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Is DE going to be supporting more causes?


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23 minutes ago, (NSW)Greybones said:

Jaded towards one side only, huh? 🤔 I can agree that only so much can be seen in a video, that’s why I suggested looking into the peaceful protest (implying “look into the events surrounding it”). The video doesn’t show (example) why the protest was broken up, to find that out would require additional research. Make of it what you will, but I recommend you arm yourself with knowledge

It sounded like you wanted me to just watch the video caps of it, hence why it looked jaded, sorry for that assumption on my part. The surrounding reasons for the break up of that protest isnt that hard to find "reason" in. The president wanted to visit that specific church and walk his way there. Of course the crowd would have to be dispersed for the head-honcho of the country to be able to walk safely from A to B. It doesnt matter who that person is, it is their right to have their safety secured. So in my book, all is good there.

What should be questioned regarding that whole thing isnt so much that the law enforcement dispersed a peaceful crowd, but instead why the hell did Dumbty decide to take a stroll across that route. The police did their actual job in the case since it was a "national security" situation. It didnt look like anything was out of the ordinary in the way it was handled since the objective was to disperse the crowd, which seemed "resistant". Some gas was used and someone got a little slap happy with a nightstick. It isnt like the crowd got fired upon with rubber bullets or charged down by mounted officers. IMO it was handled fairly well by both sides to be honest. Though I wouldnt be surprised if Tweety had the route planned with the intention to disturb the peace or further fuel the situation into turning violent. I dont trust that man(child) one bit regarding anything.

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Since this thread has devolved into personal attacks and bickering, I am locking it.

To the OP, we are happy to support causes all across the globe, and have done. We try to support as many as we can, year-to-year as well as our players who likewise do charity drives. I am glad that this year, we have the honor of being able to support a cause that resonates with you, and we hope to help others in the future.

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