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A Few Things I Think Everyone Is Generally A Little Irritated With.


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for your laser door dilemma do a slide slash attack through the beams.  i've tested it across all my frames, and never have a problem getting through even witha galatine equipped. 


Your other points are fairly valid, but this is more of a rant.   Help them by giving constructive feedback on what would help to remedy problems.  Just a suggestion if you want to see it help out.

I'll try the slide dash, thank you.


As for this being a rant, you're right it is but some of the "fixes" are mind-numbingly simple. Mutagen samples: put them back to the way they were or increase drop-rate. Laser doors and knockdown time: get rid of it/decrease amount. Etc, etc, etc. Something's can be so simply fixed or like the ammo boxes, just left the way they were.

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I actually kind of like the new gear. You can't use it the same way you could use the old ammo boxes where you just use it when you run out of ammo, you use it if you can tell that you're going to run out of ammo.


I agree with the rest though.

To each their own.

I can see the benefits in a specific situation such as a defense mission where you're not going anywhere, then yes. However, even if you "plan in advance" so to speak as to when you're going to run out of ammo, you're still left standing there on a pad while everyone else is rushing forward getting all the kills.

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Khranitel, on 13 Oct 2013 - 10:22 PM, said:

Because this is exploitable, plain and simple. Destroy some rooms - kick everyone - become shadow clan - build whole dojo to the roof at much cheaper cost - invite everyone back. Voila.

How is it any more of an exploit than the current system? As it currently stands a small group could start a fresh new clan, build everything cheap, then invite a boat load more people. Oh, wow, whole dojo built on the cheap. Big whoop. The cost may get cheaper, but the only ones who can contribute to the cost are clan members.


And a smart new clan could continually rotate members via kicking, inviting new resource laden members, and keeping the barracks small until everything finishes. Then again, big clans don't really need to worry about cost as much anyways, so why bother with the hassle?


Allowing tiers to downgrade does not lead to any form of exploitation, but it does punish clans for any flagging interest in Warframe, and that is not a good way to retain players.

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EDIT: Laser doors.

WHY. WHYYYYYYYY, why do I have to deal with these stupid things?!? It was bearable when you had that ability to time a slide just right to get through them, BUT NOW YOU CAN'T EVEN DO THAT. Any you know what? Let's go ahead and throw knockdowns/recovery time into this category. I'm a bloody space ninja, in a bloody powersuit, I think I should be able to ninja flip up pretty quickly, not take 5 seconds to slowly meander up off the floor while I'm being shot at. POINT BEING, stop trying to slow down a fast-paced game with stupid mechanics such as these.


You can still go through laser doors. When I don't see the camera I charge with full speed in them, lose my shield, drop like a stone, but than I get up and continue like it was nothing.

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You can still go through laser doors. When I don't see the camera I charge with full speed in them, lose my shield, drop like a stone, but than I get up and continue like it was nothing.

It's the falling down part that irritates me. Slowing down a fast-paced game is not cool if you ask me.

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Compared to: Stalker not droping those damn Despair, even thought, I kill 3~4 bosses and than wait for him and after I defeated him I go kill another 3~4 bosses, warfarme ability mod drops, easy to kill sentinells or the fact that we have no live information feed about our sentinell; the fact that mutagen samples drop only in delerict(I now farm, with a(one) friend or by myself, delericts for vaults so I went  from 0 to ~90 in one weekend) or that corpus ships have automatic defenses (I kinda like the wall deployed MOA, free ~600 afinity with doubling bonus) doesn't bother me that much.

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I agree with the idea of making the Orokin Derelicts something to come back to, because yeah, you're right, once I got Nekros I never went back there. The vaults was a good idea for getting to get people to come back, but as you said making them a grind for mutagen samples is a huge negative. Also, I agree with the adding of things orokin, maybe bp's to "lost orokin tech" or something along those lines could be implemented too, but as it stands, it's no bueno.


As for the ammo packs/pods, that's my point exactly, nobody uses them!

To the first , the great mutagen drought is really hurting clans , a lot of mouton clans are really hurting due to research requirements. Heck alot of player are taking a break and poking there heads up every update , to see if things have gotten better . 


As for the ammo packs  just try to craft 10 of them ; punishing . Worst yet , the fact that they act like nerfed ver. of the  old ammo packs . What's really galling is that the new players won't ever know  how the working ammo packs were. 

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On the subject of the pods, the problem I have is they're static and have a "reload" time, making it difficult for them to be viable in a game that is very fast-paced.

The mutagen samples I have a problem with because they were TAKEN AWAY from the players. I completely agree that this could be easily remedied by the drop rate and size being increased, but it hasn't. They have simply been made scarcer RIGHT as new Infested weaponry was released no less.


So? We hardly need them to begin with, there's plenty of loot all around. Just don't use it when you have no ammo left whatsoever (preventive resupplying). 


And you're being overly dramatic with the mutagen sample: We got the resources the way they are now because it's the only maps we had until they add more. We are in Beta and DE is completely in their rights to make tilesets special due to their resources. Presumably, as more tilesets come out, the localization of the resource will change again to fit DE's vision of the game. 

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For me it's one word: Hellions.

Haha, while I do agree Hellions are annoying, they don't seem to be so prevelant in the game as to need a change, in my opinion. I think roller balls are worse the hellions but I'm pretty sure those are never going away.


I'm talking about things that more adversely affect the game.

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