to propose a few more solutions on top of this.

- Make them much larger, maybe 'pet sized'. Something akin to this http://image.shutter...ot-60931969.jpg

Or this http://1.bp.blogspot...0/6+%281%29.jpg (A cybernetic version of a face-hugger, so to speak)

- Make the stun duration much shorter

- Make a simple button mash break you out. Honestly, I still have no idea if mashing buttons helps you escape.

- In light of all these changes, it would not be unreasonable to raise the shield-draining DoT

Simple balancing changes will change this game from borderline unplayable and not fun at all, to an interesting and annoying new enemy that would add depth to the game and punish you for forging ahead/leaving your mates behind. I am a little annoyed each time I see a patch released without so much as acknowledging the issue. We all feel ignored.

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Uh, TLDR; on that post. Problem is, It adds a curve ball to the multiplayer. You can shoot the ball off the person, learn to aim, and look for the only bright glowy ball thing on the char. It's a MULTIPLAYER FEATURE. If you don't like it, don't play MP.

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In response to Madotsuki. You have a well written post. Unfortunately, not everyone else in here does. There are people here that want it removed entirely, just becuase its too inconvenient for them to play with. There are options to not have it in your game, but you have to solo. You can hide on boxes from them, use an ult to remove them. You can also shoot them off, though I guess that requires to much in the way of player ability. Yes its difficult, but its doable. You can also melee them off if they arent in a messed up and unreachable position. The games is built on the premise of team work from what I have read, and if your partners cant take a few seconds to remove them from you, its your fault for playing with people like that.

There have also been other posts, including my own that have stated they would like to see various things that might make them less "cheap and game breaking". But those have been contested and labeled as "just deal with it posts". In all honesty, if you want to make the game better, dont make a topic filled with "QQ, this x mechanic is too hard, remove x mechanic or I for sure know for certain that this game will fail". Its hardly constructive, and helps this games community even less.

I should have avoided it in the first place when I noticed the topic was in all capitol letters. Does this forum normally have so many squeeky wheels?

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Many of us have stopped complaining. All of my friends quit and I'm the only one playing now. Even then, I play maybe once or twice a week. Just because you don't mind something in the game doesn't mean everyone in the world should 'get over it'.

It forces everyone to play in a way that we do not want to play, who are you to judge? I think I will 'stop complaining' too, and until this is resolved, I am joining my friends on Dota 2 and uninstalling Warframe. You know, Dota 2 with a huge skill curve based on mechanics that legitimately add difficulty to a game. Where the devs don't use cheap tactics to kill me so I'll buy more revives.

Pro move devs. Adios.

Okay, guys? Guys? Hey, c'mere a minute. Got somethin' to tell ya.





The Devs placed these and many more enemies in the game for us to, oh I don't know, TEST THEM!!! You all act like they've already fully released the game and everything that's been added is completely permanent! Yes, complain about certain aspects of the game. Tell the Devs that something is too easy or too hard or too aggravating. But don't sit here and freakin' accuse them of trying to make you buy more revives....ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY REFILL EVERY SINGLE DAY, AND THEY ARE INDEPENDENT OF EACH OF YOUR WARFRAMES. *breathes*

I just don't understand this...Betas are here for us lucky few to test a game's mechanics before a company releases it....and yet already we have so many whiners...so many naysayers bawwing salty waterfalls about the things they were chosen to test....Jesus, people. Grow a pair and realize just what you're actually here for: BETA TESTING THIS GAME.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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......I just don't understand this...Betas are here for us lucky few to test a game's mechanics before a company releases it....and yet already we have so many whiners...so many naysayers bawwing salty waterfalls about the things they were chosen to test....Jesus, people. Grow a pair and realize just what you're actually here for: BETA TESTING THIS GAME.

You are right. That was immature of me. I do apologize. I hope that if they do read this, they take it as a compliment that this feels more like a final release than a game in developement.

Again, sorry. I'm a Dota player. It's the internet capitol of nerd rage LOL

In response to Zeally, people are not complaining because they want it removed completely. People are complaining because it takes such significant effort to the point that the little bastards are basically the center of the entire game, and you spend the entire game hiding from them, dodging them, and quivering in fear. We want to run around and be free, it robs the game of the fluid movement and level progression we have all come to know and love.

I will practice civility from now on. Sorry to everyone I spat verbal diarrhea all over XD

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