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minimalistic, compact solo player Dojo plan


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On 2020-05-28 at 8:45 AM, Egdot said:

Hello Tennos,

I am thinking about starting my own clan & dojo. Found this nice online dojo planner and spent some time arranging things. But it's all theoretical. Did I miss something? It's all about functional design to spend minimal resources.

Both builds start with a reactor at the place of the later dry dock. Elevator is optional for expansion

Layout 1 - Minimal Symetric

Layout 2 - Minimal Compact

Feedback is welcome

Naaaah.... minimalistic dojo is ugly... large ulta-decorated, symmetric dojo with also an interesting lore in background is what you need!

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If you are making a path that will be traveled often it is my opinion that Gardens > Hallways. For one, it looks better. But if you are worried about min/maxing it is also faster to be able to run diagonally if you are turning left/right. At this point I use gardens instead of cross connectors (and even sometimes straight hallways) whenever I have the opportunity.
Also I appreciate the lack of large halls, their size can be nice for decorations but if you want to keep things simple/clean they aren't the play.


This is my set up, ideally I would have had the Drydock on the opposite side but stuff on the other floors intersected. Also a special note is that the main hall (room between the large gardens) is a relic from the old dojo tileset.


Top Floor



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The most important thing (for me) is to have a Trade Kiosk right at the Dojo Entry. If I could change anything in my Clan's dojo it would be to move the Kiosk RIGHT THERE so I can spawn in, take 2 steps and trade.

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