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About Divinehero

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  1. ..condescending much? also ur missing the OP's point ENTIRELY.. no other frame has to constantly spend energy to maintain their DR buff for them it's cast and forget... i have the same issue with ember.. the sustain cost gets FAR too high and u have to sacrifice alot to maintain it and ember's not exactly durable so if ur running high enuf content u'll basically explode from dropping that DR for even a bit not to mention once u've had immolation up long enuf/cast enuf u have to either basically dump ur energy pool into fireblast to get it back down to a managable level or disable and re-enable it which again is suicidal in higher lvl content
  2. so.. wait wait getting logged out every 1-3 days is a FEATURE?! what kind of silly move is that i've never seen a forum site do that in the 20+ yrs i've had an internet connection i mean i ONLY visit this site on 1 computer and always use the same browser
  3. i mean sure but ember cna strip with a much longer range
  4. ikr.. it's what kills the gun for me i prefer to ADS when firing and having to start firing BEFORE i aim annoys me cuz they for some insane reason made it only fire 2 shots per when aiming.. if the lockon shots did ALOT more dmg maybe but as is? it's total garbage
  5. saaaame it's getting so very old and it's getting on my nerves that DE refuses to say anything
  6. i could get behind somethign like that maybe w/ some small penalty attached for balance? i dunno
  7. i'm convinced DE flat out doesn't care anymore about this
  8. should try aiming at the engines for crew ships at least for the grineer ones.. artillery shot to the engines is a OHKO
  9. still no fix for the flickering UI elements?
  10. yea it seems to be getting worse.. and it's insulting that DE refuses to say anything
  11. it's happening every couple of days now
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