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Warframe: Depowered (Medieval Frame) [6/26: Warframe: The Iron Age Sneak Peek! Ember, The Pyromancer]


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This should be alternative skins, they are AMAZING!


Haha, thanks! One can hope, but I doubt it would come out. But I can already imagine how it'd look like, in my mind. Mmmmmmmmmm. @_@ ~ <3

Looks amazing, Kinda gives me a Dark Souls like feeling when looking at them. Doing a great job keep em coming!

Haha thanks, dude! It does have that sort of feels, because I loved what they did there, and I just love medieval stuff. Heavily influenced by D&D, Dark Souls and medieval armor! Berserk helped along the way, too. ;)

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Remember, that there are many Ten'ou, all can be of any House, Clan, Guild, Legion, Tribe, etc, but their appearance will differ from one another.

Actually, the Ten'ou in this canon are unique: there's not that many of them, and their influence currently resides only in the current realm and the Void realm.

It takes a while to flesh out the whole canon, but for the most part, these are exceptional individuals that are rare and powerful, recruited by The Lotus.

Not many are worthy; Not many are Void-touched; Not many survive.

Literally, out of the chosen hundreds from the whole planet, only a handful survived.

These are the Ten'ou.

They're normally spread very thin, but they travel far, and travel fast. They take individual missions, assassinations, covert ops, cutting supply lines, rescue, based on the situation, commands given, and their chosen field of specialisation.

Only rarely do they converge; they gather to face a threat far larger than any one Ten'ou can handle.

And even then, they travel light: they avoid detection, attention, and they keep themselves a myth. Two if they need a partner for an exceptionally important or dangerous mission; three if they confront bastions and need intricate planning; four if they need to destroy an army.

Never more than four are seen, as no threat has been so great that four Ten'ou couldn't accomplish it. No more than four are needed to destroy an assault of a thousand men.

The Grin'ea know this as well, so seek constantly to trap lone Ten'ou in bait missions and other devious means; never have they chosen direct conflict after The Great Plain Massacre: a great battle on the Red Fields, where four Ten'ou, caught between two Grin'ea general armies after a daring challenge, laid waste to two battalions. Thus, giving the Red Field its name.

How the Ten'ou did it, no one knows: many who have seen it do not live to tell the tale. But amongst those rescued, some whisper of daemonic magic: one moment there, one moment not; fire and brimstone, forming from air; enemies turning on their allies, as brother shed brother's blood.

Yet some swear upon angelic blessings: a guardian shield; a light that spares them from harm; a guiding path that only they could pass.

But regardless of whether they are angel or demon, one thing is certain: the Ten'ou are dangerous. And they are not of this world.

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I must be the one of the few remaining Frosts there are then :3

Haha! All Ten'ou are like Tigger: they're the only one!

The setting is sort of on Earth, actually. But I haven't worked it out entirely yet. It's definitely alternate dimension Earth. Will need to ruminate on that.

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Haha! All Ten'ou are like Tigger: they're the only one!


If there can be only one. What about the Primes? Would there only be one Prime for each, I guess you could say 'entity' or 'variation' of Ten'ou? If so, I would like to be depicted as a Frost Prime please :3 HUZZAH.


EDIT: I am forever, Frost Prime. High Ruler of the house, Frost. And Winter will forever be coming.

Edited by NZGamer
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If there can be only one. What about the Primes? Would there only be one Prime for each, I guess you could say 'entity' or 'variation' of Tenno? If so, I would like to be depicted as a Frost Prime please :3 HUZZAH.

Have I mentioned the Ten'ou don't speak? XD

And they're very much their own person, with no variants as yet. You could say they're the prime of things to come.

They'll change aesthetics a little throughout the story, that's for certain. But a whole new outfit is a little out of the question, since these are their most comfy pajamas!

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No matter what happens in this world you have grown from the soil, I will always be Frost Prime. 



He's my favourite frame.

;_; *tear drop*

That's beautiful.

I'm a Loki guy myself. ^^

... maybe I should write the story first and draw it later. At this rate, it'll never get finished in comic form.

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I'm waiting for Rhino... I can imagine heavy plate armor like a Space Marine.



but hell... surprise us, OP.

I'll be honest, I played with both ideas. :x

A barbarian style or a full-blown tank on two legs. Will have to see how the sketches turn out!

But the reason I wanted it to go barbarian style is cause.... Rhino is African.

No surprise there, though, right?

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this could actually be a pretty damn awesome Alternate Skin / Cosmetic thing to add in warframe. it looks MAGNIFICENT  and damn i love it o.O


Haha, thanks! ^^


It's actually on hiatus... For a while. Exams are pouring in, and I'm almost in the midst of it. One in two more days. After that, it's two weeks of suffering, and off to a job. 



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