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Orokin Vaults Screenshot Challenge!


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Drakenreiter as Ash










I'm pretty obsessed with getting the perfect screenshots in games and I don't usually do it at all unless I can get rid of the HUD because that allows me to get these clean screenshots. I'm leaving the other screenshots under the "BEHIND THE SCENES" spoiler because I feel like they still need to be seen as well. Whoever is/are the judge/s for this contest can if they want choose whichever ONE of the total screenshots I'm leaving here, but I chose the first one of all the screenshots because I thought it fits with my little story here, the one that pays homage to Garrett, the thief, by quoting him.


Drakenreiter Nekros as Nekros


Nekros asked me to tell you this, Megan:










This screenshot wasn't planned, but when I saw it I got reminded of the really cool scene from the Dead Pool game (click above to see that), so I went with this idea! The difference is that the roles are kind of reversed here, hehe. Also, I don't want to seem like I'm obsessed with you or something, just trying to give some story to the screenshot, is all.


My big problem here is deciding which one do I want to be my screenshot for the contest. I just don't know, I really don't since Iove both of these ideas I came up with. So again, I'll leave this to the judge/s. Of all my screenshots only one can be counted and I'm only putting these 2 as contenders. A part of me says: "The first! THE FIRST ONE!!!!!!!!", while the other screams: "Look at this Nekros beauty of a screenshot! LOOK AT IT!!!!!!". I can't choooooooose!!!!!!


I hope this will be worth something, be it platinum or the joy of someone else seeing the screenshots. Cheers!

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Attention Tenno, Discover The Vaults Screenshot Challenge is now live!


Explore the cavernous halls of the Orokin Derelict ships and discover the secrets it holds by finding the Vault door. Take a screenshot of yourself/squad in front of the Vault door inside the Orokin Derelict ship. Post it to this Forum thread to enter into a draw for Platinum prizes!



Your screenshot must include your Warframe in front of the Vault door to be a valid entry

Your screenshot must be posted in this forum thread to enter the draw

Include your Alias in your Screenshot Forum post (include Alias names of team members in the shot if more than one player)

Prizes will only be awarded to those who are in the screenshot

*You do NOT need to enter The Vault. Simply standing in front will suffice.

Each player can only win one Platinum Prize. If you are in numerous winning Screenshots, you will only win 1000 Platinum.

One Submission per person




1,000 Platinum to the 5 winning Submissions

5 screenshot winners will be drawn at random. (If screenshot includes more than one player, all players in the screenshot will receive the prize)


Contest will start Friday October 11th at 3 PM EDT until Tuesday October 15th at 3PM EDT.


Post Submissions in this thread ONLY.


Get creative with it Tenno!






Attention Tenno, Discover The Vaults Screenshot Challenge is now live!


Explore the cavernous halls of the Orokin Derelict ships and discover the secrets it holds by finding the Vault door. Take a screenshot of yourself/squad in front of the Vault door inside the Orokin Derelict ship. Post it to this Forum thread to enter into a draw for Platinum prizes!



Your screenshot must include your Warframe in front of the Vault door to be a valid entry

Your screenshot must be posted in this forum thread to enter the draw

Include your Alias in your Screenshot Forum post (include Alias names of team members in the shot if more than one player)

Prizes will only be awarded to those who are in the screenshot

*You do NOT need to enter The Vault. Simply standing in front will suffice.

Each player can only win one Platinum Prize. If you are in numerous winning Screenshots, you will only win 1000 Platinum.

One Submission per person




1,000 Platinum to the 5 winning Submissions

5 screenshot winners will be drawn at random. (If screenshot includes more than one player, all players in the screenshot will receive the prize)


Contest will start Friday October 11th at 3 PM EDT until Tuesday October 15th at 3PM EDT.


Post Submissions in this thread ONLY.


Get creative with it Tenno!

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