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How About Fixing The Host Migration Problem!


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Letter13, on 15 Oct 2013 - 9:29 PM, said:

I imagine that would introduce a slurry of potential security vulnerabilities. What's to stop a savvy hacker from fooling the game into thinking it lost connection to the host, only to inject different, boosted values of X, Y or Z?

No more than are already existent with the current system then. A savvy hacker could just run an intercept on the data they are receiving from the host and adjust the X, Y, or Z of each resource as it currently stands, if the information is unencrypted or if the encryption has been cracked. Or the person hosting could be running the intercept and sending it to the clients, etc, etc. The current system is no more secure than the alternatives, but the current system does have the joy of frustrating users, so that's something.

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TL:DR Connection/netowork/hosting is major problem to fully enjoy Warframe.
Dear DE, Dear Community. We have to do something about it.

Aside of strict NAT problem that can be resolved by portforwarding n such...
we have

"Session is full" error when its clearly not full.
"Session unavailable" Why?
"Host migration" and splitting group into 2 parallel sessions.
"Connection to the host lost" on best connections, ultramegawesome routers and golden jacks.
"Offline friends" when they are online.

Ridiculous situations like:

player 1 is a host.
player 1 invite player 2,3,4
player 4 cannot join.
Everyone relog.
problem still persists.
Suddenly player 2 invite player 4 to session that is hosted by player 1.
it works.


How to fill these blanks?

Now, we all hear that "you're working on it, you're aware of these problems"
I'm not moaning here.
I'm simply asking- How we, players that suffer from these problems, can help you solve them?

This game has great and huge community, and i already met a lot of really smart guys n gals n here.
I believe if we all try to find a solution, we may succeed.

What we need?
in order to fix the problem, you need to know whats causing it.
How we- players that have these problems can deliver you the information you need?
for example:

Problem X.

Router YYY
Type of network ZZZ
Operating system MSxD

Router AAA
Type of network AAA
Operating system MSxD

Router BBB
Type of network BBB
Operating system MSxD


Router CCC
Type of network BBB
Operating system MSxD

Maybe we need a tool to deliver you reports like that?
Maybe special section of the forum?
Maybe someone who has a knowledge in this manner could throw here some ideas how to diagnose problems?

All i know for sure is, these problems cause me a lot of stress instead of enjoying Warframe.
Not only i want these problem solved. i want to help.
i believe many of us do.

If you agree, Upvote for attention.
Share this with clannies.
Give your opinions, ideas, comments.

Lets fix it.

Awesomeness!  Very well written
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Be patient and help DE help you.

You're a joke. It's almost U11 and they still haven't got their matchmaking issues under control. Patient? How many years do we have to wait until we get fixes to fundamental game problems?


Fall through floor in dojo? fixed next patch

Hand clips through rifle? Fixed next patch


Can't connect to your friend across the street? Oops sorry guess you can't team with him ever. 

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Agreed. We are playing Warframe from cb, we could play normally first, then these "session full" errors pooped up, than somehow everything went back to normally, than we couldn't play with our cousin, we couldn't see him online. 2 months ago, he bought a new router, which fixed that issue, now, with that "Vault" update, when i'm playing with my brother, who lives in the same house, right next to my room, we always get host migrated looks like always within the first 5 min, and i can't join to my cousin again. As i said there were times when we could play normally for months/weeks, and there's nothing changed from our side so....

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This is not an isolated incident (or occurrence) - it i so commonplace that all we need to say is "host migration" and everyone knows what your talking about. It needs to be addressed, I agree - now. The beta phase of a game (well actually the alpha stage) is supposed to be the part where you iron out the bugs, but there seems to be more of a concern with adding features while ignoring the bugs - or getting to them "when we get to them". The total focus should be getting the kinks out, and AFTER THAT, adding features to the game. Its not the OP who is the only one here - his post is representative of the majority of players out there, and hopefully this issue is not on the bottom of any todo list, as it is very serious.

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This is not an isolated incident (or occurrence) - it i so commonplace that all we need to say is "host migration" and everyone knows what your talking about. It needs to be addressed, I agree - now. The beta phase of a game (well actually the alpha stage) is supposed to be the part where you iron out the bugs, but there seems to be more of a concern with adding features while ignoring the bugs - or getting to them "when we get to them". The total focus should be getting the kinks out, and AFTER THAT, adding features to the game. Its not the OP who is the only one here - his post is representative of the majority of players out there, and hopefully this issue is not on the bottom of any todo list, as it is very serious.


Thank you, I feel like this post has really been going unnoticed and you're right, if "host migration" is a common place phrase that everyone knows at this point.. this is beyond "bug." I think maybe there may be a larger issue here that may potentially be the reason for the delay in addressing it.  If one person "hosts" a mission then that person loses connection or internet, or Heaven forbid the game crashes, because that "host" is now gone the "hosted" game is null.  At least that appears to be how they have programmed it.  They would have to scrap that entire process of hosting and revert back to the NORMAL mmo process of instanced gaming where the GAME is the host.  Not sure how that would effect their servers, but it would certainly require a lot of new code.   


But it's about time DE hear the concerns of their players.  They are very concerned about a lot of things and seem to care about their players.  However NOT addressing some seriously wrong fundimental issues with their game is not caring, it's lazy and neglectful.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I see this issue all over the freakin place. Between this and recent insanely bad lag that has become common place, you have to wonder what in the world is their priority. Seeing that some of these issues are launch old is disheartening and the same reason i left The Old Republic long before it went F2P(with its god awful restricting system).


Know whats sad?


My friends in Serbia can't even connect to each other normally, they have to wait for me to get on to host for them. And i live in Arizona , USA, thousands of miles away. They live a few houses away from each other. It's BS.

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I feel the same way as some of you i gained a ton of xp putting credits and resources aside i play for the gameplay and playability and to level up and then to lose all that xp cuzz of an A****** host ditching or just cuzz it wants to host migrate me out of my friends session when  everything is going perfectly fine cuzz its 4 friends and no one left.... and we got host migrated anyway???????????? what the F*** is wrong with developers FIX IT OR GET SOMEONE TO FIX IT JUST GET IT FIXED ALREADY it makes the game unplayable just like the doorway glitch so you can't walk through it because theres an invisible wall....... -eyebrow twitch- FIX IT 

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Me and my friend is currently have this extremely anoying problem. Connects fine, runs fine for like, what, 10 seconds or maybe a bit mor, then BAM, Host Migration. Both our internet connection are great and works fine, so what is the problem? We never had this problem before.

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I'm glad the "fixed" the part that keeps people from losing their xp and what mod's they've gained, but still, the entire hosting process is as huge issue.  One that apparently DE isn't willing to fix.  I imaging this would be too much work to over haul their entire system to change the "host" to themselves making their servers host so that people aren't removed from the void or the group if the "Hoster" disconnects.  


Or what about the fact that there IS no disconnection.  Both, internet connections remain completely stable, with Ventrilo confirming this stabilization by showing the constant ping rate and NO delay's.  Still "Host migration"... and in things like defenses and high level bosses there is no WAY a solo person is going to finish just to keep said xp or mods.  


It's a total crock.  I'm SO sick if it.

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Unsure if this was mentioned but if you do a mobile defense/spy/deception mission and the person carrying the datamass disconnects, the missions is unplayable.


This is from a couple of times the same thing happening with a host that ended up d/cing due to bad connection or being spiteful.

Edited by Glaice
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Unsure if this was mentioned but if you do a mobile defense/spy/deception mission and the person carrying the datamass disconnects, the missions is unplayable.


This is from a couple of times the same thing happening with a host that ended up d/cing due to bad connection or being spiteful.

This happened to me just a few hours ago. I was carrying the datamass, then host migration happened. The datamass just disappeared, and we couldn't finish the mdef.

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Unsure if this was mentioned but if you do a mobile defense/spy/deception mission and the person carrying the datamass disconnects, the missions is unplayable.


This is from a couple of times the same thing happening with a host that ended up d/cing due to bad connection or being spiteful.


I had that happen myself, only when I  host migrated I was rampaged and died... as soon as I died the datamass disappeared and I couldn't complete the mission.  I was pissed, had ran all the way through the HUGE map I was on, back to the beginning in hopes that MAYBE it had reset there.. nope.  Had to abort. Such an massive waste of time  


Hell I even Host migrate now IN THE MUTLIPLAYER MENU just because I'm still on the team!!  Seriously?  I've host migrated from the damn Dojo.. and There IS NO host for that.. 


It's crap and instead of fixing playablilty, here they go crapping up the damage, nerfing the players buffing the enemies... MAKE THE GAME PLAYABLE, because farting around with the damage types ISN'T what makes the game playable.


Stability is what makes it playable.

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I can say for sure that you don't keep items or credits if you get Host Migrated, If i'm kicked back to the main menu I lose everything. If I get into my own game I still keep a few things, but definitely not everything. Granted that I'm not on the wrong side of the survival map after 30mins all by myself...




Edit: Something else my friend noticed, we entered into a special mission, she was host. Game loads up, 1 more person joins and everything is working fine. I get a 10 second freeze for no reason then Host migrated into my own game.  What my friend noticed was even worse, like within a second of it saying I disconnected I was immediately replaced by 2 random people.


This is begining to make me think that the matchmaking system itself glitches and removes people to be replaced by more acceptable connections, sometimes just to fill the vacany. Having players host the game is a very FLAWED way to play online, it has been for years and never works correctly. Failure at its finest.

Edited by Crytei
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I made a new topic about this, and might make one in general discussion. This is outright unacceptable on DE's part. I'm not giving them anymore money, and probably not even playing at all anymore until they fix this issue and other outstanding problems.

Right now they seem completely focused on getting the game out to PS4 and creating fluff content that is progressively breaking the game even more because they're not keeping the bugs in check. All they want is money. And if a mod actively suppressed this topic by moving it from wherever it was, then they're probably not intending on fixing it.

I've seen this happen with far too many MMOs and I'd advise everyone to stop putting money into the game, because at least you'll save yourself the grief when the game is ultimately no longer enjoyable for you, because they're definitely not using your money to fix things that are effecting you as a customer.

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