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I Think We Need More Free Warframe Slots Tbh...


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It would never end. If you had four you'd fill those up and think why not six. Next year when there are more warframes, maybe you start thinking eight is good. Warframe slots are inexpensive, frankly you get enough to get what you really want. If you've leveled two Warframes to 30 and you still don't want to pay a few dollars to buy a few more slots, too bad. I don't think you're whiny just reality hits here I think.

Edited by Davante
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It would never end. If you had four you'd fill those up and think why not six. Next year when there are more warframes, maybe you start thinking eight is good. Warframe slots are inexpensive, frankly you get enough to get what you really want. If you've leveled two Warframes to 30 and you still don't want to pay a few dollars to buy a few more slots, too bad. I don't think you're whiny just reality hits here I think.

Where is the harm in having more slots? The entire F2P system is built around having lots of happy players. Not a few smug, already paid players.

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There are many f2p games which do not allow more than two slots. One for a main, one for an alt. I think that if you make a purchase though(even if it's the smallest amount of the in game currency) your account should be upgraded to allow for an additional weapon and warframe slot. But as far as fully free slots go, two(and whatever the weapon slot lock is) is enough.

Edited by ZEDD
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Come to think of it, DE already made a lot of concessions, f2p wise. They could have locked some of the more powerful weapons into plat-only (like some f2p games I've encountered in the past) and left f2p players with the dumbed-down versions, same with warframes. But they chose to have everything craftable (although with a lot of effort); plat here is mostly for convenience. The only plat-locked items they do have are the warframe and inventory slots. I think having it at two is enough. After all, even if you say the f2p system is built around happy players, the other side of the coin is that developers also need to make money to produce more content. You can't ignore one just to favor the other.

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Seeing as how they give you 50 plat it's more than adequate to just give 2 Warframe slots and 8 Weapon slots for fully f2p. Warframe slots are 20 plat per while Weapons are (iirc) 12 for 2.

Honestly if you enjoy playing with every Warframe imagineable then it should be no trouble for you to buy some slots. Heck, 75 platinum is (iirc) $5. That's 3 slots right there. You're telling me that in a game where you apparently enjoy playing it enough that you play as every character available, you can't afford to spend $5?

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Come to think of it, DE already made a lot of concessions, f2p wise. They could have locked some of the more powerful weapons into plat-only (like some f2p games I've encountered in the past) and left f2p players with the dumbed-down versions, same with warframes. But they chose to have everything craftable (although with a lot of effort); plat here is mostly for convenience. The only plat-locked items they do have are the warframe and inventory slots. I think having it at two is enough. After all, even if you say the f2p system is built around happy players, the other side of the coin is that developers also need to make money to produce more content. You can't ignore one just to favor the other.

How's LoL doing?

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Indeed I think 4 is reasonable. I was thinking about that lately.

Most people don't get past that? I don't know, maybe. I'm at 5 right now and building 2 more, so it woudln't actually make a lot of difference to veterans. If you play the boss maps regularly, you can get frame parts even without trying (since as we know, we get them when we aren't looking for hem) so why not build them.

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The problem with the $5 argument:

There are 10 frames in the game for now, if you want to try all of them you need 8 slots. A frame is pretty useless without a reactor, so you need 10 reactors.

That's 360 plat.

Then there are 8 weapon slots, okay let's say that's enough. A weapon without a catalyst is even more useless, so you need 8 catalysts, i.e. another 160 plat.

So, 520 plat for starters, at the start you get 50, still need 470.

The closest is 570 plat for $29.99.

What happened to the "Can't you afford $5?" And you still need to craft every one of those things. In a game where apparently the whole point (besides shooting stuff) is leveling up and getting new stuff, I think paying $29.99 just for the rather basic stuff isn't exactly free.

Nobody denies the devs their need to eat and pay the bills, but seriously... Slots? Make a pink gun with a cool decal and sell that.

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The problem with the $5 argument:

There are 10 frames in the game for now, if you want to try all of them you need 8 slots. A frame is pretty useless without a reactor, so you need 10 reactors.

That's 360 plat.

Then there are 8 weapon slots, okay let's say that's enough. A weapon without a catalyst is even more useless, so you need 8 catalysts, i.e. another 160 plat.

So, 520 plat for starters, at the start you get 50, still need 470.

The closest is 570 plat for $29.99.

What happened to the "Can't you afford $5?" And you still need to craft every one of those things. In a game where apparently the whole point (besides shooting stuff) is leveling up and getting new stuff, I think paying $29.99 just for the rather basic stuff isn't exactly free.

Nobody denies the devs their need to eat and pay the bills, but seriously... Slots? Make a pink gun with a cool decal and sell that.

And giving people four free slots would fix this? How?
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You tight wad broke kids at it again? Askin for free handouts and using the "it's f2p I should get everything" line again?

Listen kiddies, you seem to forget that this game isn't some crappy korean f2p title that's published and funded by a huge benefactor.

We've been over this before when you all asked for more orikin BPs. What did DE do? They gave you a better drop rate. Now you're on about wanting premium items like frame and wep slots? Wow you guys really cross the line don't you? Everything for nothing, is that it?

DE has been more than generous to the handful of you that insist you wont spend one red cent on this game to support the devs but want 100% access to all content.

Get real...

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How's LoL doing?

They signed a contract with some Chinese company that pays for everything.

Anyway, you get fity plat at the start of the game, you can get one slot after buying a reactor for one frame.

The problem with the $5 argument:

There are 10 frames in the game for now, if you want to try all of them you need 8 slots. A frame is pretty useless without a reactor, so you need 10 reactors.

That's 360 plat.

Then there are 8 weapon slots, okay let's say that's enough. A weapon without a catalyst is even more useless, so you need 8 catalysts, i.e. another 160 plat.

So, 520 plat for starters, at the start you get 50, still need 470.

The closest is 570 plat for $29.99.

What happened to the "Can't you afford $5?" And you still need to craft every one of those things. In a game where apparently the whole point (besides shooting stuff) is leveling up and getting new stuff, I think paying $29.99 just for the rather basic stuff isn't exactly free.

Nobody denies the devs their need to eat and pay the bills, but seriously... Slots? Make a pink gun with a cool decal and sell that.

So your argument is based on you being the Flash and having a computer or computers just as fast that lets you level all frames and weapons at the same time, right?

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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The problem with the $5 argument:

There are 10 frames in the game for now, if you want to try all of them you need 8 slots. A frame is pretty useless without a reactor, so you need 10 reactors.

That's 360 plat.

Then there are 8 weapon slots, okay let's say that's enough. A weapon without a catalyst is even more useless, so you need 8 catalysts, i.e. another 160 plat.

So, 520 plat for starters, at the start you get 50, still need 470.

The closest is 570 plat for $29.99.

What happened to the "Can't you afford $5?" And you still need to craft every one of those things. In a game where apparently the whole point (besides shooting stuff) is leveling up and getting new stuff, I think paying $29.99 just for the rather basic stuff isn't exactly free.

Nobody denies the devs their need to eat and pay the bills, but seriously... Slots? Make a pink gun with a cool decal and sell that.

Isn't exactly free...

Funny thing that word "free". I hear it tossed around a lot. Nothing in life is 100% free. Something has to be paid for at some point. If you don't agree with this then you're in for a rude awakening when you hit the real world kiddo. This game is fueled 100% on the revenue they make off of the market, so NO, you wont be seeing cosmetic items only being sold for plat.

If I was a dev and I gave you 100% access to my game, how much business do you think cosmetic crap alone is going to drive? Hell I can almost garuntee you'd be one of those people to play this game and then walk away when you're bored without giving one flying F*** whether or not the game was going to have enough resouces to continue it's growth.

29.99 to enjoy a game AND support it's development is ONE HELLUVA DEAL. How much you spend on average to go to one 2 hour movie hmm? More than that probably...Here you're getting hours upon hours of entertainment for one small payment.

You little weebles need to get over arguing the principal of F2P and start looking at the big picture here. If you don't want to chip in and help out, then &!$$ off! You don't deserve a damn thing. Sounds harsh but that's reality. You people come off like homless beggars to me...can't stand you.

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The problem with the $5 argument:

There are 10 frames in the game for now, if you want to try all of them you need 8 slots. A frame is pretty useless without a reactor, so you need 10 reactors.

That's 360 plat.

Then there are 8 weapon slots, okay let's say that's enough. A weapon without a catalyst is even more useless, so you need 8 catalysts, i.e. another 160 plat.

So, 520 plat for starters, at the start you get 50, still need 470.

The closest is 570 plat for $29.99.

So you want everything for free that people who support the game and keep it alive get? Are we still talking about fair? What about next year when there are twenty frames do you want slots and weapon slots as well? Frankly you want more for free who doesn't get that, but DE also wants to keep this game running and make a small buck or two. These two aren't mutually exclusive but theres a thin line that connects them.
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If I was a dev and I gave you 100% access to my game, how much business do you think cosmetic crap alone is going to drive? Hell I can almost garuntee you'd be one of those people to play this game and then walk away when you're bored without giving one flying F*** whether or not the game was going to have enough resouces to continue it's growth.
"Kiddo" yourself. First, I'm self-emplyed so I actually know the value of money without having to toss it around. Second, among other things I work for a company which creates a free product with some premium options. Hundreds of thousands of free users, realtively few paying users - and guess what, it's the most popular product on the market, can sustain the company including the programmers and testers and whatnot, and is actively being developed. And want to know the best part? NOT A SINGLE COMPLAINT ABOUT PRICES. Not a single one. EVER.

Moral of the story? It can be done right.

So you want everything for free that people who support the game and keep it alive get? Are we still talking about fair? What about next year when there are twenty frames do you want slots and weapon slots as well? Frankly you want more for free who doesn't get that, but DE also wants to keep this game running and make a small buck or two. These two aren't mutually exclusive but theres a thin line that connects them.

See my reply above. If you have so many users *@##$ing about one thing, you're probably doing wrong.

What do you guys think Google or Facebook live from, when you can use those products completely free? You think the employees of those companies don't eat?

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There are many f2p games which do not allow more than two slots. One for a main, one for an alt. I think that if you make a purchase though(even if it's the smallest amount of the in game currency) your account should be upgraded to allow for an additional weapon and warframe slot. But as far as fully free slots go, two(and whatever the weapon slot lock is) is enough.

Friend ...

Must not be diluted snot on the subject - "I paid the money - let others pay too." I want to remind those who pay - pay nothing to poke it, and that others were able to enjoy the game for free and ... Although to some extent.

I know many people who want to play this game, but do not want to pay for that either ... The game does not get extended methods available for free. I think this is probably less, well, it is in terms of free players.

Perhaps support the idea of slots for the levels, these levels and so take a real crap ... for 3 days do not get experience.

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