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Warframe: Depowered (Medieval Frame) [6/26: Warframe: The Iron Age Sneak Peek! Ember, The Pyromancer]


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Just wanted to make you aware of how hard I'd pour money into buying these if they were alternate skins or something. I love how you work around their existing designs to create unique and believable armor while keeping a very specific theme. Some of my favorite art in all of the Fan Art forums right here.

Edited by Red-Lynx
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Thanks! Haha, totally flattered. But, man, you're the first comment in a week! I'd have thought no one actually comes here anymore!


But yeah, I do have a specific country in mind when I design them! See if you can guess which one Frost is from ;)  When I do all sixteen Warframes, there'll be a guessing game. First right answer gets a piece of art of whatever they want. Figure after a dozen more designs, my art should be good enough for a request!  +_+


Would be sweet if there ever were skins for these, but I think DE wouldn't likely do it: It's just too out of place for their Universe! Would love it if they decided to do an open-world fantasy game, though. Lush, green forests. Rolling hills. Desert plains. Frozen mountains. Fields of grass. Then hordes of steel and wood coming to get you.


And dragons. 


I have a comic in mind after I design all 16 Warframes, which will be the limit, and I'll also need to design a few other things before I begin. Primarily the antagonists and side characters. I'm drafting a really short plot before expanding. THAT will take a while, though. I foresee a couple months before I even begin, at best.

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Yeah I wouldn't expect to see these in-game at all. If they did appear, though, you can bet I'd get them.


I'll definitely be looking forward to the rest of the Warframes and especially the comic. Can't wait to see some Ember and Nyx goodness.


As far as Frost's armor, no clue. Given that you note it as a Crusader concept, though, I'd guess at French or English. Possibly something relating to the Holy Roman Empire.

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Haha, Italian? I love their food, but that's a little out of there!


Frost is actually German. As German as I can make him, anyways. It's a little hard to guess, but I based his armor off some German knights. 


I would definitely love to see these in the game, really. Love capes, cloaks and armor. But I've never actually played any Assassin's Creed after the first, sadly, so I'm sorry if it doesn't look too original. After Frost, I think the next in line will be Banshee, Trinity and Nyx, so at least half your wish came true ;)  

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Thanks! Lol, but that's true:I didn't adhere to a strictly ninja design, except for Ash, since he was the only ninja designed Warframe in... Warframe.

In a way, that's partially cause in this sense I started to see them less as ninjas in this setting and more as adventurers, warriors, mages and yes, even the classic ninja.

Haha, also cause I think they'd look cooler in armor, and ninja clothing is rather limited in style and variety.

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The Tenno... aren't just space ninjas yes its the term they use but its a generality and a short hand term to sum up the Tenno... they aren't JUST ninjas

They are suppsoe to represent a culmination of various warrior stlyes into one order.


The Tenno are clearly suppose to be Ye olde warriors for the space age.


Hence the Middle Eastern/Hindi looks to Loki, Roman Gladiator to Rhino, Greek Archer for Banshee -etc etc-

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Well, seeing as ninjas are also equipped with full plate mail and power armor, the only thing that distinguishes them from any other warrior is their mask, and a distinct asian style of weaponry! :P

I agree with FrostWolf on his interpretation. Rhino himself isn't a very subtle warframe, as you know.


Interesting, though. Most of those games from where the ninjas came from have even less stealth than Warframe! And that is saying a lot.

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Haha, Italian? I love their food, but that's a little out of there!


Frost is actually German. As German as I can make him, anyways. It's a little hard to guess, but I based his armor off some German knights. 


I would definitely love to see these in the game, really. Love capes, cloaks and armor. But I've never actually played any Assassin's Creed after the first, sadly, so I'm sorry if it doesn't look too original. After Frost, I think the next in line will be Banshee, Trinity and Nyx, so at least half your wish came true ;)  

Aw, hes german? his look said italian to me :( 

stupid frogmouth bastinet, making me think italian :c

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Haha, you'd be right there, FatViking! Very good try, it was exactly the kind of helm I referenced.




I used the Frogmouth bascinet indeed, but apparently the Germans used it, too. I based it off that, on my research of medieval German weaponry. I came upon the Frogmouth helm first, though, long ago, and just thought it suited Frost. That, and Knights and their shields reminded me of Snow Globe, a defensive, protective shield in Warframe. So, I made Frost a Crusader, or in fantasy terms, a Paladin. I'd make his shield even bigger, but I think it'd be unwieldy.

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Close! Very good guess! Nyx is the Greek Goddess of the Night, or the "Night Mother", thus the title. ;)


Haha, Trinity isn't going to be a Spartan, though, that's for sure! Judging by the earlier post, she'd have to be a bikini girl. I haven't entirely decided what I want Trinity to be, but I have an idea of how I want her to look, so I'll go with that first. She's supposed to be the tank/support role, though, so I'll be designing based off that.

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Close! Very good guess! Nyx is the Greek Goddess of the Night, or the "Night Mother", thus the title. ;)


Haha, Trinity isn't going to be a Spartan, though, that's for sure! Judging by the earlier post, she'd have to be a bikini girl. I haven't entirely decided what I want Trinity to be, but I have an idea of how I want her to look, so I'll go with that first. She's supposed to be the tank/support role, though, so I'll be designing based off that.

Valkyrie! do her as a Valkyrie :D

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