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demolista amalgama nivel 100-150

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como mato los demoledores en misiones de interrupcion a nivel 120 en el camino de acero? ni con mesa los llego a matar antes que exploten y falle la defensa, es frustrante, probe hasta rubico con chroma, excalibur etc, pero no llego a matarlos.

alguna recomendacion?

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29 minutes ago, 0Andres0 said:

How did he kill the Demolishers in interruption missions at level 120 on the steel path? I don't even kill them with a table before they explode and the defense fails, it's frustrating, I even tried rubico with chroma, excalibur, etc., but I didn't kill them.

Any recommendation?
(Google Translated)

You can just gun them down with Mesa or use Scythes or Pennant's heavy attack bleed to kill them. Magus Lockdown pins them in place.

Google translated into Spanish:


Puedes matarlos con Mesa o usar Scythes o el sangrado de ataque pesado de Pennant para matarlos. Magus Lockdown los sujeta en su lugar


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