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How About Fixing The Host Migration Problem!


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I made a new topic about this, and might make one in general discussion. This is outright unacceptable on DE's part. I'm not giving them anymore money, and probably not even playing at all anymore until they fix this issue and other outstanding problems.

Right now they seem completely focused on getting the game out to PS4 and creating fluff content that is progressively breaking the game even more because they're not keeping the bugs in check. All they want is money. And if a mod actively suppressed this topic by moving it from wherever it was, then they're probably not intending on fixing it.

I've seen this happen with far too many MMOs and I'd advise everyone to stop putting money into the game, because at least you'll save yourself the grief when the game is ultimately no longer enjoyable for you, because they're definitely not using your money to fix things that are effecting you as a customer.


The game is still in its beta for a reason, and it is up to us the players to report any form of glitches, bugs, problems and more so DE can improve the game and make everyone happy.The host migration problem is, ofcorse, a frustrating problem, but saying all this wont make it better.


I suggest that you talk about these problems as professional as possible, and it be easier for everyone.

For now, they cant focus on everything at the same time, so give them time and you will see it be fixed eventualy. Good things comes late as some say.

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The game is still in its beta for a reason, and it is up to us the players to report any form of glitches, bugs, problems and more so DE can improve the game and make everyone happy.The host migration problem is, ofcorse, a frustrating problem, but saying all this wont make it better.


I suggest that you talk about these problems as professional as possible, and it be easier for everyone.

For now, they cant focus on everything at the same time, so give them time and you will see it be fixed eventualy. Good things comes late as some say.


As someone said before, when they started regularly charging people for microtransactions and such this game ceased to be a "beta" in any sense except what they call their build version. The closed beta is over, and the true beta is also over. This is true for every game out there now, the word beta is complete meaningless these days.

And no, this is a gamebreaking issue that is directly effecting many people playing this game. This is a severe technical problem that has been overlooked and should have been fixed on day one that they received reports of the problem. Some people aren't even able to play, others won't play because nearly every mission they run is a pointless waste of time, and many people have to play with the constant worry that proceeding further than they have to will result in them losing everything they spent the time trying to get.

They're adding fluff to the game, like the Darvo updates to facilitate more platinum purchases and kicking off their PS4 integration, not paying attention to what's actually effecting their customer base.

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As someone said before, when they started regularly charging people for microtransactions and such this game ceased to be a "beta" in any sense except what they call their build version. The closed beta is over, and the true beta is also over. This is true for every game out there now, the word beta is complete meaningless these days.

And no, this is a gamebreaking issue that is directly effecting many people playing this game. This is a severe technical problem that has been overlooked and should have been fixed on day one that they received reports of the problem. Some people aren't even able to play, others won't play because nearly every mission they run is a pointless waste of time, and many people have to play with the constant worry that proceeding further than they have to will result in them losing everything they spent the time trying to get.

They're adding fluff to the game, like the Darvo updates to facilitate more platinum purchases and kicking off their PS4 integration, not paying attention to what's actually effecting their customer base.



They will hammer out all (or atleast most) of the bugs and gltiches soon, just have patience (Burn down my house if so please, but i have the patience to wait if it is needed). But certainly, its a problem yes, but last time i had the host migration problem was quite a long time ago, but for some people it is a pressistant problem, and for that i am sorry to hear. Often, Host migration problem happens if, for example, 2 computers have the exact same IP adress, and now, how in the name of Hayden Tenno is that possible you ask? Well, its simple.
From time to time, my friend Dtiberiuz comes over for LAN play, and the only way to do so, is to share the internet via my computer (my computer acts as the server basicly).
Thus sharing even the same IP. I dont say that this is the only reason for host migration, but it is one of them.
Now, if we report this bug (if we had) they will hammer those out the best they can, but some things are impossible to fix unless there is no connection problem,
such as people using this so called orange internet or whatever.
And certainly, DE is doing their best to pay attention to the customer base, but it is very difficult, even for a full team since they are very busy.
Edited by Cebius
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Despite whether or not they are trying to focus on certain issues, with the way this game has started lagging over the last week or so and how it continually gets worse everyday, something is degrading/failing with the game.  Having player's host the games is something that has been quite terrible and has a very long history of providing terrible experiences in any video it was used in.


DE needs to try an alternative to player hosted servers otherwise people won't want to come back. I plan to keep on playing because I really love this game but it's beginning to just flat piss me the hell off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This HOST MIGRATION bull$#@% needs to be addressed NOW.  I've submitted a ticket, I've taken your 15 different steps to address everything from submitting my EE.log and Launcher.log to changing the settings on my own router!   THIS IS NOT A USER ISSUE! I don't know how many ways myself or others can tell you this before it gets addressed.  I have host migrated out of countless missions and wasted hours of time, lost thousands in components/resources, mods and credits.   This issue should be in the forefront of your newest latest and greatest updates.  NOT in retiring health packs and weapons or encrypting your loot tables.


So, here I am, the Key carrier, the new orokin mod holder... and WHO GETS HOST MIGRATED TO THE MULTIPLAYER MENU??   Losing EVERYTHING in the process... the time, the money, the mod, the resources..



I have quit games for wasting my time .. well.. guess what this is doing?

This needs to be fixed now! Not tomorrow, not next year or at "launch" but NOW!



I just began to play this game... since it is in beta I expected bugs... and yes I got what I asked for... HUGE LAG SPIKE after finishing a game then a black screen of death waiting for players sign blinking below after finishing a mission endlessly forced to USE TASK MANAGER TO KILL THE SOFTWARE... being kicked out from the game half way and loosing everything,... makes me want to quit and come back if everything is sorted out. War thunder is calling though. Atleast I do not experience lags as bad as warframe in that game :/ 

Edited by imrandaredevil
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  • 3 weeks later...

Revoking that thread as DE still seems to have no interest into caring about this problem.


In the last weeks I had many many host migrations. In the small gaming community I am one of the few ones that provide a bandwidth that can handle hosting for three other players. They experience no bandwidth related lags, except on high level survival missions with lots of entities. But sometimes it happens, that on the loading screen the game decides that for whatever reason someone else has to take over the host. Then, you have to check out the doors whether or not it passed to another user that has a sufficient bandwidth, as a little sign aside the hosts user name seems to be asked too much. It did no host migration because the network connection is a problem but for arbitrary reasons that are located in the code of the game.

Then, at other times, some players just host migrate out of my or another users game into their own instance, again mostly during the loading screen. Sometimes also the host switches between the remaining players. And again this is not because of their network connection, as it works just fine at every other moment.

It happened a few times, that in the middle of the game, a player host migrates out of your game into his own instance.

Host migration is a pest and as you seem not to be able to fix it, remove it entirely from the game. If there is a problem with the connection, let the players time out and rejoin, but don't you dare giving the host to the one with the worst connection over and over again!


Another thing are random hard and soft crashes that kick you out of the game. The player surely is not responsible for this and can't rejoin the game if it was a Orokin Void or Orokin Derelict mission, that should be fixed, integrate a "memory" for the user so he can reconnect into games he normally couldn't join (including completed objectives) and proceed with all his pickups and stats he had at his time out.

Edited by TheAnnoyingGunner
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Seriously, I can't play three missions in a row without bad lag/disconnects. The game just decides to disconnect me at random intervals. I can even chat with my buddies in Ts while I watch the game die, thanks host migration. Makes void/defense/survival really fun.

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Same here. Seems to be a rather persistant issue, isn't it?

Well, here's to hoping it gets addressed soon! Even regular mission runs are frustrating, to say nothing of void runs, where the stakes are higher.

Oh, DE. If you guys need any help, it's completely fine to admit it and maybe ask the community for help. That's the one thing all of us can agree on, I think, regardless of what feature, faction, clan or weapon we support.

I dream of a perfect Warframe some day.

And it has got flawless multiplayer.

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The problem here is their network code is messed up and therefore it also messes up the game for a lot of people. Be patient about what? This wasn't a problem before the last few months. If thats not enough u get laggy switches between menu screens and it even gets stuck so u have to quit the game and restart to 'fix' it. This doesnt happen just on 1 isp or connection but multipal.


I don't see a comment on here from DE. (unless i may have missed it) which means they either dont care or dont have a clue how to fix it.

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Guys... dont you get it?... its not a bug... its a feature of the game... it was designed to do this... jks



yeah its been happening to me too... 2 of my clanmates whom i've been gaming with readily for 3 weeks now suddenly cant connect to me... every time it says (failed to connect) or unable to join session or unable to invite to sesion...


i know its not my pc... my pc i literaly built last month... I know its not my internet or router because i've had my internet company test them from their end and even send a technician (whom because there was no problem charged me 20$) semi fortunate for me the issue has only just started... unfortunately the issue has started... I've tried reinstalling, i've tried installing from steam, direct from the site... de nada... for a 100% free to play game without even a RL money store i'd expect this... but before these issues cropped up I made the mistake of purchasing the inferno prime package... within a week of doing that the issues cropped up... what is this... i give you money so now its ok to mess with me?

I can understand taking a few weeks to get the bug fixed... but this realy should be on the top of your list to resolve...


and also...  in the words of chriss griffon... whhaaAATT?!? there was an issue with the dojo where people could fall out of it?!?!?... they fixed it?...

BUT THERES THE SAME ISSUE IN VOID KEYS AND THEY HAVNT? does the "phrase does not compute" apply here? last i checked dojo keys dont get used up when you enter the dojo but void keys do... yet the dojo gets resolved and void doesnt?!?.


(none of this was typed angrily fyi just jokingly at first then confusedly afterwards)

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I haven't been able to finish a single mission since 11.8 every single time I join a mission I end up loosing connection to host and getting punted back to the main screen. The only missions I can finish are solo. If I invite people they all end up getting punted before we can finish the mission.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I haven't been able to finish a single mission since 11.8 every single time I join a mission I end up loosing connection to host and getting punted back to the main screen. The only missions I can finish are solo. If I invite people they all end up getting punted before we can finish the mission.

Since the last patch I´ve the same issue here. Was running fine without any bugs before....

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  • 1 month later...

Geez,first i have failed to join session,i fix that with evolve,and know what do i get?A ******* HOST MIGRATION problem which happens every freakin mission,it makes wf unplayable cus i cant do any high lvl missions on my own and why dont they fix this,they knew how to create this game and that means they should know ho to fix it.

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one of my worst experiences with host migration was doing trading. 


I joined another person's dojo to trade, the screen loads and HOST MIGRATION


I trade with the person in the middle of the trade, HOST MIGRATION


I completed the trade, about to type "cheers", HOST MIGRATION


I go to my escape menu and try to leave the dojo, HOST MIGRATION


The game crashes, my comp black screens, had to reboot my computer.


Really hope this problem gets fixed, along with "failed to join session" or "connection to host lost" 

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i don't know if this might help? But i'll try, so this keeps happening to me too, tho my only guess that causes this to happen is the region that you are in. Check you Region in the settings and try switching regions everytime until it suits you. If it still doesn't work, then who knows? Maybe they'll have an update soon! Just to help you with it, i sent a ticket regarding to it too. So let's force them to fix this crap out... (Or also the matchmaking ping limit is low)

Edited by TheProsperousPirate
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Started a new account to play around.  For the first time in a while I have been required to join others or have others join me to finish missions.  This host migration has happened every time.  Is there a fix?

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It seems only possible to play solo now.  The host migration error keeps either booting me or dropping everyone else from my games.  ANyone have any insight?  Have missed out on two OR give aways.  The last time in defense on last round... really discouraging.

Edited by mpastor
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Past few days i've been getting this like CRAZY. Before it was intermittent at worst, and rare at best, but now it's every other freaking game, and most of the time it just gives up on the whole migrating thing and boots me back to the main screen.


I just got booted out of a 15-minute long Defence on Ceres, which was going so well, thanks to a dude with a tricked out Nekros. Absolutely raking in the beacons and then PBBBT host migration, everyone back to the main menu.


Fortunately, it seems to have remembered everything I picked up, I can't be sure but i'm pretty sure I didn't have 150+ Omega Beacons before I started the mission. If this is a consistent fix (keeping everything after getting booted) then it takes a bit of the sting out of it but massively annoying nevertheless.


While I understand P2P hosting is easier for DE, I really do hope they look into getting actual servers for Warframe, so we can say goodbye to Host Migration. In the future, Tenno friends. In the future ..

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Sick of it aswell. You either lag, get disconnects or cant invite people. Thats the worst since League of Legends beta, when you had no friend lists and couldnt see people at all. Here you can see them, but can invite, play or do whatever else with them.

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